1 APRIL 2017

Date 1st April 2017

Time 2pm – 5pm

Location Murray Bridge Skate Park, Sturt Reserve, Murray Bridge

Description To Celebrate National Youth Week 2017, The Rural City of Murray Bridge and the Youth Action Committee are hosting a skate, BMX, and scooter event on Saturday 1st April at the Skate Park in Murray Bridge. This is an opportunity for young riders to showcase their talent to the community and win great prizes!

Wet/hot weather policy

Weather conditions will be reviewed on the morning of the event. If weather is a risk the final decision to cancel will be made at 1pm on the day of the event. A staff member will be present at Skate Park to inform participants. Council’s Youth Officer can be contacted on 8539 1157.


·  All participants will be required to wear a helmet (compulsory) and recommended to wear arm and knee protection (optional). ANY PARTICIPANT UNWILLING TO MEET THIS RULE OF ENTRY WILL BE UNABLE TO ENTER THE EVENT AND WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR PRIZES.

·  Water will be available for competitors and spectators free of charge.

Please follow instructions of staff on the day.

Entries can only be accepted with the attached registration forms completed in FULL.


Gender / Male Female
Category / Skateboard
Date of birth / Age
Contact Phone Number / Mobile Number
Email Address
Emergency Contact Person / Contact Number
Contact Number

In the event of an emergency – the emergency contact person will be notified


Parental consent (If under 18 years of age)


As parent/guardian of______consent to their participating in the above program and agree to the following:

Consent (If over 18 years of age)

I am over 18 years of age and agree to the following:

·  I understand that participants are required to wear a helmet whilst competing. The staff reserves the right to disqualify entrants from event if they are deemed to be behaving in an inappropriate way inconsistent with the spirit of the event.

·  I agree to delegate my authority to the staff involved. I consent for them to take whatever action they deem necessary to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all involved. I also authorise the staff to obtain medical assistance that they deem necessary should an accident occur and I agree to pay all medical and dental expenses incurred.

·  I further release the staff of the Rural City of Murray Bridge, and other involved organisations from all liability and responsibility for injury, illness or damages which may befall or occur to the participant during the event, and agree to indemnify the Rural City of Murray Bridge, other involved organisations, its staff and contractors for and against any liability, damages, claims and costs of defending such claims whatsoever.

·  I give permission for my child/child in my care/my self to have photographs taken during the activity that may be used for promotional material or publications. Yes /No

Name Signature …Date