Pupil Premium spending for Nidderdale High School 2015/2016
Impact and Evidence
Improvement Initiatives / Amount (£) / Description / Impact and EvidenceImproving Numeracy and Literacy
Reading, spelling and baseline testing / 300 / All year 7, 8 and 9 students have undertaken a reading and spelling age test to allow for identification of students who need more intense intervention to boost these skills. CAT tests are also done by all our year 7 students. / Retests done at end of each KS3 year. Many students have improved (see spread sheet for results). Students who have made no improvement have been identified for further intervention and strategies through learning support. These are included in students’ individual timetables.
Units of Sound / 560 / Support staff and some teaching staff have received training on UoS to enable them to deliver to weaker students. / A detailed analysis of the impact of UoS has been done. The mean ratio gain for PP students in ks3 in reading was 2.6 and in reading was 0.6. Some students did not improve after 10 week intervention. New strategies have been researched and will be tried next year.
Active Literacy / 900 / All year 7 students receive an extra literacy lesson per fortnight based around basic literacy. This is delivered in ability groups. All students eligible for year 7 Catch Up funding are in one group. / All Yr7 PP students reached their end of Yr 7 target in English or were only one sub level below. Active literacy lessons were done in conjunction with Catch up funding and a report of this impact can be found on the school website.
Weekly spellings / 50 / The English department have devised a weekly spelling challenge for all KS3 students which is set as homework and tested in lessons. / Spelling homework is embedded in weekly homework for Yr 7 and 8. Parents and students have this expectation and it has become routine.
A Parent guide for calculation strategies / 50 / All year 7 students and parents have been issued with a ‘Calculation Strategies’ guide to help inform parents about the methods of calculating used in school so that they can support their child’s learning more effectively at home. / Parents have commented on this being a useful document.
In our most recent parental questionnaire 93% of parents agreed or strongly agreed with the statement ‘The school helps me support my child learning’
Improving Academic Outcomes
Providing revision guides / 1000 / Students in year 11 and on the one year year 10 courses have been provided with revision guides free of charge in most core and EBacc subjects. / It is difficult to analyse the impact of this on its own but results and levels of progress of PP students indicate positive impact. 50% of PP students achieved 5=A*-C in English and maths. 75% of PP students made expected progress in English and 63% made expected progress in maths. A questionnaire will be given to all ex-students in November to seek to find which methods we used in school they felt had the most positive impact on their academic outcomes.
Revision stationary packs / 800 / Year 10 and 11 students have been given a file with stationary such as highlighters, cue cards, and post-it notes to help them prepare for revision. / It is difficult to analyse the impact of this on its own but 100% of students attended exams. All students were prepared and had the correct equipment.
Flexible Learning Zone and Individualised time tables / 13500 / This is a staffed classroom where students who have had changes to their timetable to ensure the best academic outcomes are supervised for independent learning. / All PP students in the FLZ had a Student Academic Intervention Log (SAIL) which tracked and evaluated their progress. An analysis shows that comments were positive and 100% of students felt the FLZ helped them to achieve.
Attendance officer / 2440 / One member of the pastoral team has the roll of monitoring daily attendance. A first day absence call is always done before 10:30am. / Overall 2015/2016 attendance was 93.7% PA was 5.1% this is half of PA from the previous year and below LA average of 6.3%. Attendance of PP students is now tracked half termly as a separate group and broken down in to year groups.
Off – site provision / 1920 / Educational provision not provided by Nidderdale High School for Pupil Premium students who are off site for part of their education (e.g 1 day at college) / 100% of students on the applied Art course at No6 gained an A* to C grade. All students on the Hair and Beauty college course gained a level 1 qualification.
1 -2 -1 intervention / 6240 / Students are selected for 1 to 1 intervention in maths, English and science if they are not reaching their target grade. The length of the intervention depends on the individual need. / 95% of the students on the intervention plan who had target grades of 5A* - C EM achieved this. At the beginning of the programme the figure was only 37%. This is a huge increase. An in depth analysis of this intervention programme has been done by the school. The in-school achievement gap between PP and non PP fell to 9% in 2014 and is well below the national gap of 26%.
Data support / 4000 / One person employed on a part time basis (approx. one day per fortnight) to collect and present data across all year groups. This allows for more efficient tracking to inform intervention needs. / Data is readily available and used by staff to track progress and identify progress and underachievement. The successful outcome of the intervention in Yr 11 reflects the accuracy of data in identifying students.
APG / 50 / An Achievement and Progress Group has been set up to identify students who are not on track to meet their target grade. These students get a SAIL (Student Academic Intervention Log) to monitor their intervention. All Pupil Premium students in year 11 have a SAIL. / There are completed student SAIL’s for Yr 11 PP students. The attainment gap between PP and non-PP reduced to 9% and expected progress in English of PP students was better than that of non-PP students. Individual subject exam analysis’ show the progress of groups in all other subjects.
Half term and Easter study support / 3500 / Revision sessions and coursework catch up take place in school holidays to ensure that all students have every opportunity to succeed. Transport is arranged for any Pupil Premium students for whom this would be a barrier. / Excellent attendance at these holiday sessions particularly of targeted students. 100% of PP students who we had made transport arrangements for attended the sessions. 81% of students attended the English revision sessions and 89% of students attended the maths.
Pastoral and Whole - Student Support
Full Time Learning Support Assistant (Pastoral) / 12000 / An LSA has been appointed to work as a member of the pastoral team to ensure the most vulnerable students are supported academically and pastorally. / Call outs have reduced throughout the year. A call out log is kept and sent to SLT at the end of every day. The role of this LTA is to attend to the call outs and also attends to settle and dismiss more difficult groups. Low level disruption has reduced as seen by the reduced number of call outs monitored by the pastoral team.
Breakfast Club / 450 / All students have a breakfast club available to them every morning before school. Pupil Premium students can have a breakfast free of charge. / Breakfast club expenditure from Feb 2016 to July 2016 was £289.65. PP students are attending breakfast club and know they have access to this. They are given a free breakfast.
Mentoring / All year 11 students have an academic mentor. Pupil Premium students have a mentor from the pastoral or senior leadership teams. / All PP students had a mentor from SLT or the pastoral team. It is difficult to assess individual impact of this but many students formed very positive relationships with their mentors. There was 100% attendance to all exams in 2016.
Transport Support / 1275 / Some Pupil Premium students with a lower than national average attendance rate have a taxi provided by school that brings them in in the morning.
We have also provided taxi’s for students who wish to stay for after school revision sessions but who would otherwise struggle to get home. / The cost of providing transport for individual students exceeded the initial allowance and totalled £3859.50 for last academic year. See JB case study for improved attendance example.
Parents evening appointments / All Pupil Premium students and parents are given an appointment with the AHT achievement and progress at parents evening. Nonattendance is followed up by a phone call. Student progress is discussed and communication between school and home is strengthened. / Attendance at Parents’ Evenings has increased. Any PP parent who could not attend parents evening has a phone call from SD (HoS). Positive relationships have formed but this is difficult to measure.
Student support (including trips) / 1000 / Money spent supporting students with purchasing uniform, equipment, textbooks and other essentials including educational visits and trips. / £509 spent on PP student for trips and clothing excluding money spent on equipment accounted for under ‘stationary packs’. The school logs individual spending for each PP student through the bursar.
Careers advice / service / 2700 / Money spent ensuring that Pupil Premium students make appropriate choices and are offered good impartial advice and guidance concerning their future. / We have an impartial careers adviser trained to do SEN student careers reviews. All students received impartial careers advice and figures released from NYCC show that we have 0% NEET (Sept 2016). 50% of PP students went to sixth form, 38% to post 16 colleges, and 12% to an apprenticeship.
Total / 52735