S1 Tuesday Period 1Assembly Hall
S3 & S4Wednesday Period 1Assembly Hall
S5 & S6Wednesday Period 5Chapel
Deputy First Minister Visit
Thank you to all the pupils and staff that made the Deputy First Minister’s visit a huge success.
Councillor Elaine Murray also messaged:
“Many thanks for school’s contribution to the Education Secretary’s visit yesterday; staff and pupils were great and Mr Swinney said afterwards how impressed he was with the school as a whole, not just the refurbishment!”
Developing Young Workforce (DYW)
A number of exciting opportunities will soon be available for pupils to participate in ranging from work experience to site visits. Some S4 pupils have recently signed up to participate in phase 2 of an on-going retail project. Additionally, an opportunity to visit Ashleigh's construction site on Queen St was advertised to all pupils via last week’s bulletin.
Please keep an eye on future pupil bulletins for other opportunities throughout the year. These will also be advertised on the DYW board which is located outside of the Pastoral Care Office.
Please see leaflets at the end of this bulletin advertising the most recent offers we have received. Sign up sheets will be available in Pastoral Care if you are interested.
Staff/Pupil Choir
The Staff and Pupil Choir will be starting back on Thursday 6th Sept from 1.20pm in Mr. Saadat's Room (F1). All new members are always welcome.
Charities Committee
There will be a Charities Committee meeting this WEDNESDAY 5th September (no longer Tuesday as previously mentioned) in S11 at 1:20pm. Look forward to seeing many of you there.
Scottish Maths Challenge
The first round of the Scottish maths challenge has arrived in school. This is open to all pupils from S1 to s6 it must be completed outside class time with fully written solutions/ explanations. the first round consists of five questions which should be handed back to Mrs Stoppard by September 24th. (in taking part in round 1 you are committing to doing round 2 in the December/January) for copies of this years challenge please see Mrs Stoppard this week.
T4 available on Tuesday lunchtimes for pupils to work on questions net books and other math's equipment will be made available.
S5/6 NEW MVP Mentors
Could S5/6 new MVP mentors please meet with Mrs Flint, Tuesday 4th September period 5 in S11.
School Netball
Training for both junior (S1-3) and senior (S4-6) teams will take place on Wednesdays this year: S1-3 - lunchtime (1:10 - 1:50) and S4-6 (3:30 - 4:30). Anyone is welcome, no previous experience needed. All you need is enthusiasm and your PE kit. The more the merrier! For more information speak to Mrs Mika in the PE department.
For those who played last year, the games and festivals are coming thick and fast so attendance at training is a must (S2 - I know you are in France).
S1 Science Book Judging Group
At 1.20pm in lab S15 on Thursday 6th Sept. there will be a meeting for S1 pupils who are interested in being part of a book judging group for the Royal Society Young People's Book Prize.
This is an opportunity to work as a small team with S6 helpers, read some books, share opinions and eat some biscuits!
S1 Science Club
Could any S1 pupils interested in attending Science Club come to S12 on Wednesday 5th September at 1.20 for a meeting with Miss Morton and Mr Simpson. Please ensure that you have eaten your lunch prior to the meeting as we will be doing experiments. This club will run on Wednesday's on a fortnightly basis.
S2 Indoor Football
S2 Indoor Football continues on Friday at lunchtime in the PE Games Hall. All boys and girls are welcome to attend. Pupils mustbring PE kit.
On Wednesday there will be a Parents’/Carers’ Information Evening for S4 in the Assembly Hall at 6.30pm. Pupils are also welcome to attend. The evening will cover important areas such as SQA ,assessment, subject demands and extra support available to succeed. Please inform your parents about what promises to be a very informative and useful evening.
Could any pupils S4-S6 interested in attending Lourdes should come to an initial fundraising meeting on Friday Lunchtime 1.15 in the oratory.
Senior Geography Trip
Meeting at 10.30am in S3. All must attend.
Senior trip to New York
Everyone going on the trip to New York should meet up in Miss McAuley's room (F5) on Tuesday 4th September at 1.30pm.
S4/S5/S6Youth for Lourdes Talks
All pupils in S5/6 will be getting a talk in the hall today period 3 (Monday 3rd September). Please register with your teacher first before coming to the hall.
All pupils in S4 will have their talk on Lourdes period 6. Please register with your teacher before come to the hall.
S5/S6 Ladies Night - Fitness Suite
On Thursday evenings there is a ladies only evening in the fitness suite. There are places for 14 pupils form S5-6 and 3 staff. There will be a sign-up sheet on the door and it is first come first served. This week we will be doing a circuits session. Hope to see some of you there! Miss Tyeson.
S5/S6 New Hospital Volunteers
There will be a meeting on Thursday 13th September at 1.30 p.m. for new recruits to the hospital volunteering. More details including the names of the people to attend will be in next week’s bulletin.
S5/S6 National 5 and Higher Art
All last year’s National 5 and Higher Art students should pick up a return of folio letter from Mr Davies asasp.
S5/6 Debaters
There is an opportunity for TWO students from this school to have a day debating in Edinburgh with 40 + other Scottish schools and university students in the Scottish Parliament Building in Edinburgh. It is funded by the Scottish Govt , lunch and snacks are provided and either a lift will be provided or you will be reimbursed for train travel.
It will be held this year on Monday December 3rd. If you are confident, sociable and have a good general knowledge and interest in current affairs, have a look at the competition details online (ESU St Andrew’s Day debate 2018) and if interested as either a debater or as a timekeeper/judge, go and see Mrs Willson in F8 from Mon 10th as the closing date for entries is Friday 14th Sept.
S6 Higher Education Conference
This takes place on Thursday 6th September. All S6 pupils to meet Mr G Brown and Mrs S McNaught in the front foyer at 11 am. Our slot finishes at 1pm and pupils will return to school for their period 6 classes. Pupils need to collect a letter from the office for the event and permission slips must be returned by Wednesday 5th.
S6 Reading Ambassadors
Please complete the sign-up sheets on the Librarian's desk by Tuesday 4th September. You should indicate which periods you intend to allocate to Librarian duties each week. Many thanks.
S6 Maths Ambassadors
Could anyone who gave their name to be a maths ambassador please attend a meeting with Mrs Stoppard on Wednesday Lunchtime 1.15pm in F11.
S6 YASS Pupils
The forms for this must be in on Monday 10th September.
S6 Marist Leadership
All Marist Leaders must go to the Oratory straight after break on Wednesday 5th September to meet with Aisling Demaison.
S6 Study Buddy Timetables
The spreadsheet with the Study Buddy timetable is attached to this bulletin. I have amended any issues which staff highlighted. Please could all Study Buddies attend a very brief meeting in F13 on Monday at the end of period 5. Study Buddies should be in classes from Tuesday 4th onwards.
The first official yearbook meeting will take place on Monday (3rd September) at lunch time in Miss McCormick's room - S10. Please get your lunch and come to the meeting ASAP (you can eat your lunch during the meeting if required).
The meetings will take place on either Monday lunch times or Monday after school but Miss McCormick will let you know in advance. A register will be carried out for those who have signed up, if you cannot attend on Monday lunch time please let Moss McCormick know.
All pupils who are intending to apply for courses with early closing dates should see their PSP teachers as soon as possible in order to start the application process early. All pupils intending to apply through UCAS for entry in 2019 should apply through the school and their house group. Pupils will need a buzzword in order to apply and it is:
S6 students will be looking at this further in Social Education.