Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Planning Commission Meeting was held on Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 5:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Katie Reiling, Ed Dunn, Rick Fischbach

ABSENT: Michelle Meyer, Dick Glatzmaier

The meeting was called to order at 5:32 p.m.


Motion was made by Katie Reiling to approve the minutes of June 21, 2016, second by Ed Dunn, all in favor and carried.


Motion was made to open the public hearing.

Paul Hughes was at the meeting to discuss the fence ordinance. Mr. Hughes said that he drove around town and there are a very small number of fences on riparian lots. He explained that his neighbor would like to put a fence up all the way down to the lake. He doesn’t feel there has been an ordinance addressing this issue because there hasn’t been a problem in the past. Corey Nellis was present at the meeting and discussed other fences in town. Katie Reiling stated that we allow fences on non-riparian lots. She explained that it doesn’t seem fair that every other area of the city can have a privacy fence but if you have a lot on a lake you are not allowed to have any kind of privacy fence. Amy did talk to the building inspector briefly inquiring if this restriction is seen in other cities. He stated that he does not see this in other cities. Amy also checked with Shannon Sweeney who helped write the zoning ordinance and he was not aware of cities that had restrictions on privacy fences on riparian lots. It was discussed that this could possibly be a type of discrimination to property owners. The question came up of whether or not we have to be as restrictive as the County ordinance.

Public hearing was closed at 6:17 p.m. by Katie Reiling second by Ed Dunn.

Motion was made by Katie Reiling to recommend to amend the fence ordinance to include language that would include a 25’ setback from the OHWL and also the stipulation that a fence will only be allowed 25’ from the foundation (measured from the side closest to the lake) of the principal structure. This would include all fences and living walls, second by Ed Dunn, all in favor and carried.


The Planning Commission made the changes to the wording in the R-3 and C2 zoning districts which now will include storage buildings. The Planning Commission will not allow storage (shipping) containers in an R-3 zone. A Conditional Use Permit will still be needed in the R-3 and C-2 districts that will allow the Planning Commission to put restrictions on the Conditional Use Permit. Amy will make changes to the ordinance book and a public hearing will be held in August along with the changes to the fence section of the ordinance.


A memo was handed out detailing the possible sale of Even’s property for a Montessori school. The planning Commission reviewed the R-1 section of the ordinance which allows as a permitted use for a private educational institute. Under the Home Occupation section this type of business would fall under the the “Special Home Occupations” sections because of the teaching which customarily consists of more than one pupil at a time. Due to the fact that they are not living in the home, the Planning Commission feels that a “Special Home Occupation” license may need to be issued by the City.

Motion made by Ed Dunn to close the meeting, second by Katie Reiling, all in favor and carried. The meeting was closed at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted

Amy Pease