2015 Clear Ridge Instructional League (5-6 yr. old)

League Director – Jason Sikorski


Cell: 773-682-3596

Coaching Guidelines, Playing Rules, and Safety

The Instructional League is the first level in the Clear Ridge Little League (CRLL). It is a two year program designed to teach the fundamentals of baseball, basic rules and skills of the game while following the principles of the Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA). The league will follow the Little League Pee Wee rules, but there are a number of exceptions designed to teach the fundamentals of baseball and create a positive experience for all players. Listed below are the guidelines and rules specific to the Instructional League.

  1. Coaching Guidelines
  2. Managers are responsible for the conduct of the team, coaches, parents, and spectators and should make all efforts to maintain control. This is an instructional league that focuses on teaching players the fundamentals of the game. Everyone involved should encourage the players and motivate them to learn the game while having fun at the same time.
  3. Managers are required to attend all scheduled coaches’ meetings and clinics, or send a representative in their place. All coaches are encouraged to attend the meetings and clinics.
  4. Managers are responsible for field maintenance and general cleanup of the field after the practice or game is over.
  5. All coaches must set the example for their team. Physical appearance, language, sportsmanship, and sobriety are critical areas of importance.
  6. Any manager, coach, scorekeeper, or parent whose conduct brings discredit to Clear Ridge Little League including the violation of any playing rule or by-law is subject to discipline by the CRLL board. Any improper conduct or violation of any playing rule or bylaw shall be reported to the President of CRLL. The President shall then refer the matter to the CRLL Code of Conduct Committee. The Committee shall, within 5 days of receiving notice of the alleged infraction, conduct an investigation, which may include meeting/discussions with all parties that the CRLL board may determine are relevant to the matter. The Committee shall then take appropriate disciplinary action.
  1. Playing Rules
  1. Coaches will pitch to their own team and serve as umpires for the season.
  2. Teams will play all players in the field defensively. Outfielders should play at least 10-feet beyond the infield.
  3. There must be a minimum of 8 players to play. There arenoforfeits; players may be borrowed from the opposing team if necessary.
  4. Games will last 6-innings or 75 minutes, whichever comes first. No new inning will start after 75 minutes, NO EXCEPTIONS.
  5. There is no score keeping, but in order to keep the game moving, there will be a five run maximum scored per team per inning. The half inning is over once five runs have been scored, regardless of the number of outs recorded.
  6. Once an inning starts both teams will have the opportunity to bat and play the field in that inning.
  7. All players must play at least 2 innings, with a minimum of one inning in the infield. The exception is first base. There, you should always place a kid who can catch a ball safely. Players should not play the same infield position more than twice per game. Give the kids a chance to learn all positions and rotate them through all defensive positions.
  8. A continuous batting order will be used. All players will bat regardless if they are in the field defensively. The batting order should be set at the beginning of the season and left in that order, advancing the kids one positions each game. That way all get to bat leadoff, cleanup, and last. This will make it easier for the kids to know who they follow in the lineup and for you as a manager to control the game.
  9. When your team is on the field, 2 coaches are allowed on the field, typically in the outfield behind shortstop and second base. Coaches are encouraged to give guidance to players on both teams in an effort to teach them the basic rules and skills of the game.
  10. A coach from the batting team will pitch to their own players. There is no walking a batter and no strike outs.
  11. The coach on the pitching mound is the umpire for plays in the field. If he does not see the play he asks a coach from the opposing team to make the call. This is an instructional league and the emphasis should not be placed on who is right or wrong, rather teaching the players to respect the game.
  12. A coach from the batting team should be behind home plate as a backup to the catcher. This is to facilitate the catcher and keep the game moving.
  13. There is a 5-pitch limit per batter. If a batter does not hit a ball in play within the 5 pitches a tee will be used (This is to teach the players what to do after making contact with the ball and to teach them the fundamentals of base running). This rule should be followed closely so the games do not drag on and will allow all kids get a sufficient amount of at bats per game.
  14. Pitcher mound will be at 42 feet. Measure prior to game and pitch from the approximate distance. Early in the season coaches may pitch from a closer distance.
  15. Base distance is 60 feet. A double base will be used at first base with orange base to the outside.
  16. All players must attempt to slide on close plays at second, third, and home plate. There is NO head first sliding, unless a player is going back to the bag.
  17. No leading off or stealing.
  18. The ball is live after it is hit into fair territory and shall remain live until it reaches the infield. The ball is considered dead when it reaches the baseline between first and second, or second and third. Once the ball is judged dead, the play is stopped, runners still advancing to a base may continue if they have reached the half way mark. If the runner does not make it to the half way mark, they must return to the previous base.
  19. Base running rules – lead runners may advance an extra base only if they round the base and continue to the next base before the ball has reached the infield. Lead runners may only advance two bases per hit ball (ex. Batter hits ball to outfield and may only advance as far as second base or runner on first base may only advance to third base on a hit ball). If a coach sends a runner to next base, then all runners are live, no free backs. Extra bases should not be taken on errors by infield players or on an overthrow. Players will be limited to one base on a ball thrown out of play.
  20. Players fielding an infield ground ball should throw the ball to a teammate at a base. They should not run to the base to get the out, instead they should learn to throw it to their teammate waiting for the ball.
  21. The infield fly rule will not apply to instructional league games.
  22. The home team manager is responsible for field duty (chalking the field, setting up the mound, and putting out and taking in the bases).
  23. For bad weather, the league director will make the decision to play the game. If there is lightning in the area, the game must be stopped immediately. Game can be resumed when no lightning is in sight (after 30 minutes, games will be canceled and rescheduled). League director will keep track of weather during the games and let coaches know if lighting is within 5 miles of the fields. Games lasting less than two complete innings will be rescheduled at a later date with the game starting in the first inning. If more than two innings have been played, it will be considered a complete game.
  24. The league coordinator, or his designee, can only reschedule cancelled or suspended/continued games and notify the coaches of the new date and time. Designated make-up dates will be annotated on the league schedule.
  1. Safety and Equipment
  2. Safety is always first.
  3. CRLL requires that each manager keep a parent completed medical form for each player in his or her possession at all times.
  4. NO ON DECK SWINGING, this includes behind the dugout fence. Misuse of the bat is the leading cause of serious injury in youth baseball. The only player that should be even holding a bat is the batter. All bats should be kept together against a backstop to avoid a tripping hazard. Bat racks should be kept inside the fence in the dugout to permit batter to only have bat when up at plate.
  5. No throwing the bat. Players should be taught to drop the bat before running to first base.
  6. All batters will wear a batting helmet while both at bat and on base. Throwing of helmets is not permitted. If you have a cracked helmet - do not use it - it will be replaced by the league.
  7. Shoes with steel spikes are prohibited.
  8. No jewelry will be worn.
  9. Only league supplied baseballs are to be used for games. Do not allow any outside balls such as hard baseballs to be used. Managers and coaches should control the number of balls being thrown around during practice and games.
  10. Equipment bags are provided by the league for the use of registered managers, coaches and players only. The manager is responsible for the equipment bag and must return it and all equipment at the end of the season.
  11. First aid kits, ice packs, and a defibrillator are available at the concession stands.
  12. Any injuries should be reported to the Safety Officer and/or the division coordinator. AnInjury/Incident tracking form should be filled out which can be downloaded from the league web site.
  13. No parents will be allowed on the field during a game to instruct their child unless they are requested by the manager/coach and have completed the appropriate volunteer paperwork.