House Assemblies: House Assemblies will be held this week. Pupils and staff should go straight to the Assembly Hall on their allocated day where the class will be registered. All pupils should be seated together in their registration class.

Thursday – RandolphFriday – Seafield

Behaviour on Morriston Road All year groups were spoken to at assemblies at the start of term about safety on roads to and from school, particularly on Morriston Road. We have had a report this week of someone walking out from behind a bus and almost being hit by a police car. Please ensure that, at all times, you cross the road safely.

Cake Sale At lunchtime on Friday 27 November, cakes and bakes will be available to buy. The money will help fund two senior students volunteer in an elephant rescue and wildlife sanctuary in Thailand. The money raised will go directly to Personal Overseas Development Volunteers, who organise the project.

Kayleigh Young & Kirstie Mclean (S5)

Christmas ConcertTickets for the Christmas Concert on Monday 7th December are available from the music department and the school office. The price is £5 and the evening’s entertainment starts at 7o’clock.Donations for the raffle will be gratefully received and should be handed in to the music department

SHANARRI Wellbeing Game Competition For those of you who have created your Wellbeing Game for the competition to win £100, you must present your game to our judges (Mr Scott, Mr MacKay and Miss Davison) in room B38 on Friday 27th November at 1.15pm. A winner to beput forward to the council judges will be chosen, and this winner will present their game on Friday 4th December. Good Luck!

Our Inter-House Book Quiz is TOMORROW The Moray house team includes Katrina Buckle, Carrie MacVicar, Aiden Smith, Jacob Holder and Jamie Rankin. Known collectively as That’s What Moray’s Tolkien About. The Seafield team of Zak Kahn, Erin Stringer, Thomas Meikle, Caitlin Thomson and John Hannah is called Seafield Slitherfield. Make sure you support your house team as the five teams and the staff team battle it out for points and prizes. All in the library, from 1.00pm.

Book Fair last full day Today is the last full day for the book fair. Books that haven’t been paid for will be returned the book fair by lunchtime. Thank you for buying so many books. Sales have been brilliant!

Calling all Hockey Club Members!!!Please come to a short meeting in B29this Friday 27th at 1.15pm. We will be discussing fixtures and the upcoming Christmas tournament. Thanks (SS)

S3 & S4 Rugby Players. The Under 16 playersshould leave class at 12.10 for the Morayshire Plate match at Gordonstoun this Thursday Nov 26th. Players should catch up with any work they miss. More information on the Rugby noticeboard beside G15 or see Mr Kelly.

Scotland Rugby Internationals at Murrayfield.The school is planning to go to Murray field to watch Scotland play England ( Feb 6th ) and France ( March 13th ). Any student who wishes to go should get an information letter from Mr Kelly in Physics G 13.

Wool Needed! Requesting donations of any odd balls of wool (especially colourful/sparkly) – this is for the Engagement Team working 1:1 in the Bridge. Thank you.


DRAMA CLUB (S1&2) – Are you in S1 or S2? Would you like to join a new Drama club?

Then come to Room B55 on Thursday 26th November from 3.30 – 4.30 and join

Mr. Harris and a devoted team of S6 pupils for fun, games, drama skills and play making.

First meeting is to do some activities and discuss ideas for the future of the club.

2nd meeting on 10th December, then weekly (mostly)

S1- S3 Art Club Reminder that Art club runs on a Thursday lunch times. If you enjoy art and want to get involved in entering some great art competitions, as well as earn points for your house, then come along to B39. Any questions see Miss Tullis. (MT)

Mockingjay Part 2 film and Scribbles trip todayPupils going on this trip – please meet in the library after school. We will be leaving for the cinema at 4.00pm.


Higher Chemistry – Study Support after school on Wednesday G27

Nat 4/5 Chemistry – Study support after school on Thursday G27

National 5 Drama. Mrs May will continue to run study sessions after school on a Monday, 3:30-4:30. On the 30th November we will be looking at past papers, focussing on Section A, and on the 7th December we will be continuing with Section B. On the 14th December we will be looking at Voice and Movement terminology. Please let me know if you would like to attend. Thanks!

S4-6 Biology Textbooks The Biology department would ask all pupils both past and current to please check if they have any National 5, Higher textbooks or yellow PS booklets at home that they may have borrowed for study or general revision. Currently the department is missing a large number of textbooks particularly from Mrs Gordon’s, Mrs Millar and Miss McQueen’s classrooms. Instead of having 20 copies per classroom we currently have only 15 between 2 rooms and the department does not have the funds to replace the missing books. Please check desks at home, the depths of school bags and even under your bed for these missing books as the department would greatly appreciate their return so all students have access to these important resources. The department will always lend students resources but with the permission of their class teacher. A box is available for returning books in the Biology study base.

Thanks you Mrs Gordon.

S6 Eco group – reminder to meet at lunchtime today in G16, 1.10 please. (TS)

DRAMA TUTORIAL Mr. Harris’ S4 Drama class are invited to attend tutorials in B55 on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes from 1pm – 1.30pm. This is to help prepare for Prelims and Exams and also the help catching up. See Mr. Harris for a schedule of what will be covered.

National 5 / Higher Art & Design – Any pupils who paid for the return of their practical folios from last session can collect them from the Art department. Please do not take work without a teacher present. You have until the end of term to collect the work. Thank you. (KT)

Christmas Party the price for the S5/6 Christmas Party tickets is £5, and they are now on sale form anyone in the social events committee. They are also available on Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunchtime from 1pm in Mrs May’s room. The closing date for buying tickets is Friday 11th December and cannot be bought on the night. The party is on Tuesday 15 December from 7pm – 10pm. Smart dress is required.