Fall 2016
Internships for History Majors
This list is not comprehensive. It complies some of the places where UA history majors have interned in the past, and that offer internships for which historians are plausible applicants. This list should also give you a sense of possibilities with a history degree.
Libraries, Museums, and Historic Sites
Albany County Hall of Records
Albany Institute of History and Art,
Crailo State Historic Site
FASNY Museum of Firefighting, Hudson, NY
Hanford Mills Museum
Historic Albany Foundation
Historic Cherry Hill
Martin Van Buren National Historic Site
New York State Historic Preservation Office
New York State Military Museum
New York State Museum,
Olana State Historic Site
Peebles Island State Park
Preservation League of NY State
Saratoga National Battlefield
Saratoga National Historic Park
Seward House Museum – Auburn, NY,
Shaker Heritage Society
Smithsonian Institution,
United States Capitol Historical Society (through UAlbany Semester in Washington)
University at Albany, Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives
USS Slater:
Waterford Museum
A&E Networks (includes History channel),
Albany Times Union
Amsterdam News
History News Network:
Mt. Ida Press: Emphasis of this press is on historic preservation and architecture,
SUNY Press, Albany
WGBH Boston,
There are a host of opportunities in this field, and the office of Community Engagement might be the best place to start. Here are some that might not be on their list.
Capital Roots: (Formerly Capital District Community Gardens), Many of the internships here include education functions.
Liberty Partnerships Program, The Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP) serves students within the Albany City School District who are at risk for dropping out of school due to risk factors they face in their homes, neighborhoods, peer groups, and/or schools. LPP provides these students with mentoring, tutoring, and college readiness activities.
State Department of Education
Law and Policy
Center for American Progress (placed through UAlbany Washington Semester)
Congressman Paul Tonko’s District Office, contact Marilyn J. Smith,
Empire Center for New York State Policy, a history alum is on the staff.
New York State Assembly
New York State Attorney General’s Office Internship,
New York State Senate; the assembly has not simply the semester –long opportunities, but also a part-time program.
NY State Division of Human Rights,
Environmental Advocates of New York
Parks and Trails New York
Student Conservation Association (thesca.org)
Capital Roots: ((many of the internships here include market analysis, marketing, close work with small business owners)
JP Morgan Chase
Reichert Advertising
Times Union Center:
Arts and Non-Profits
Albany Institute of History and Arts:
Arts Center of the Capital Region:
Foundation of New York State Nurses
Saratoga Performing Arts Center:
World Affairs and International Internships
Interested in a community service or public service internship, but need cash? Here are some internship support programs, nationally competitive, that might provide you with funding.
Federal and Public Service Internships for undergraduate and graduate students interested in and committed to Asian Pacific American issues, through the Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership;
JW Saxe Fund: prizes up to $2000 to college and university students involved in public service;