Mitchell Brook

Primary School


Anti-Bullying Policy

2015 - 2017

‘Inspiring the minds of tomorrow to be confident life-long learners’

This policy has been developed through a consultation process with staff, parents and pupils. The policy has been developed to ensure that staff and parents/carers are clear about the seriousness regarding bullying and the Anti-bullying Education that pupils receive their educational entitlement.

Anti-Bullying at Mitchell Brook Primary School is an important aspect of pupil's education and is concerned with informing children honestly and appropriately so that they make safe choices later in life. Anti-Bullying includes planned opportunities to support the development of their self confidence and relationships, enabling pupils to participate happily in the wider community. It promotes an understanding of the range of family groups and other people who contribute to providing children with the care, love and support they need to grow.


At Mitchell Brook Primary School we encourage and support pupils to:

  • Take responsibility for their action and the consequences of actions
  • Develop positive relationships with other pupils and adults within the school community
  • Raise awareness of the impact of bullying
  • Promote anti bullying awareness to create a safe and secure learning environment


  • To acknowledge and compliment the role of parents as key educators, to liaise with, and work in partnership with them.
  • To enable children to develop feelings of self-respect, self-esteem self-confidence, sympathy and empathy.(To respect their own bodies, opinions and attributes and those of others)
  • To provide clear and accurate information about the impact bullying, gradually increasing age appropriate detail.
  • To generate an atmosphere in which pupils can ask questions, discuss matters and seek support without embarrassment or fear, knowing that their worries will be taken seriously, and is sensitive to the needs of everyone involved.
  • To counteract misleading myths gained from the playground, peers, adults or media.
  • To promote caring relationships and the idea of mutual responsibilities within these relationships.
  • To develop an understanding of other's beliefs, needs and feelings.
  • To develop skills that will enable them to make informed choices both now and in the future.
  • To provide information on agencies that can provide support on health related issues
  • To understand and respect differences and similarities between gender, culture, religion, ethnicity and sexual orientation
  • To recognise and challenge gender stereotypes (Please refer to Equality policy)
  • To be able to use basic techniques to resist pressure and be able to use assertiveness skills
  • To help young people understand they have rights and to increase communication skills about such matters.


Anti-Bullying awareness will be covered in Personal Development learning, circle time discussions or assembly talks. Children are taught by their own class teachers or invited external agencies. In some cases teaching assistants or Learning Mentors will support the delivery of lessons. All staff are committed to delivering the learning and, if external agencies are used, pupils will be adequately prepared.

As with all purposeful teaching, a balanced range of methods is employed, but with the emphasis on active learning methods which involve the children’s full participation. Approaches will vary with the materials to be used and the objectives of the lessons but will generally be pupil centred, interactive and involve discussion and group work. There will be sensitivity to individual's special needs, ensuring that resources used will enable equal access to all.

Key Stage 1

  • Explore definition of bullying
  • Explore types of bullying
  • Distinguish between bullying and unkind acts
  • Who can help/who to talk to
  • How a victim of bullying feels

Key Stage 2

  • Identify an accurate definition of bullying
  • Explore types of bullying
  • Why people bully?
  • What to do if you are being bullied?(Who can help/who to talk to)
  • Explore the role of bystanders
  • The impact of bullying


The school is committed to working with parents and carers to ensure ALL children are safe and free of bullying. All matters of bullying will be taken seriously and dealt with in a sensitive manner to all parties involved.


Teachers should encourage all pupils to discuss their concerns with an appropriate adult. Teachers should make it clear to pupils the level of confidentiality that they can offer, unless the child may be at risk. (We are a TELING school).

Due to the guidelines in the Child Protection Policy, teachers cannot offer or guarantee absolute confidentiality. Teachers need to be aware that effects of bullying, which brings an understanding of what is, and what is not acceptable in behaviour, can lead to disclosure of a child protection issue. Pupils need to be reassured that their best interests will be maintained.


Pupils come from a variety of backgrounds and are entitled to learn in a safe and supportive environment. Some pupils use behaviours associated with bullying as a way to harass other pupils. This is unacceptable and will be dealt with as any other form of bullying through the school's behaviour policy. (Please refer to Safeguarding policy) An understanding of human difference is an important aspect of education and will be dealt with in a sensitive manner.


Overall responsibility for this Policy is with the Named Governor for Anti-Bullying.

The governing body is responsible for:

Authorising the Anti-Bullying Policy and any subsequent reviews of the Policy and ensuring that the terms and ethos of this policy are followed.

The Personal Social Health Education Co-ordinator is responsible for:

  • Writing and updating the Anti-Bullying Education Policy and Scheme of work in light of initiatives and change, and monitoring the development of the subject throughout the school.
  • Guiding and supporting teachers in this subject, to include refresher training for Anti Bullying.
  • Co-ordinating external agency support for Anti-Bullying..
  • Support and monitor the effectiveness of the planned and delivered curriculum for Anti-Bullying.]
  • Co-ordinating classroom practices and guidelines across the curriculum and ensuring the development of subject skills.
  • Auditing and monitoring resources throughout the school to ensure that there are sufficient age-appropriate and ability-appropriate resources for effective teaching and learning.

The Head Teacher is responsible for:

Ensuring that the terms and ethos of this policy are followed.

Other members of the staff team are responsible for:

Following the terms and ethos of this policy.

This policy is a working document and will be reviewed every two years.

Last reviewed: 12.4.15`

1 / Mitchell Brook Primary Anti-Bullying Policy 2015 -17
1 / Mitchell Brook Primary Anti-Bullying Policy 2015 -17