State Plan Worksheet

State ____Arizona______

Group members:

John Britton, Katie Griffith, Jolene DeTiege, Monica Cooper, Alyssa Mills, Bill Lucero, Lynn Black

Current partners:

Organization / Name of contact (who you work with there)
Southwest Institute for Families and Children with Special Needs / Juliana Huereña, Teresa Moore, George Garcia
Arizona Bridge to Independent Living, Imprbable Theater Company / Lynn Black, Jolene DeTiege, David Carey, Clinton McDaniels, Amina Kruck, April Reed
DIRECT for Independent Living Center, People First of Tucson / Shannon Bergman, Steve Freeman, Raul Murrieta
Youth Action Council of Arizona / George Garcia, Alyssa Mills, Bill Lucero
OASIS self advocacy group / Nancy Tobey, Cindy Clark, Monica Cooper
Arizona Center for Disability Law / John Gutierrez, Renaldo Fowler, JJ Rico, Lorraine Fryer, Asim Deitrich
Arizona Developmental Disability Planning Council / Larry Clausen, Marcella Crane, Shelly Adams, Mike Leyva
The Arc of Arizona / Jon Meyer, Eva Hamant
Pilot Parents of Southern Arizona / Karen Kelsh, Lynn Kallis
Northern Arizona University-Institute for Human Development / John McDermott, Susan Marks (TASH), Richard Carroll, Tom Uno Juliana will investigate
University of Arizona SONORAN UCEDD / Leslie Cohen, Jacy Farkas
Raising Special Kids / Joyce Millard Hoie
DDD / Jamie Cunningham
Arizona Department of Education, Exceptional Student Services / Bill McQuerry, Susan Vorel, Jeannette Zemeida, Becky Raabe, Ana Nuñez
Rehab Services Adminstration / Betty Schoen
National Developmental Disability Division Council / Barbara Brent
LETI Foundation, Leading and Educating Towards Independence / Theresa Palma, Juliana will investigate
Parents and their children attend meetings
PROMISE, group / BuBu Garcia, Katie will investigate

Purpose of your self advocacy group (mission statement):

People First of Arizona is a self advocacy movement by and for people with disabilities offering experience through participation.
YACAZ mission statement is to empower youth to take personal responsibility to improve the quality of their lives as they learn how to be better self advocates.

2 goals, (with at least 2 steps each)

Goal = what do you want to change or improve

Step = what do you need to make it happen, and who do you need help from to make it happen


Specific, (Who, what, where, when,why questions)

Measurable, (How much? How many? How will I know when it is done?)

Attainable, figure out to come true, create a time frame

Realistic, willing and able to work on

Timely, timeline

Goal 1
People with developmental disabilities will know their rights. / Goal 2
People with developmental disabilities will make an informed decision in the voting process
Step a.
Create 1video blog on employment by September 30th, 2015. Create 1 video blog on transportation by September 30th, 2015.
Create 1 video blog on employment part 2 (follow-up) by November 30th, 2015.
Create 1 video blog on education by January 31st, 2016. / Step a.
Educate at least 50 people with developmental disabilities about the voter registration process, limited guardianship law, and provide voter registration formsby March 31, 2016.
Step b.
Provide onelive skit production of one to three video blogs to 2 self advocacy groups in Arizona by September 30, 2016.
Potential: OASIS, YACAZ, New Direction in Nogales or PFAZ / Step b.
Partner with ACDL to do voter trainings at three statewide locations (Phoenix, Tucson will be held January 13, Flagstaff Juliana working with JJ rico and Coconino County) on the voting process to self advocates by March 31 2016.
Step c.
Provide one live skit production of one to three video blogs at a conference with self advocates by September 30, 2017.
Potential: OASIS conference, African and Native American conferences, Department of Education Transition conference / Step c.
Provide two generalinformational presentations to self advocates about candidates and the voting issues between September 1st and November 7th, 2016.
Potential: Partnership with ABIL, connect with David about holding conference center and working together, add JJ Rico to talk about voting laws, AZDAC Legislative day at the Capital
Monica and John will contact David for ABIL location
Monica will talk to AZDAC about what they are doing and what Arizona Vote team can do
Step d
Contact our network partners and other voting advocacy groups by September 25th, 2015 to request budgetary share costs to provide voting trainings statewide.
Juliana will talk to JJ about how much it would cost to do each training
ACDL is having an open house to their new location in Tucson Sept 18 from 430 to 630
Ability Center $104/day for ground transportation

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