PUPIL BULLETIN Wednesday 14th September 2016
S2 MidYis assessments These have been taking place over the last week. This assessment is similar to assessments such as PIP’s or INCAS that students may have completed in Primary School and also the S1 MidYis test. Could the following classes please report to the computer suite indicated below at the start of the period stated? Many thanks for your help with this. (KJG)
2G –Mr Tsotsi’s register class / Thursday 15th September / Period 1 / B192H – Mrs Stewart’s register class / Thursday 15th September / Period 3 / B19
2J – Mr Reid’s register class / Thursday 15th September / Period 4 / B19
2K – Mrs Phillips Register class / Thursday 15th September / Period 5 / B19
2F – Mr Steele’s register class / Monday 19th September 2016 / Period 5 / B19
Catch up session – names will be confirmed once all other sessions have taken place / Monday 19th September 2016 / Period 6 / B19
Sponsor Walk A reminder that the sponsored walk is taking place THIS Friday. All students will be taking part unless they have returned the slip to say otherwise. You will need on the day:
- Packed lunch
- Fluids
- Sensible and appropriate footwear
- Appropriate clothing (not school uniform)
- There will also be a tuck shop available at the halfway stage so you may wish to bring a small amount of money for an ice cream or some sweets.
You will register with your registration class as normal and your teacher will walk with you to Lossiemouth at the time they have been given.
The school nurse team propose to offer a drop-in service for pupils every Monday over lunchtime (12:30-2pm) commencingafter the October break from 24th October 2016.
YPOD will be meeting in the bridge at 12.50pm where you will have the choice to take part in discussion activities or show your sporty side down in the small P.E hall.
Eurovision Song Contest: Could the following pupils attend a meeting in the library with Mrs Toonen and Mr Lestienne on Thursday 15th September at 1.15pm. We will discuss the format of the contest: LEE FERGUSON, ELIZABETH DRYBURGH – and anyone from the choir, MADIHA HASSAN, JULIA BALCZYNSKA, MATTHEW HAMILTON. Many thanks. Mrs Toonen/Mr Lestienne
Our favourite Roald Dahl Character The votes were counted and the top three best-loved characters are:
1. Matilda
2. Augustus Gloop
3. Charlie Bucket
Thanks to all who voted for their best-loved character from Roald Dahl’s stories.
Golden Tickets Three winning golden tickets belong to:
Haniya Asad who voted for Matilda because she is clever and brave.
Joseph McGettrick who voted for Charlie Bucket because he is just a normal boy until the tables turn.
Marija Galavackaite who voted for the Oompa-Loompas because they are really funny and they are really good at dancing. Please collect your Wonka chocolate bars from the library.
Debating Club A big welcome to everyone who came along last week! Next time we will be looking at the weird and wonderful world of debating games – see what would happen if we ruled the world, hired a hot air balloon or met Donald Trump… Fun debates wait every Monday lunchtime in B31 (starts around 1.05 pm - bring your lunch!). All new members welcome! (Mrs S O’Reilly)
Orienteering Any pupil interested in competing in the Moray schools orienteering competition in Gordonstoun. Please sign up at the PE department
Thank you Dahl-tastic Pupils and Staff A big thank you to Class 1.6, Mrs Havinden and the Novelties Book Club for planning and producing a splendiferous birthday party yesterday for Roald Dahl. Everyone had a marvellous time and the worm-eating challenge was a big hit. Congratulations to the Band of Girls who won the Dahl Quiz, to everyone who participated in the quiz, completed puzzles and challenges and to Mr Clark for being quiz master. We all had a whizz-popping time.
Speaker’s Corner This Week No Speaker’s Corner this week, because of the sponsored walk, but will be back as usual next week.
S2-S3 CAMERA CLUB Hello Camera enthusiasts, great session last Wednesday going over shutter speed settings again. This week we will be looking at lighting techniques, so hope to see you there Wednesday the 14th3.20 – 4.20pm in B39. Newbies welcome to. Miss Tullis
S5-S6 MISSING CABLES Hi. I am missing two cables for cameras in the art department. Could those of you that have brought in and used your own cameras for photography in the art department check to see if you have an extra/ the wrong cable orIf anyone has borrowed a cable and not returned it can you do so as soon as possible as there is one camera I can’t use until the cable is returned. Thank you M.Tullis
Music sessions! There is a newly formed S5/6 music committee this year that will be doing sessions every Tuesday and Thursday in the music department. The aim is to give you a supervised place to practice in, help with any music related issues or just be there if you want to play something! The music department will be open from 1:10 both lunchtimes. All abilities welcome! If you have any questions please see Mrs Robertson in music and she will work with the group to find an answer for you. See you there!
S4 – S6
SDS Career Appointments on Wednesday 14 September in G46 with Pearl Thatcher
P2 Megan Duncan, P3 Keir Glass, P4 Angus Bennie, P5 Kieran Graham, P6 Cameron Martin
Edinburgh Napier University – Open Day 2016 This will take place on Saturday 1 October 2016 from 9:30am – 3pm at Craiglockhart Campus, Merchiston Campus and Sighthill Campus where courses and student services will be represented. For more information please visit www.napier (CF)
Heriot Watt University Open Days The 2016 Edinburgh Campus Open Days will take place on:
· Friday 23 September 2016 from 10am to 4pm
· Saturday 29 October 2016 from 10am to 4pm
The following Academic Schools will be represented: Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society; Engineering and Physical Sciences; Management and Languages; Mathematical and Computer Sciences.
Galashiels Campus (School of Textiles) will host a separate set of Open Days on:
· Friday 30 September 2016 from 10am to 4pm
· Saturday 19 November from 10am to 4pm
Further information is available at www.hw.ac.uk/opendays (CF)