P.0. BOX 511042, PUNTA GORDA, FL 33951
Dinner Business Meeting
Punta Gorda Boat Club
27 March 2018
The meeting was called to order by Cdr. Sandra Darna N at 1800.
Lt Harvey Goldstein, P gave the invocation and a moment of silence for the passing of Sharon Price. . F/Lt Ruth Wagley, Pledthe membership in the Pledge of Allegiance. A quorum was present.
Cdr. Darna swore in the following graduates of our latest ABC3 class as new members of the PRSPS:Collen and Marc Wilson and Joanne and Jim Gordon
Cdr. Darna also swore in 1st/Lt Debra Dunker as our squadron’s new Assistant Secretary.
The meeting then recessed for dinner and was reconvened at 1915.
Executive Officer Lt/Cdr. Ron Jones AP introduced guest speakers John Welsh and Bill Welch representing Team Punta Gorda. They outlined their role in the creation, tabulation and final analysis of the survey that was emailed to the residents of Punta Gorda in January 2017. The speakers concluded by suggesting members can find additional information by going online: Team Punta Gorda. Interested residents should contact the City Council with their ideas and comments.
Treasurer Report: Lt/C Harold Anderson AP reported all accounts are doing well.
Executive Officer Report: Lt/C Ron Jones AP reported we have reserved 15 spaces for members to tour the replica Nina and Pinta ships at Fisherman’s Village on 13 April at 1730. Our group rate is $5.00 pp. There is a group cruise to Cabbage Key on 10 April 2018 aboard a Kingfisher tour boat. Cost is $33.50 pp. Contact Jeane Anderson for details.
The spring District 22 Conference will take place Friday and Saturday, 13 & 14 April at the Event Center. On Saturday,14 April, all members are invited to attend any of the free workshops sponsored by D22 at the Event Center. There will be a picnic dinner Friday evening at the Punta Gorda Boat Club. Cost is $10.00 pp. Members are needed to help set up at the Boat Club prior to the event. See Jeane Anderson for details.
Education Officer: Lt/C Kevin Sculley AP noted we have conducted several ABC3 classes successfully with the help of several new class Proctors who taught knot tying and charting. Their assistance is appreciated
Administrative Officer: Lt/Cdr. Will Kelchner JN, recognized Phyllis and Helmut Ehrhardt for their continued excellence in planning the Dinner Set Up for the evening events.
On 2 May there will be a land cruise for lunch at the Lighthouse Grill at Stump Marina in Englewood. See John Rowland for details.
New Business: Cdr. Darna invited members who will attend the D22 Spring Conference to contact her if they would like to be a squadron delegate to the Conference.
Cdr. Darna also introduced John Dunker as the new head of the Boat Show committee.
Kathy Moore has been appointed as Chairman of the Coastal Cleanup committee.
Cdr. Darna appointed several members to the Commander’s Honor Role. This distinction is awarded to members who have consistently served the squadron in an exemplary manner, often exceeding expectations. The members receiving this recognition are:
P/C Don Robbins AP – Boat Show Chairman
Lt BarbaraTroike N – Hospitality Committee
Kathy Moore, S – Taking the role of Costal Clean up Chair
Our next meeting will be held Sunday, 29 Aprilbeginning at 1230. This is our annual Spring Picnic at Harbor Heights Park. The tickets are $14.00 pp. BYOB. See the article in the PILOT for details.
The benediction was given by Lt. Harvey Goldstein P and the meeting adjourned at 2026.
Lt/C Cynthia Sanders S