Club Contests

Updated 12/2016


PurposeTo create a banner to represent the Club and to be hung on display

throughout Convention.


  • The design must relate to the Convention theme.
  • The banner must be completely new and different each year.
  • The banner must either be freestanding or able to be hung.
  • Electrical outlets will not be provided; however, battery packs attached to the banner itself are acceptable.
  • Size Limit: The maximum size is 25 square feet.

Judging CriteriaPoints

Design (including eye appeal) 10

Originality 10

Use of Materials 10

Development of Convention Theme 10

Overall Effect 10

  • Banners will be divided into two judging groups: Large Club and Small Club.
  • Banners receive the following ratings based on total points:
  • Superior45-50 points
  • Excellent40-44 points
  • Good35-39 points

N.B. Not all banners will necessarily receive a rating.


  • The banner will be hung on display in the main ballroom during Convention.
  • NEW!! In place of presentations for Club Project and Club Banner a WRITTEN STATEMENT must be provided.
  • Students must submit 3 typed, double spaced copies of the written statement during registration.
  • The SCHOOL NAME and CONTEST must be written in the TOP RIGHT CORNER.
  • The statement should be written in PARAGRAPH form. Lists and Bullets may be included but should not be the majority of the information presented.
  • Students are encouraged to include color pictures with caption descriptions but are not required to do so.

*See following pages for judging sheets.

Club Banner Judging Packet

Size Category: Large SmallSchool: ______

Design: ______/10 Points

Originality:______/10 Points

Use of Materials: ______/10 Points

Development of

Convention Theme:______/10 Points

Overall Effect:______/10 Points


Total Score:______/50 Points

Rating:Superior (45-50)Excellent (40-44)Good (35-39)

N.B. Not all banners will necessarily receive a rating.

Design (including eye appeal): ______/10 Points

 Is the overall effect of color and design pleasing and purposeful?

 Is the banner bright, colorful, and easy to read?

Originality: ______/10 Points

 Does the banner show freshness of design or style, or a rethinking and changing of motifs and ideas?

 Does it show evidence of imagination or independent thought?

Use of Materials: ______/10 points

 Is the banner well made and refined?

 Do the materials (paint, felt, stitching, etc.) enhance the banner?

 Does the banner stay within the limit of 25 square feet?

Development of Convention Theme: ______/10 Points

 Does the banner relate to the convention theme? How?

 Does the banner creatively incorporate the theme?

Overall Effect: ______/10 Points

 How did this banner compare to others?

 What is your overall impression? What other factors contribute to this banner that have not been considered yet?


I. List up to three things that make this banner stand out.




II. List up to three things that could be improved about this banner.




Judges Initials: ______


PurposeTo encourage club teamwork by building a Classics-related project using a limited set of materials within a limited timeframe.


  • Before Convention, a general theme will be announced, e.g. “Roman water systems” or “Roman construction.”
  • The theme may be researched, but no assembly may be done before Convention.
  • At Convention, each registered club will receive the specific construction project to be built (e.g. and aqueduct or an arch) as well as the materials that may be used to build the project.
  • The club may not use any other materials than those provided, but may use additional tools (scissors, ruler, etc.) so long as they are not included in the resulting project.
  • Construction may occur at any time during Convention as long as all rules are observed (especially call to rooms).
  • Final projects must be turned in at the specified judging time.

Judging CriteriaPoints

Functionality 10

Authenticity 10

Creativity 10

Materials rules/Adherence to guidelines 10

Overall Impression 10

This Contest does not count for sweepstakes points.


PurposeTo involve as many Club members as possible in some activity which

relates to the Convention theme.


  • The project, completed before Convention, may involve creating a model, performing a service activity, preparing materials for a classroom, or some other fantastic idea.
  • At Convention, a group of 1-3 Club members will sign up to make a presentation to the judges.
  • This presentation must not exceed 5 minutes.
  • The presentation will state the goals of the project, how the Club went about meeting those goals, and how successfully the goals were met.
  • Three copies of a brief outline of the presentation must be given to the judges prior to the presentation.
  • Any visuals or products used in the project must not exceed 3 cubic feet.
  • One electrical outlet will be available per project.
  • Equipment for digital presentations such as Power Point will not be provided to the presenters.

Judging CriteriaPoints

Clarity of Goals 10

Accomplishment of Goals (process and success) 10

Quality of Presentation 10

Club Involvement 10

Adherence to Theme and Guidelines 10

Projects receive the following ratings based on total points:

  • Superior45-50 points
  • Excellent40-44 points
  • Good35-39 points

N.B. Not all projects will necessarily receive a rating.

*See following pages for judging sheets.

Club Project Judging Packet

School : ______

Project Title: ______

Clarity of Goals:______/10

Accomplishment of Goals:______/10

Quality of Presentation:______/10

Club Involvement:______/10

Adherence the Theme and Guidelines: ______/10



Rating:Superior (45-50)Excellent (40-44)Good (35-39)

N.B. Not all projects will necessarily receive a rating.

Clarity of Goals:____/10

 Are the goals easy to understand and envision?

 Do the goals expect quantifiable, visible results?

 How were these goals arrived at?

 Are these goals designed for a number of students to accomplish?

 Are all necessary materials provided to show the creation process?

Accomplishment of Goals:_____/10

 Is there a clear, orderly process involved in achieving the stated goals?

 Does this process involve a degree of organization and preparation?

 How challenging was it to achieve the stated goals?

 Did the project achieve the stated goals? If not, what was the reason?

Quality of Presentation:_____/10

 Are presenters prepared, on time, and organized?

 Are they poised? Do they speak in a professional manner?

 Do they display knowledge of and enthusiasm for the project?

 Does the presentation deal with areas such as goal development, process, club involvement, and final outcome?

Club Involvement:_____/10

 Was there a log or other evidence of club involvement?

 How did the project benefit members of the club and/or recipients of the project?

Adherence the Theme and Guidelines:_____/10

 Does the project incorporate the convention theme? How?

 Does the presentation remain within 5 minutes?

 Do any physical products stay within the limit of 3 cubic feet?


I. List up to three things that stand out about this project.




II. List up to three things that could be improved about this project.




Judges Initials: ______


PurposeTo assemble a creatively designed record of Club activities.


  • An obvious unifying theme, somehow related to the classics, must run throughout the scrapbook and tie the book together.
  • The time period covered in the scrapbook must be no longer than one calendar year and must not begin prior to the National Convention of two years previous (i.e. a scrapbook submitted at State Convention in 1999 should not begin prior to the 1997 National Convention).
  • All materials used in the scrapbook must pertain to Latin, the Classics, or the JCL and must not be secondary or incidental in nature.
  • The scrapbook must be contained in one volume but may be of any shape, excluding scrolls. Please make the scrapbook easy to handle.
  • No glass covers will be permitted.
  • Size Limit: The maximum size for a scrapbook page is 22x28 inches. The notebook or box containing the pages of the scrapbook is to be only as large as is necessary to contain the pages.

Judging CriteriaPoints

Originality & Creativity 10

Artwork & Design 10

Neatness & Ease of Handling 10

Content 10

Theme & its Development 10

Cover 10

  • Scrapbooks will be divided into two judging groups: Large Club and Small Club.
  • Scrapbooks receive the following ratings based on total points:
  • Superior54-60 points
  • Excellent48-53 points
  • Good42-47 points

N.B. Not all scrapbooks will necessarily receive a rating.

*See following pages for judging sheets.

Club Scrapbook Judging Packet

Size Category: Large SmallSchool: ______

Originality & Creativity:______/10

Artwork & Design:______/10

Neatness&Ease of Handling:______/10


Theme & its Development:______/10




Rating:Superior (54-60)Excellent (48-53)Good (42-47)

N.B. Not all scrapbooks will necessarily receive a rating.

Originality & Creativity: ______/10 Points

 Does the scrapbook use creative layouts?

 Does it incorporate appropriate and useful captions?

 Are there examples of prose, poetry, and/or literature in the scrapbook?

 What extra details enhance the pages and/or pictures?

Artwork & Design: ______/10 Points

 Is there a lack or an excess of artwork?

 What kind of quality is the work in the media?

 What kind of quality are the photographs?

 Does the scrapbook incorporate attractive use of color?

Neatness&Ease of Handling: ______/10 Points

 How neat is the work? How neat is the lettering?

 Is the text free of spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors?

 How would you rate the overall neatness of the scrapbook (e.g. pencil lines, no excess glue)?

Content: ______/10 Points

 Do the events in the scrapbook represent the entire year?

 Does each event relate to local/state/national JCL?

 Does the scrapbook incorporate programs, menus, agendas, photos, notes, etc.?

 Does it represent the membership beyond the officers?

 How would you rate the overall variety of content?

Theme & its Development: ______/10 Points

 Does the scrapbook have a theme that gives a direction or focus to the content and its presentation?

 Is the theme visible throughout the book?

 Does the artwork go along with the theme, or is it the theme?

 Is the theme original or an original spin on a commonly used theme?

 How would you rate the overall unity and continuity of the book?

Cover: ______/10 Points

 Is the cover sturdy? How would you rate the workmanship?

 How artistic is the cover?

 Is the cover design original or an original spin on a commonly used design?

 Does the cover incorporate a classical theme?


I. List up to three things that really stood out about this scrapbook




II. List up to three things that could be improved about this scrapbook




Judges Initials: ______