Pursuant to due call and notice there of the Southside Township Board of Supervisors met in a regular meeting on Tuesday, June 01, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at SouthsideTown Hall, Wright County, Minnesota. The following members were present: Chairman E Marty Ferguson, Supervisors Phyllis Latour and Maynard Nilson and Clerk/Treasurer Carmen Merrill. Also present: Dave Ferrell, Robert Frappier, Loren Frappier, Jeremy Kaskinen, Lonnie Hendricks and Mark Kampa.
Chairman Ferguson led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Supv Nilson made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 6, 2010 regular meeting. Supv Latour seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Board reviewed the properties for clean up. Several will get 2nd letters and 2 will be sent to the County for prosecution. Supv Nilson stated the Board has been working hard on getting the properties cleaned up and with the cooperation of most residents we have been making progress. Loren Frappier was present to ask for an extension to get his property in compliance. Supv Latour stated if the Board approves of an extension it will be the last given. Chairman Ferguson asked Loren for a time line. Loren stated he could have it done in 3 months. Supv Latour made a motion to extend the clean up date of the property at 10856 Pleason Ave NW until Sept. 6 with Loren appearing before the Board on Sept. 7, 2010 meeting to report on compliance. Supv Nilson seconded the motion.
Clerk Merrill will inform the County of the Boards actions. Loren should appear in court on June 4th as the Judge has the final say as to the extension.
Robert Frappier, 13802 67th ST NW, was present to say he has gotten rid of 2 vehicles and has 2 more along with a travel trailer at the Lampi auction this coming weekend. He will also get rid of the Allis Chalmers tractor.
Supv Nilson made a motion to approve the following as elections judges for the upcoming Primary and General elections:
Jan Thompson, Nola Walberg, Al Ostlund, John Waldhauer, Verna Dahnke, Ron Simons, Deb Simons, Jan Evenson.
Supv Latour seconded the motion. Motion carried.
David Ferrell was present to request rezoning for the gravel pit along Hwy 55. It is presently zoned ag with a CUP to allow for mining and concrete plant. He would like it rezoned as commercial/industrial so he can plat it out in 2-5 acre lots for development as industrial or commercial park. Supv Nilson stated this would be a fantastic way to reclaim an old pit. Supv Nilson made a motion to approve rezoning of parcel #217000221100 at 8779 Oliver Ave NW from Ag to commercial/industrial. Supv Latour seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Township Legal seminar is being held June 10 at RockwoodsBanquet & ConferenceCenter, Otsego, MN. Supv Latour and Clerk/Treasurer Merrill will attend.
Junk Amnesty Day is set for June 19 from 9 a.m. – 12 noon at FrenchLakeTown Hall.
The Board can view the new Annandale Fire Department pumper on Monday, June 28 at 6:30 p.m.
Bertram Chain of LakesRegionalPark is holding a Family Fun Day on Saturday, June 12 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The following bills were approved as presented:
Check # / Date / Payee / Cash Account / Amount5405 / 6/1/10 / City of Annandale / 100-10100 / 15,600.00
5406 / 6/1/10 / City of South Haven / 100-10100 / 20,028.50
5407 / 6/1/10 / Lakedale Telephone / 100-10100 / 32.38
5408 / 6/1/10 / Wright Hennepin Electric / 100-10100 / 987.27
5409 / 6/1/10 / Minn Assn of Townships Agency / 100-10100 / 2,432.00
5410 / 6/1/10 / Nancy Dahlman / 100-10100 / 16,638.00
5411 / 6/1/10 / Wright Recycling / 100-10100 / 1,450.00
5412 / 6/1/10 / Annandale Advocate / 100-10100 / 86.40
5413 / 6/1/10 / Phyllis Latour / 100-10100 / 170.23
5414 / 6/1/10 / Maynard A. Nilson / 100-10100 / 166.23
5415 / 6/1/10 / Carmen M. Merrill / 100-10100 / 825.10
5416 / 6/1/10 / Eric M. Ferguson / 100-10100 / 83.11
5417 / 6/1/10 / Reinhardt Maurer / 100-10100 / 510.00
5418 / 6/1/10 / Hendricks Sand & Gravel / 100-10100 / 2,670.00
5419 / 6/1/10 / Norgren Tree Service / 100-10100 / 3,372.50
Total / 65,051.72
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.