Purpose of the Community & Public Health Action Committee
The Community & Public Health (CPH) Action Committee is responsible for executing AMSA’s programming and advocacy efforts in issues of community health and public health, including but not limited to climate change, food production and environmental impact, public health, health promotion, preventive medicine, primary care workforce, disability rights, structural competencies, and environmental health.
Role of the Chair of the Community & Public Health Action Committee
The CPH Chair is responsible for leadingthe CPH Action Committee’s programming and advocacyefforts in issues of community and public health. As such, they will lead and collaborate with the CPH Programming Coordinator and CPH Advocacy Coordinator (see separate descriptions).
As a national Chair, the CPH chairwill fulfill the duties and responsibilities of a national Chair as described further below.
Meetings for National Chairs
Required Meetings for the 2016-2017 Leadership Year:
●ACTE meetings (online, 1x/month)
●Committee meetings (online, 1-2x/month)
●Transition Breakfast & Orientation, National Convention (Washington, DC, Sunday, April 3, 2016)
●Building on Foundations leadership training and planning meeting (Sterling, VA, May 27-29, 2016)
●National Convention (Washington, DC, February 23-26, 2017)
Encouraged Meetings for the 2016-2017 Leadership Year:
●Chapter Officer Recruitment and Engagement (CORE) trainings (online, summer 2016, dates TBD)
●Fall Conferences (location TBD, fall 2016, dates TBD)
Roles of the National Chairs
1. Leadership of AMSA
Action Committees & Teams (ACT) Chairs are national leaders of AMSA and members of the Action Committees and Teams Executive Board (ACTE). Particularly in their content area, Chairs will utilize and develop skills in leadership to…
●Represent AMSA’s mission and work to our members, our partners, and the public.
●Work effectively and responsibly with members, leaders, and staff.
●Build the organization by refining our principles and operations, inspiring members and leaders, and strengthening AMSA’s presence.
●Develop strategic plans for AMSA’s programming and advocacy goals.
●Organize and facilitate work across the organization.
2. Representative of their committee/team
ACT Chairs serve as content experts and representatives of their group for the ACT Executive board and for the organization. Particularly in their content area, they will utilize and develop skills in research and communication to...
●Build knowledge in their content area, including past/current events, up-to-date terminology or practices, resources, experts, AMSA’s principles, etc.
●Maintain documentation for the reference of members, leaders, or staff.
●Provide consultation for members, leaders, or staff as needed.
●Assess and revise AMSA’s principles, primarily through resolutions.
●Facilitate work between their group and other members, leaders, or staff.
●Provide perspective from their group to the ACTE.
3. Leadership of committee/team
ACT Chairs are the direct leaders of their respective committee/team of Coordinators. See Coordinator position descriptions for more information. Particularly in their content area, Chairs will utilize and develop skills in leadership to...
●Support the work of coordinators by facilitating meetings, developing communication and work plans, identifying gaps and resources, providing content feedback.
●Support their coordinators in personal and professional growth by providing advice, giving personal feedback, fostering strengths, improving weaknesses, teaching skills.
●Maintain accountability for coordinators to serve responsibly in the organization and to produce deliverables that contribute to the organization.
●Maintain existing and explore new partnerships pertinent to the committee/team’s goals.
●Ensure sustainability of the committee/team by maintaining organization and documentation of the committee/team’s work and ensuring the successful recruitment and transition of future leaders.
●Developing long-term goals in the form of strategic 3-year plans that are assessed and re-evaluated at the beginning of the year based on progress, feasibility, and value.
Expectations & Accountability of National Chairs
1. The term of an ACT Chair is one year beginning on May 1 and ending April 30 of the following year. A transition period begins after the chair is elected (end of national convention) until the beginning of the term, during which the incoming Chair will work closely with the outgoing Chair to learn about the position and the work of the committee/team.
2. This chair is responsible for the direct oversight and advisement of 2 coordinators.
3. ACT Chairs are accountable to their peers on ACTE and to their coordinators. They are directly overseen and supported by the Vice President for Leadership Development and the Vice President for Programming Development.
4. All leaders shall uphold the expectations and standards of conduct outlined in the National Leadership Handbook. Involvement in AMSA is a serious commitment, and should a leader be unable to fulfill the duties as outlined in this position description and the National Leadership Handbook, s/he may be asked to resign or be dismissed from her/his position.
5. Deadlines will be provided with sufficient lead time for successful completion. It is expected that deadlines be met and extensions requested prior to lapse of a deadline in order to continue participating in AMSA.
6. Travel (transportation to and from the meeting), hotel, and food are provided at required meetings, with the exception of National Convention.
7. Leaders can expect sufficient training and support to complete all duties and tasks asked of them. AMSA is a collaborative environment, and ideas and feedback are always encouraged and considered.
8. Leaders will be expected to establish contact with their respective incoming local Chapter Officers following Building on Foundations within the first month of their school calendar, in order to explain their role in national AMSA and to assist officers with chapter transition. They will also attempt to attend both the chapter’s tabling events and initial recruitment meeting. Leaders will also have the option of coordinating with the national membership team to plan visits to neighboring chapters and to ideally cultivate those visits before the beginning of the neighboring chapter’s school calendar.