(suggested script, add or delete as required)


Good evening-

Welcome to the Puget Sound Repeater Group Monday night net.

My name is XXX, X7XX, and I will be the net control operator this evening.

This net meets weekly at 1930 hours for check in and to disseminate information relative to PSRG operations.

Is there any emergency or priority traffic for the net this evening?

Tonight’s order of business will go as follows:

1) Members and visitors check in.

2) Pass along current information.

The main checkin sheet is a streamlined version of the attendance log. This sheet identifies those who have checked in at least 12 times during the past 52 weeks. I will read these calls that are sorted by call district then prefix and, if you hear yours, then just come back with your call and I will acknowledge. If you have an announcement then make it known when you respond. When the list is finished I will call for anyplace in the alphabet and go from there. Before the net is over there will be another opportunity for the late or missed to check in.

This is X7XX for the PSRG Monday night net.

Check ins> Ok, here we go… just respond with your call.


1.Item 1 of several


3.Final item

Roster entries: 195 collected over the last 101 weeks yield an average of 33 check in’s per net.

Over the last 52 weeks the check inn’s per net average 36

Checkin’s last Monday night: 42

Any questions or comments?

Is there any other business or announcements that should come to net control or the net managers attention?

This is X7XXfor the PSRG Monday night net.

One last time- late and missed members or visitors check in now.

If you wish to join the PSRG, make a monetary donation, or offer your services to the group, please write to: Puget Sound Repeater Group, PO Box 77448, Seattle, WA 98177-0448. We can also be contacted at on the Internet.

Thank you all for checking in tonight. Please encourage your radio friends to join the fun and check into the net on Monday nights. Also, being net control is a good radio experience so seriously consider giving it a try. Anyone with a good signal into the repeater can do this handily. Just read a script and take some check ins. Contact the PSRG net manager, N7KC, and he will be pleased to set you up.

This is XX, X7XX, terminating the net at 19XX hours. Good evening.