Pupil premium strategy statement (secondary)
- Summary information
School / International Academy of Greenwich
Academic Year / 2017 - 2018 / Total PP budget / £62,178. / Date of most recent PP Review
Total number of pupils / 193 / Number of pupils eligible for PP / 66 / Date for next internal review of this strategy / 03.10. 2018
- Current attainment
Pupils eligible for PP (your school) / Pupils not eligible for PP (national average)
% achieving 5A* - C incl. EM (2015-16 only) / N/A / 64.7%
% achieving expected progress in English / Maths (2015-16 only) / N/A/N/A / 75.8% / 73.4%
Progress 8 score average / N/A / 0.12
Attainment 8 score average / N/A / 52
% achieving expected attainment / Average / Average
% achieving expected progress / Average / Average
- Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP)
In-school barriers (issues to be addressed in school, such as poor literacy skills)
/ Poor literacy skills
/ Poor numeracy skills
/ Low self-esteem
External barriers (issues which also require action outside school, such as low attendance rates)
D. / Social, emotional and mental barriers leading to poor behaviour and/or low attendance rates
- Desired outcomes (desired outcomes and how they will be measured)
/ Progress in English / Improvement in English Pearson Steps or examination percentages or reading/ comprehension ages
/ Progress in Maths / Improvement in Maths Pearson Steps or examinations percentages
/ Improved attendance / Improvement in attendance percentages
/ Improved behaviour / Reduction in number of negative points
- Planned expenditure
● Academic year / 2017 - 2018 (Number of students eligible in September 2017 = 39 in Year 7 and 37 in Year 8) Allocation = £62.178
The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the Pupil Premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and support whole school strategies.
- Quality of teaching for all
Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / When will you review implementation?
Improved attendance and behaviour / Smaller class sizes / High percentage of children with social, emotional and mental barriers and the need to provide a personalised, innovative curriculum to cater for their needs based on the IB’s MYP / Robust curriculum planning linked to staffing decisions and timetabling / ASO / 20/07/18
Improved attendance and behaviour / Personal Time and Extended Day options / Robust curriculum planning linked to staffing decisions and timetabling / ASO / 20/07/18
Total budgeted cost
- Targeted support
Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / When will you review implementation?
Progress in English / Interventions during English lessons and Personal Time. / Advised by the EP and STEPS Intervention Service (LA) / Targets set as advised by the EP and STEPS and these targets monitored. / ASO / 20/07/18
Progress in Maths / Interventions during English lessons and Personal Time. / Advised by the EP and STEPS Intervention Service (LA) / Targets set as advised by the EP and STEPS and these targets monitored. / ASO / 20/07/18
Total budgeted cost
- Other approaches
Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / When will you review implementation?
Total budgeted cost
- Review of expenditure
Previous Academic Year
- Quality of teaching for all
Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / Estimated impact: Did you meet the success criteria? Include impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate. / Lessons learned
(and whether you will continue with this approach) / Cost
Improved attendance and behaviour / Smaller class sizes / Success Criteria met by both PP and non-PP students / We will continue with this approach next year. / £12,583.50
Improved attendance and behaviour / Personal Time and Extended Day options / Success Criteria met by both PP and non-PP students / We will continue with this approach next year.
- Targeted support
Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / Estimated impact: Did you meet the success criteria? Include impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate. / Lessons learned
(and whether you will continue with this approach) / Cost
Progress in English / Interventions during English lessons and Personal Time. / Success Criteria met by both PP and non-PP students / We will continue with this approach next year. / £12,583.50
Progress in Maths / Interventions during English lessons and Personal Time. / Success Criteria met by both PP and non-PP students / We will continue with this approach next year.
- Other approaches
Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / Estimated impact: Did you meet the success criteria? Include impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate. / Lessons learned
(and whether you will continue with this approach) / Cost