PUPIL BULLETIN Monday 16th January 2017
Orchestra - Please note there will be NO orchestra until after study leave due to exams. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Choir is back this week! Please come along on Wednesday at 1.10pm, S1 – S3 in Y01 and S4 – S6 in Y06. New members are very welcome! See you there, Miss Mulford and Miss McDonald.
FRENCH/GERMAN ONLINE COMPETITION: download the DUOLINGO app (or access the site from a desktop), complete your profile (takes 20 seconds), choose French or German, select CLUB and look for elgin academy and type in DTQ43M for French and BHVA7X for German. Now, you ready to compete against the rest of the school and at the same time practise or learn a language. This is open to all years and staff. In your profile you can enter a nickname if you don’t want others to see your name (any offensive names will be deleted). In late April, I will award prizes to the top competitors. If using a nickname, you will need to prove it is really you J. Start the challenge today and see how well the others are doing. More details from Mr Lestienne in B12.
Comic Characters – Brand new graphic novel and manga club begins tomorrow. - New lunchtime club, new books and new to school. Be part of it all, tomorrow, at lunchtime, in the library.
Film Club - Our January film will be The Book Thief - Based on the bestselling book, The Book Thief tells the story of an extraordinary young girl sent to live with a foster family in WWII Germany. A week today, at 3.30pm. Save the date.
Novelties Book Club Book of the Month – Monster by CJ Skuse - Almost impossible to put down. Great cliff-hangers and nail-biting action on almost every page. This book has plenty of blood and authentic teen language. Get a hold of this exciting psychological thriller, which has one of the best endings ever!
School Booster Consent Form 3rd – 6th Years School booster consent forms to be completed and returned to school by Tuesday 17th January. These must be returned in time so that you can receive the vaccination in February. No consent form, no vaccine. These vaccinations are very important, especially for the senior school pupils as it may affect travelling, university and job opportunities.
Taster Day - The S3 ‘Taster Day’ at Moray College takes place on Tuesday 24th January. Pupils will register as normal and attend their pd 1 class until 9:30 at which point they should be escorted to the canteen by the class teacher (please don’t simply release them from class as this caused some disruption last year). As the English prelim is taking place at this time, it is essential that there is good order.
S3 Pupils will be out of class for the remainder of the day.
Please contact A Webster should there be any queries
Music Club - There will be no S1-2 music club on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes during study leave. It will resume 7th Feb.
Library Assistants – please attend a brief meeting in the library today at 1.25pm
Free places available on the prestigious Headstart (STEM) programme The national Headstart programme, run by EDT, offers S5 students under the age of 18 who are interested in studying a degree in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths) field, the opportunity to spend up to a week at one of the top universities in the UK. They can experience what life at university is really like and understand what exciting career opportunities a degree course might lead to. They’ll be able to connect with professionals in specific STEM industries, as well as other students from across the UK, whilst developing essential skills like problem-solving and team work.
Places on this programme normally cost £360.00 however there are 25 available places free of charge
The internship will take place during the weeks from the 21st June to the 21 July 2017 however there are other dates available.
If you are interested in this please collect an application form from Mrs Grant in G21 or your Guidance Teacher.
Applications have to be returned no later than 1 February 2017. (KJG)