Chapter/Colony: / Date:Person submitting report / Phone No.
E-mail Address:
Instructions: Please type or print legibly. Make one copy of this report. Send the original to the National Office, and retain the copy for chapter records. Report due dates are: November 15 and April 15. The Publicity Report shows how you chapter/colony publicizes Theta Phi Alpha on your campus or in your community. It should be comprised of:
- Newspaper articles that mention Theta Phi Alpha in the body or headline of the article. Include name and date of the publication and highlight the name Theta Phi Alpha.
- Flyers, leaflets, programs, pamphlets, brochures and handouts that mention Theta Phi Alpha. Photographs or names of collegians that do not mention Theta Phi Alpha are not eligible. A copy of the chapter photograph in a yearbook would be eligible; individual photos of sister that do not mention Theta Phi Alpha would not.
- Photographs or large posters or banners displayed on campus or elsewhere. Please send a picture of the poster and not the poster itself.
- Video and/or audiotapes will be accepted if used for recruitment or other sorority events. Do not send tapes of parties or meetings.
The following is a listing of the publicity points allotted for each item submitted. Please note that to be eligible for the Publicity Cup, a scrapbook must be displayed at Convention.
Per inch of a newspaper article that mentions Theta Phi Alpha / 1 pointEach additional time Theta Phi Alpha is mentioned in above items / 5 points
Meeting the deadline / 5 points
Neat, clear explanations for everything included in the report / 5 points
Photographs, depicting an event or function, which have been included in a publication; Indicate who, what, where and why / 5 points
Single-page flyer, brochure, pamphlet or program / 5 points
Photograph of larger poster or banner / 10 points
Pamphlet, brochure or program that deals entirely with Theta Phi Alpha / 15-20 points
Radio or television coverage or appearance / 25 points
Item Submitted / Date(s) / Activity/Event
(Attach additional pages if necessary.)
Publicity ReportPage 1 of 1April 2005