Sealed tenders are invited in duplicate from experienced and reputed firms for the following jobs as per tender specification:
Enquiry No. 179 /MM-II/BLR-I/GGSSTP Dated : 13/08/2015
Last date for submission of request for registration : 08.09.2015
Last date & time of Sale of tender documents : 14/09/2015 up to 1100 Hrs.
Last date & time of receipt of tenders : 17/09/2015 up to 1100 Hrs.
Date & time of opening of tenders : 17/09/2015 at 11.30 Hrs.
Cost of tender specification : Rs. 500/-
1. A set of tender documents containing terms and conditions, technical specifications and scope of work, can be obtained from office of DY. CHIEF ENGINEER / MMC-II, GGSSTP, Roopnagar-140113 by remitting its cost (non-refundable) in cash or through demand draft in favour of AO/O&M, GGSSTP, PSPCL, Roopnagar payable at Roopnagar. Tenders of the firms who do not purchase the tender documents in advance shall not be opened.
Tenders of only those firms / contractors will be considered who are registered with GGSSTP for the job of online setting of safety valves set pressure by trevitest method of 6 x 210 MW BHEL make units at GGSSTP, Ropar, subject to the further fulfilling the following PQRs :
a) The bidder should have successfully executed / completed the contract of online setting of safety valves set pressure by trevitest method for units of 210 MW capacity during the last seven years ending last day of the month
i. previous to the one in which applications are invited having minimum contract values as indicated below:-
ii. Three executed/ completed contracts, as above of cost including all taxes not less than Rs.80,000/- each.
iii. Two executed/ completed contracts, as above of cost including all taxes not less than Rs.1.0 Lacs each.
iv. One execute/ complete contract, as above of cost including all taxes not less than Rs.1.6 Lacs.
b) Firms minimum annual turn over should be Rs. 1.0 Lacs during the last three financial years ending 31st March of previous financial year i.e. 2014-15.
Those tenderers who consider themselves eligible can get themselves registered with GGSSTP by submitting the documents fulfilling the following requirements.
a) The bidder should have successfully executed / completed the contract of online setting of safety valves set pressure by trevitest method for units of 210 MW capacity during the last seven years ending last day of the month previous to the one in which applications are invited having minimum contract values as indicated below :-
i. Three executed/ completed contracts, as above of cost including all taxes not less than Rs.80,000/- each.
ii. Two executed/ completed contracts, as above of cost including all taxes not less than Rs.1.0 Lacs each.
iii. One execute/ complete contract, as above of cost including all taxes not less than Rs.1.6 Lacs.
b) The firm will submit completion certificate of executed work orders.
c) Firms minimum annual turn over should be Rs. 1.0 Lacs during the last three financial years ending 31st March of previous financial year i.e. 2014-15.
d) Bank Solvency: The firm should have sound financial capability & should submit latest solvency certificate from a Nationalized Bank/Scheduled Commercial Bank for an amount not less than Rs. 1.0 Lacs.
e) The safety valve testing system should be accepted by Central Boiler Board of India.
f) Proof of independent EPF account number issued from Regional Provident Fund Commissioner/Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner.
g) The firm must not be a defaulter in the deposition of EPF. An Affidavit in original dully attested by an Executive Magistrate / Notary to the effect that the firm has not been defaulter in respect of deposition of EPF to the concerned EPF Commissioner for the workers deployed against work orders placed by PSPCL on it in the last five years. In case it is found defaulter at any stage, the contract shall be cancelled without any notice.
h) EPF clearance certificate from EPF Commissioner for year 2013-14 or proof of submission of statutory returns with EPF for year 2014-15.
i) Proof of PAN and Proof of service tax registration number.
j) Proof of having ESIC Code number.
k) The firm should not be black listed by any Govt. /Public Sector utility during the last three years. A self attested undertaking will be given by the bidder.
l) The firm will submit list of T&P and regular manpower.
m) The firm will deposit registration fee of Rs.1000/-(Rs. One Thousand only)in cash or through demand draft in favour of AO/GGSSTP, PSPCL, Ropar payable at Ropar.
n) The registration of the firm will be done on merit on the basis of credentials of the firm and decision of Chief Engineer /GGSSTP shall be final in this regard.
Tender will be considered if the registration of the firm is done on or before the last date of sale of tender documents.
4. All tenders must be accompanied by Earnest Money at the rates prescribed in the tender documents except in the case of those tenderers who are specifically exempted there from. Tenders of the bidders who do not submit the hard copy of the demand draft (s) towards earnest money shall not be opened.
5. The firm shall have independent EPF code Number issued form the concerned RPF authority. Sub code from the Office of Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Chandigarh will be required.
6. The firm shall have to obtain Labour License under Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act. 1970 before undertaking the work and shall abide by various provisions/rules framed there under.
7. The firm should have independent service tax number allotted and will submit a copy of the same.
8. The firm shall follow the rules and regulations of Employee State Insurance Act, 1948.
9. CE/ GGSSTP, Roopnagar reserves the right to refuse issue of tender documents to any contractor/firm without assigning any reason and also to reject any or all offers without assigning any reason and no claim on this account will be accepted.
10. Tender received through telegraph, telex, fax or e-mail shall not be considered at all.
11. In case the date of opening of tenders happens to be a holiday, the tenders will be received and opened on the next working day at the same time and place.
12. In case of any dispute regarding issue of tender documents or any other dispute, C.E. / GGSSTP, Roopnagar -140113 shall be the final authority and no claim on this account shall be accepted.
Dy. Chief Engineer/MM-II
For Chief Engineer/ GGSSTP,
PSPCL, Roopnagar.