Angler Mountain Ranch HomeownersAssociation

Townhomes NeighborhoodCommittee Charter

Name of Committee:Rules and Regulations Committee

  • Formed February 2017
  • Formation: This committee was formed to address the increased responsibilities of the homeowners upon Declarant turnover. and the newly adopted Committee Composition and Code of Conduct policy.

Reporting Level: Townhomes NeighborhoodCommittee/Board

  • The findings and recommendations of this committee will be presented to the Townhomes Board and are non-binding.

Tasks to be Completed:

  • Identify and develop supplemental rules and regulations to support self-management by the Townhomes Neighborhood to include but not limited to:
  • Recommend Policies and Procedures associated with short-term rentals.
  • Review and possibly supplement Policies and Procedures associated with pets.
  • Review and possibly supplement Policies and Procedures associated with wildlife.
  • Recommend anonymous reporting process and coordinate with Landscaping and Design Review Committee to adopt and implement.
  • Coordinate closely with Landscaping and Design Review Committee regarding proposed changes to Policies and Procedures developed by that committee.
  • Identify and address Policies and Procedures that require modification or development that do not fall within the scope of any other Committee.

Committee Makeup:

  • Board Designee Required: Yes
  • Number of Members: 3 or 5; includingat least 1 of each of the following:
  • Full-time (primary) residents
  • Seasonal residents, who are here for 1 month or longer at least once during most years
  • Weekenders, who are here for short periods, usually less than 1 month at a time
  • Committee Roles
  • 1 member will be selected to serve as Chair and is responsible to run the Committee and the Committee meetings.
  • 1 member will be selected to serve in the role of Secretary and is responsible for producing minutes.
  • Committee members will follow Code of Conduct, Voting and Documentation guidelines included at the end of this document.
  • Members:
  • Brad Barta (Board representative; full-time)
  • Barb Thompson: Seasonal
  • To be named: Weekender

Terms of Service: Members are asked to serve staggered 2-year terms to be appointed biennially by the Neighborhood Board at the Annual General Meeting.

Charter Reviewed: Annually; next review is in 2018.

Committee Conduct Policy adopted February 2017

Code of Conductfor all HOA Business and Committees

The AMR “Policy Regarding Conduct of Meetings” shall apply to all communication among Committee members, whether in person, verbally but remote, or written, such as emails and text messages. The policy states “Personal attacks, whether physical or verbal, and offensive language will not be tolerated. Courteous behavior is mandatory.”

If a member is accused of violating the Member Conduct code above, the respective Board (community wide or neighborhood) will hold a hearing where the accused member may be heard. If the Board determines that the code has been violated, the Board may restrict the member’s participation in that committee.


Prior to meeting with their associated board and presenting a recommendation, all Committee members should vote. Minimally the vote results will be presented to the Board. Recommendations to the respective Board will be in writing and will include an anonymous vote tally on each recommendation and the rationale for each vote, including rationale for any dissenting votes.

A unanimous vote is favorable, but not necessary.

The Vote is non-binding. The associated board will consider the recommendations and information provided by the Committee when making any associated decisions.


To ensure committee communication, minutes of each committee meeting will be created by the Secretary of the Committee and shall be distributed in writing within 72 hours to all Committee members. Committee members may recommend modifications to the documentation or approve it in its entirety. The minutes shall be a unanimous consensus of all committee members. Such documentation shall be maintained and made accessible to all affected AMR owners.

Other in-person, phone, email or other communication with members of the Committee concerning Committee matters shall be documented by the participants and shall be shared with all Committee members via email within 3 days of such communication.

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