CSP NO. 16A-013

Release Date: January 20, 2016

Proposals must be submitted to:

Alamo Colleges

Purchasing and Contract Administration Department

See addresses in “Key Dates and Meetings”

Proposal Deadline:February 25, 2016, 2:00 p.m.


Key Dates and Information

General Information

  1. CSP Project Scope
  2. Description of Alamo Colleges
  3. Definition of Terms

Section 1: Scope of Work

  1. Scope of Work
  2. Statement of Work

Section 2: Terms and Conditions of the CSP & Submission of Proposal

  1. Terms and Conditions of the CSP
  2. Preparation of Proposals
  3. Submission of Proposal

Section 3: Proposal Pricing Schedule

Section 4: Offeror’s Checklist

Section 5: Certification of Non-Collusion

Section 6: Proposal Certification

Section 7: Form CIQ – Conflict of Interest Questionnaire

Section 8: Terms and Conditions of the Contract

A.Defined Terms

B.Project Objective(s) and Scope

C.Project Deliverables

D.Supplemental Deliverables or Rate Changes




H.Compliance with Applicable Laws



K.Term and Termination

L.Licenses, Permits, Taxes and Fees

M.General Terms


2)Choice of Laws

3)Identity Theft Prevention and Notification

4)Successors and Assigns

5)Entire Agreement


7)Force Majeure


9)Gender and Number




13)No Third Party Beneficiaries

14)Dispute Resolution

15)Indemnification and Releases

16)Release of Liability

17)Release of Information

18)Independent Contractor



21)Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) Compliance

22)Contractor Parking

23)Right to Audit

Attachment I – Requirements Checklist for system & response definitions


CSPNAME: Competitive Sealed Proposal (CSP) forPurchase of Library Management System Software

SUBMITTAL DEADLINE:February 25, 2016, prior to 2:00 pm


Alamo Colleges

Purchasing and Contract Administration Department

Re: Purchase ofLibrary Management System Software


1819 N. Main Ave., Box 693

San Antonio, Texas 78212-4299


Alamo Colleges

Purchasing and Contract Administration Department

Re: Purchase of Library Management System Software

CSP #16A-013

1743 N. Main Ave., Bldg. 41, Room 101

San Antonio, Texas 78212-4299

CONTRACT TERM:Any contract awarded by the Board of Trustees as a result of the CSP will begin upon award and terminate August 31, 2017, and may be renewedannually upon mutual consent of the contractor and Alamo Colleges.

NOTICE: All questions related to this CSP are to be directed to Jeremy Taub, Assistant Director, via email to: ith a copy


  1. CSP Project Scope:

The purpose of this CSP is to solicit proposals forthe purchase of a ‘next generation’ library management system (LMS) that integrates with a Discovery Service (DS) allowing our students, faculty, and staff to easily and quickly obtain the information they need.

  1. Description of Alamo Colleges:

The Alamo Community College District (The District) was established in 1945, in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. The District is considered to be a special purpose, primary government engaged in business-type activities according to the definition in Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 14. While Alamo Colleges receives funding from local, state and federal sources, and must comply with the spending, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements of these entities, it is not a component of any other governmental entity. The District is also known as the Alamo Colleges.

The governing body is the Alamo Colleges Board of Trustees which is comprised of nine individuals, elected to staggered six year terms, from individually drawn single-member districts covering Bexar County. The Board of Trustees operates with five sub-committees which are typically comprised of a Chairperson and three members. The Board Chairman is Ex-Officio member on all committees. The Board’s procedure has been to rotate all Chairperson Assignments every two years. The standing committees are as follows:

  • Academic Accountability and Student Success Committee
  • Audit, Budget and Finance Committee
  • Building, Grounds & Sites Selection Committee
  • Legal Affairs Committee
  • Policy and Long Range Planning Committee

Alamo Colleges serves the educational needs of Bexar County and surrounding communities through its colleges and educational centers. The Alamo Colleges, a comprehensive two-year system, is dedicated to providing quality education and workforce training to the people of Bexar and surrounding counties. The District includes four institutions that are separately accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). The fifth college is preparing to submit its application for candidacy. The Colleges provide:

• university transfer programs / • developmental courses
• workforce education programs / • adult literacy courses
• technical programs / • continuing education
• community services / • academic courses for certification and associate degrees

Student enrollment for the fall2015semester was 49,000 students. Students are taught by highly qualified faculty, generally with Master’s and Doctorate degrees, committed to creating a learning centered environment. Student services include counseling, computer labs, and tutoring, financial services, services for the disabled, developmental instruction, veterans’ services, and job placement.

The Alamo Colleges include two Hispanic-serving Institutions; one of the nation’s only institutions that is both a Historically Black College and a Hispanic-serving Institution; the nation’s third largest producer of Hispanic nurses; and Texas’ largest provider of online post-secondary education. A vibrant international program brings Central American teachers to San Antonio for advanced education while affording students and faculty the opportunity to travel to all regions of the world. Alamo Colleges has been a leading recipient and distributor of Pell Grants in Texas for several years.

The District’s central office at 201 W. Sheridan St. in San Antonio is the location for Alamo Colleges Administration, Human Resources, Legal Services, Ethics and Compliance Office, and the District Internal Audit Office. The 811 W. Houston St. location houses the District Information Technology Services Department, and the Finance and Fiscal Services Department. Other District operations are distributed throughout the Bexar County, including the Purchasing and Contract Administration Department and Alamo Colleges Foundation which are at 1819 N. Main Ave.; Facilities Operation and Construction Management Department which is at 7990 Pat Booker Road in Live Oak, Texas; and the Alamo University Center which is at 8300 Pat Booker Road in Live Oak, Texas. Alamo Colleges has satellite locations and small remote locations in New Braunfels, Floresville, and Kerrville that provide limited student services.

Offerors can visit Alamo Colleges’ website at learn about Alamo Colleges.

  1. Definition of Terms:
  1. “Alamo Colleges,”“District” or “ACCD” refers to the Alamo Community College District.
  2. “Offeror,”“Proposers,” or “Company” refers to a company which chooses to submit a Proposal to provide products and/or services for the District as specified in this CSP.
  3. “Contractor” refers to the company awarded the contract to provide products and/or services for the District as specified in this CSP.
  4. “Proposal” refers to the offer, from Offeror to the District, to provide the products and/or services as specified in the Agreement.



A.Scope of Work:The Libraries of the Alamo Colleges are seeking proposals for a ‘next generation’ library management system (LMS) that integrates with a Discovery Service (DS) allowing our students, faculty, and staff to easily and quickly obtain the information they need. With this next generation system, appropriate open educational resources can easily be added to the collections of results along with the libraries’ owned and licensed resources. The Alamo Colleges consist of five separately accredited two-year colleges within a district system primarily located in San Antonio, Texas. The five colleges are St. Philips College, San Antonio College, Palo Alto College, Northwest Vista College and Northeast Lakeview College. Together the colleges enroll over 60,000 students. There are approximately 545,000 bibliographic records and 805,000 item records in our current system. The Libraries have shared an integrated library system (ILS) since 1994. In 2010, the libraries migrated the ILS to a hosted solution as budget cuts did not allow for replacement of the lead systems librarian. Although we share a system and a public access catalog (PAC), our colleges are separately accredited and individually funded with the libraries operating similarly to a consortium. Our current system allows us to maintain segregated (or scoped) financial, circulation and course reserve operations. Each library has a system administrator that deals with the staff authorizations and configuration of these separately maintained operations. This is one of the essential requirements for a new system. Our current system, Innovative Interface’s Millennium, will eventually cease to be developed as the company concentrates on the enhancement of its cloud-based ‘next generation’ library system.

‘Next generation’ library systems have been under development for several years. They are typically cloud-based with broad network access, the underlying architecture based around a (web-based) Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) model. This system environment provides delivery of the software across the web. The ‘next generation’ systems have been referred to as “library services platforms” since they are offering services across the web freeing individual libraries from the responsibility of hardware and software maintenance and upgrades. We are looking to migrate away from a system that requires dedicated hardware for client download and function. We are also desire to move to an innovative system that is focused on resource discovery.

Delivery of software via web browsers means that client software no longer has to be maintained or upgraded by the library. Another attractive development in computer architecture offered in a cloud-based environment is multi-tenancy. “The multi-tenant approach reduces the cost of delivering services while creating an environment that can grow as new subscribers are added.” (Evolution 29).

Newer systems also offer the opportunity to utilize a variety of application programming interfaces (APIs), to share content and data between software applications, including embedding content from one website into another or dynamically posting content from one application such as Google Maps, LibraryThing, etc. We require that the system have robust interoperability with other systems and vended resources. In summary, there is much to be gained from these new web-based environments in terms of efficiently connecting students with the information they need as well as time savings for staff functions.

We are looking for a company that has an excellent support and service reputation and a philosophy of innovation in response to customer demand. Offerors must be available to demonstrate their systems on-site in late March. Demonstrationsare to include all main functions of the system under review and cover all main areas listed in the CSP.

In reference to Attachment I, of the CSP, line items in the requirements checklist not responded to or left blank will be considered “N” not available, and evaluated as such. Any line that is marked “Under development” item should be accompanied with a product roadmap in the response to the CSP. Offeror should use terms as defined in Attachment I in CSP(See Attachment I).

B. Minimum Requirements

1.Discovery, searching, and delivery of information - System must supply a discovery service and be able to work with third-party discovery systems such as EBSCO’s Discovery Service. Integration of print, electronic and digital items is seamless for end users. Discovery offers both a single search box and an advanced search which allows users to pre-limit a search by a wide variety of options including library of ownership, type of material (printed books, e-books, articles, etc.), date ranges, etc.. Each library will require configuring of the system to meet their needs.

2.Importing and exporting records – System must be able to import order records and MARC bibliographic records from suppliers such as Yankee Book Peddler. It must be able to export MARC bibliographic records with item and location information for third party companies such as EBSCO’s Discovery Service.

3.Integrated management and workflows – System must be able to provide integrated workflows for managing print, electronic and digital resources from acquisitions to cataloging and metadata as well as circulation and course reserves. The new system must be able to manage all types of resources including printed books, DVDs, websites, web-based finding guides such as LibGuides, e-journals, article databases, licenses, streaming media, etc.

4.Functionality - The system must be able to provide segregated data in the following areas:

a) Financial information – Orders, fund accounting, invoices, etc. must be kept separate.

b) Circulation policies - The system must be able to establish group circulation policies as well as the ability to create separate policies for each individual library.

c) Course reserves.

5. Functionality – System must provide an online public access catalog that is able to provide results limited to one, two or a combination of libraries as well as all libraries.

6.Interoperability with internal systems - Library system elements interoperate easily with district systems such as student registry, finance, human resources and the course management system (CANVAS). Currently, library staff loads patron data, which has been extracted from Banner, into the ILS. A system that allows many of our current operations to be done with little human intervention is a high priority.

7.Interoperability with external systems – Library system elements interoperate easily with the systems of companies with which the libraries do business. We currently gather and ftp records to and from Yankee Book Peddler as well as EBSCO Discovery Services. The new system should be able to replace these labor-intensive operations with computer-to-computer interactions.

8.Reports and analytics – Reporting must be robust providing statistics required by the Colleges, the District, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and National Center for Education Statistics. Analytics should be able to provide information such as spending and usage trends as well as collection analysis. It is essential that reports and analytics can be broken down by various elements including library of ownership, library of use, type of resource, etc.

9.Migration – Offeror leads the migration process and provides a clear understanding of what data can and cannot be migrated in response to the CSP as well as during planning. Offeror must provide a timeline for project implementation. Information about resources/types of information that cannot be provided should be included in the CSP response.

10.Hosted – Offeror must supply a hosted system in a secure environment with redundancy and with all necessary migrations and data updates to be carried out on behalf of the Library by the Offeror.

●Prices – CSP must include all migration expenses, basic system costs, hosting costs, and add-on expenses, See Section 3 of the CSP.

Works Cited:

"The Evolution of On Demand, and Does Multi-Tenancy Matter?" Black Book - Salesforce.Com: A

Misunderstood Model & an Undervalued Position (2007): 25-37. Business Source Complete. Web. 24

Nov. 2014.



A.Terms and Conditions of the CSP:

1.Award of Contract

Award will be made to the Offeror which provides the best value to the Alamo Colleges on the basis of the published evaluation criteria, and not solely based on the purchase price. Alamo Colleges reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all proposals, and to waive any and/or all formalities and irregularities in the proposals received and re-solicit, as deemed necessary.

The selection and award may be made on the basis of the proposals initially submitted, without discussion, clarification or modification. Respondent(s) who submit a proposal may be required to make oral presentation(s) and/or product demonstrations of their proposal to Alamo Colleges.

  1. Minimum Qualifications

The respondents to this CSP must have the following minimum qualifications. Failure to meet minimum qualifications is grounds for rejection. Proposals submitted without this information will not be evaluated.

  1. Offeror must provide full access to a live Library Management System test environment, (a sandbox) that will demonstrate the proposed solution for evaluation committee members of Alamo Colleges and allow them use the product for a four (4) week trial period. Offeror must provide a single login with their proposal for multiple users to test the solution.
  1. Offeror must respond tothe Requirements Checklist labeled as Attachment I, of the CSP in the format provided, and return with their proposal submission. Line items in the requirements checklist not responded to or left blank will be considered “N” not available, and evaluated as such. For any line that is marked “Under development” item should be accompanied with a product roadmap in the response to the CSP. Offeror must use terms as defined in Attachment I in CSP response.

3. a. Evaluation Criteria

Only those proposals meeting the minimum qualifications will be evaluated. Responses to the following items will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria in the Evaluation Table.

The proposal must contain the following information, which will serve as the basis for the evaluation. Responses to all required items should be complete, concise and should begin with the question asked.

1) Alamo Colleges willconsider the following criteria in evaluation of the proposals.

Evaluation Table

Criteria / CSP Reference / Weighting
Purchase Price / Section 2
A.3.b.1a / 20
Reputation of the vendor’s goods and services.
-Awards or Recognition Received.
-Profile outlining the history, growth, philosophy, reputation, and target market of the firm
-Company Background and Experience
-Customers – current and former
-List of policies and procedures followed to maintain service excellence.
-Efforts the firm makes to keep staff informed of changes in the industry. / Section 2:
A.3.b.2d / 10
Extent to Which the Goods or Services Meet the District’s Needs.
-Meet requirements in the scope of services
-Discovery Service/Public Access Catalog
-Electronic resources Management
-Reports/Analytics / Section 2:
A.3.b.3b / 40
Any other relevant factor specifically listed in the request for bids or proposals.
-Vendor Support
-Acquisitions/Metadata/ (Cataloging/Authority/Control)
-Staff Searching/Indexing
-Interlibrary Loan
-Serials/Holding Management
-Circulation/Course Reserves / Section 2:
A.3.b.4a / 30
Total: / 100

2) Alamo Colleges shall evaluate the information provided in the proposals received. Information and/or factors gathered during interviews, and any reference checks, will be utilized in the evaluation criteria, rankings, and award decision. References may or may not be reviewed at the discretion of Alamo Colleges. Alamo Colleges also reserves the right to contact references other than or in additional to those furnished by a respondent.