Publicationsfromstudies carried out at Röbäcksdalen field research station
- Articles in international refereed journals (1988- 2015)
Lindvall, E, Gustavsson, A-M, Samuelsson, R, Magnusson, T. and Palmborg, C. 2015. Ash as a phosphorus fertilizer to reed canary grass: effects of nutrient and heavy metal composition on plant and soil. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12161
Bylin AG, Hume DE, Card SD, Mace WJ, Lloyd-West CM, Huss-Danell K (2014). Influence of nitrogen fertilization on growth and loline alkaloid production of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis) associated with the fungal symbiont Neotyphodium uncinatum. – Botany92, 370–376
Carlsson G, Huss-Danell K (2014). Does nitrogen transfer
between plants confound 15N-based quantifications of N2 fixation? - Plant and Soil 374, 345-358. DOI 10.1007/s11104-013-1802-1
Persson, T., Höglind, M., Gustavsson, A-M, Halling, M, Jauhiainen, L, Niemelainen, O, Thorvaldsson, G. & Virkajarvi, P. (2014). Evaluation of the LINGRA timothy model under Nordic conditions. Field Crops Research 161, 87-97.
Arvidsson, K, Martinsson, K. & Gustavsson A-M. (2013). Fatty acid concentrations in timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.): Effects of seasonal variations at different nitrogen fertilization levels. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science 63, 314-321.DOI:10.1080/09064710.2013.766256.
Ampomah OY, James EK, Iannetta PPM, Kenicer G, Sprent JI, Huss-Danell K (2012). Nodulation and ecological significance of indigenous legumes in Scotland and Sweden. – Symbiosis 57, 133-148. DOI 10.1007/s13199-012-0188-9
Arvidsson K, Gustavsson A-M, Fievez V, Martinsson K (2012). The effect of N-fertilisation rate or inclusion of red clover to timothy leys on fatty acid composition in milk of dairy cows fed a commercial silage:concentrate ratio. Animal 6, 1178-1186.
Höjer A, Adler S, Martinsson K, Jensen SK, Steinshamn H, Thuen E, Gustavsson A-M. (2012). Effect of legume-grass silages and α-tocopherol supplementation on fatty acid composition and α-tocopherol, β-carotene and retinol concentrations in organically produced bovine milk. Livestock Science 148, (3): 268-281.
Höjer A, Adler S, Purup S, Hansen-Møller J, Martinsson K, Steinshamn H, Gustavsson A-M. (2012). Effects of feeding dairy cows different legume-grass silages on milk phytoestrogen concentration. Journal of Dairy Science 95, 4526-4540.
Nielsen, T.S., Höjer, A., Gustavsson, A-M., Hansen-Møller, J. and Purup, S. (2012). Proliferative effect of whey from cows’ milk varying in phyto-oestrogens in human breast and prostate cancer cells. Journal of Dairy Research 79, 143-149.
Lindvall, E., Gustavsson, A-M., Palmborg, C. (2012). Establishment of reed canary grass with perennial legumes or barley and different fertilization treatments: effects on yield, botanical composition and nitrogen fixation. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 4, 661-670. DOI:10.1111/j.1757-1707.2012.01178.x
Ampomah OY, Huss-Danell K (2011). Genetic diversity of root nodule bacteria nodulating Lotus corniculatus and Anthyllis vulneraria in Sweden. - Systematic and Applied Microbiology 34, 267-275.
Gustavsson, A.M. (2011). A developmental scale for perennial forage grasses based on the decimal code framework. Grass and Forage Science 66, 93-108. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2494.2010.00767.x
Inselsbacher E, Öhlund J, Jämtgård S, Huss-Danell K, Näsholm T (2011). The potential of microdialysis to monitor organic andinorganic nitrogen compounds in soil. - Soil Biology and Biochemistry43, 1321-1332.
Viketoft, M., Sohlenius, B., Boström, S., Palmborg, C., Bengtsson, J., Berg, M.P. and Huss-Danell, K. (2011). Temporal dynamics of soil nematode communities in a grassland plant diversity experiment. - Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43, 1063-1070.
Bolinder, M.A., Kätterer, T., Andren, O., Ericson, L., Parent, L.E. & Kirchmann, H. (2010). Long-term soil organic carbon and nitrogen dynamics in forage-based crop rotations in Northern Sweden (63-64 degrees N). - Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 138, 335-342.
Hector, A., Hautier, Y., Saner, P., Wacker, L., Bagchi, R., Joshi, J., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Spehn, E.M., Bazeley-White, E., Weilenmann, M., Caldeira, M.C., Dimitrakopoulos, P.G., Finn, J.A., Huss-Danell, K., Jumpponen, A., Mulder, C.P.H., Palmborg, C., Pereira, J.S., Siamantziouras, A.S.D., Terry, A.C., Troumbis, A.Y., Schmid, B. & Loreau, M. (2010). General stabilizing effects of plant diversity on grassland productivity through population asynchrony and overyielding. Ecology 91, 2213-2220.
Jämtgård, S., Näsholm, T., Huss-Danell, K. (2010). Nitrogen compounds in soil solutions of agricultural land. - Soil Biology & Biochemistry 42, 2325-2330.
Xiong, S.J. & Kätterer, T. (2010). Carbon-allocation dynamics in reed canary grass as affected by soil type and fertilization rates in northern Sweden. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science 60, 24-32.
Arvidsson K., Gustavsson A-M. and Martinsson K. (2009). Effects of conservation method on fatty acid composition of silage. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 148 (2-4), 241-252
Arvidsson, K., Gustavsson, A-M., Martinsson, K. (2009). Fatty acids in forages: A comparison of different pre-treatments prior to analysis. Animal Feed Science and Technology 151, 143-152.
Viketoft, M., Bengtsson, J., Sohlenius, B., Berg, M.P., Petchey, O., Palmborg, C. & Huss-Danell, K. (2009). Long-term effects of plant diversity and composition on soil nematode communities in model grasslands. Ecology 90, 90-99.
Xiong, S.J., Landström, S. & Olsson, R. (2009). Delayed harvest of reed canary grass translocates more nutrients in rhizomes. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science 59, 306-316.
Hetta, M., Nordheim, H., Gustavsson, A.M. & Martinsson, K. (2008). Comparison of in vitro degradation of temperate forages production and filter using the gas bag techniques. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 88, 199-206.
Jämtgård S, Näsholm T, Huss-Danell K (2008). Characteristics of amino acid uptake in barley. - Plant and Soil 302, 221-231. doi: 10.1007/s11104-007-9473-4
Przystalski, M., Osman, A., Thiemt, E.M., Rolland, B., Ericson, L., Østergard, H., Levy, L., Wolfe, M., Buchse, A., Piepho, H.P. & Krajewski, P. (2008). Comparing the performance of cereal varieties in organic and non-organic cropping systems in different European countries. Euphytica 163, 417-433.
Bharadwaj, D.P., Lundquist, P.O. & Alström, S. (2007). Impact of plant species grown as monocultures on sporulation and root colonization by native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in potato. Applied Soil Ecology 35, 213-225.
Duodu S, Carlsson G, Huss-Danell K, Svenning MM (2007). Large genotypic variation but small variation in N2 fixation among rhizobia nodulating red clover in soils of northern Scandinavia. - Journal of Applied Microbiology 102,1625-1635.doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2672.2006.03196.x
Hector, A., Joshi, J., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Schmid, B., Spehn, E.M., Wacker, L., Weilenmann, M., Bazeley-White, E., Beierkuhnlein, C., Caldeira, M.C., Dimitrakopoulos, P.G., Finn, J.A., Huss-Danell, K., Jumpponen, A., Leadley, P.W., Loreau, M., Mulder, C.P.H., Nesshoover, C., Palmborg, C., Read, D.J., Siamantziouras, A.S.D., Terry, A.C. & Troumbis, A.Y. (2007). Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: reconciling the results of experimental and observational studies. Functional Ecology 21, 998-1002.
Hetta, M., Cone, J.W., Bernes, G., Gustavsson, A-M. and Martinsson, K. (2007). Voluntary intake of silages in dairy cows depending on chemical composition and in vitro gas production characteristics. Livestock Science 106, 47–56.
Huss-Danell, K., Chaia, E., Carlsson, G. (2007). N2 fixation and nitrogen allocation to above and below ground plant parts in red clover-grasslands. Plant and Soil 299, 215-226.
Jämtgård, S., Näsholm, T. & Huss-Danell, K. (2007). Occurrence of amino acids in soil and their uptake in barley. Amino Acids 33, XXXVI-XXXVI.
Puentes, A., Bazely, D.R. Huss-Danell, K. (2007). Endophytic fungi in Festuca pratensis grown in Swedish agricultural grasslands with different managements. Symbiosis 44, 121-126.
Hector A, Bazeley-White E, Spehn EM, Joshi J, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schmid B, Beierkuhnlein C, Caldeira MC, Diemer M, Dimitrakopoulos PG, Finn JA, Freitas H, Giller PS, Good J, Harris R, Högberg P, Huss-Danell K, Jumpponen A, Koricheva J, Körner C, Leadley PW, Loreau M, Minns A, Mulder CPH, O'Donovan GO, Otway SJ, Palmborg C, Pereira JS, Pfisterer AB, Prinz A, Read DJ, Schulze E-D, Siamantziouras A-SD, Terry AC, Troumbis AY, Woodward FI, Yachi S, Lawton JH (2005). Data from the BIODEPTH project (15 ecosystem-process variables measured at eight different European grassland field sites over three years) together with metadata and a table with site information. - Ecological Archives M075-001-S1.
Hellqvist, S. (2005). Effects of damage to individual leaves on shoot growth and berry production of black currant. Crop Protection 24, 343-348.
Huss-Danell, K., Chaia, E. (2005). Use of different plant parts to study N2 fixation with 15N techniques in field-grown red clover (Trifolium pratense). Physiologia Plantarum 125, 21-30.
Jumpponen, A., Mulder, C.P.H., Huss-Danell, K. & Högberg, P. (2005). Winners and losers in herbaceous plant communities: insights from foliar carbon isotope composition in monocultures and mixtures. Journal of Ecology 93, 1136-1147.
Palmborg, C., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Jumpponen, A., Carlsson, G., Huss Danell, K., Högberg, P. (2005). Inorganic soil nitrogen under grassland plant communities of different species composition and diversity. Oikos 110, 271-282.
Ramert, B., Hellqvist, S., Petersen, M.K. (2005). A survey of Lygus parasitoids in Sweden. Biocontrol Science and Technology 15, 411-426.
Spehn, E.M., Hector, A., Joshi, J., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Schmid, B., Bazeley-White, E., Beierkuhnlein, C., Caldeira, M.C., Diemer, M., Dimitrakopoulos, P.G., Finn, J.A., Freitas, H., Giller, P.S., Good, J., Harris, R., Hogberg, P., Huss-Danell, K., Jumpponen, A., Koricheva, J., Leadley, P.W., Loreau, M., Minns, A., Mulder, C.P.H., O'Donovan, G., Otway, S.J., Palmborg, C., Pereira, J.S., Pfisterer, A.B., Prinz, A., Read, D.J., Schulze, E.D., Siamantziouras, A.S.D., Terry, A.C., Troumbis, A.Y., Woodward, F.I., Yachi, S. & Lawton, J.H. (2005). Ecosystem effects of biodiversity manipulations in European grasslands. Ecological Monographs 75, 37-63.
Viketoft, M., Palmborg, C., Sohlenius, B., Huss-Danell, K. & Bengtsson, J. (2005). Plant species effects on soil nematode communities in experimental grasslands. Applied Soil Ecol. 30, 90-103.
Gustavsson, A-M. and Martinsson, K. (2004). Comparison between two modified methods of neutral-detergent fibre analysis. Grass and Forage Science 59, 186-190. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2494.2004.00416.x
Gustavsson, A-M. and Martinsson, K. (2004). Seasonal variation in biochemical composition of cell walls, digestibility, morphology, growth and phenology in timothy. European Journal of Agronomy 20, 293-312.
Hetta, M., Gustavsson, A.-M., Cone, J.W. & Martinsson, K. (2004). In vitro degradation characteristics of Timothy and Red Clover at different harvest times. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science 54, 20-29.Hetta, M, Cone, J.W., Gustavsson,A-M. and Martinsson, K. (2003). The effect of additives in silages of pure timothy and timothy mixed with red clover on chemical composition and in vitro rumen fermentation characteristics. Grass and Forage Science 58, 249-257. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2494.2003.00376.x
Jumpponen, A., Högberg, P., Huss-Danell, K. & Mulder, C.P.H. (2002). Interspecific and spatial differences in nitrogen uptake in monocultures and two-species mixtures in north European grasslands. Functional Ecology 16, 454-461.
Mulder CPH, Jumpponen A, Högberg P, Huss-Danell K (2002). How plant diversity and legumes affect nitrogen dynamics in experimental grassland communities. - Oecologia 133, 412-421.
Gustavsson, A-M. and Martinsson, K. (2001). Analysis of growth and nutrition value in timothy using a dynamic model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 107, 83-101.
Joshi J, Schmid B, Caldeira MC, Dimitrakopoulos PG, Good J, Harris R, Hector A, Huss-Danell K, Jumpponen A, Minns A, Mulder CPH, Pereira JS, Prinz A, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Siamantziouras A-SD, Terry AC, Troumbis AY, Lawton JH (2001). Local adaptation enhances performance of common plant species. - Ecology Letters 4, 536-544.
Minns, A., Finn, J., Hector, A., Caldeira, M., Joshi, J., Palmborg, C., Schmid, B., Scherer Lorenzen, M., Spehn, E., Troumbis, A. & project, B. (2001). The functioning of European grassland ecosystems: Potential benefits of biodiversity to agriculture. Outlook on Agriculture 30, 179-185.
Näsholm, T., Huss-Danell, K., Högberg, P., (2001). Uptake of glycine by field grown wheat. New Phytologist 150,59-63.
Koricheva J, Mulder CPH, Schmid B, Joshi J, Huss-Danell K(2000). Numerical responses of different trophic groups of invertebrates to manipulations of plant diversity in grasslands. - Oecologia 125, 271-282.
Näsholm T, Huss-Danell K, Högberg P (2000). Uptake of organic nitrogen in the field by four agriculturally important species. - Ecology 81, 1155-1161.
Hector A, Schmid BW, Beierkuhnlein C, Caldeira MC, Diemer M, Dimitrakopoulos P, Finn J, Freitas HO, Giller PS, Good J, Harris R, Högberg P, Huss-Danell K, Joshi J, Jumpponen A, Körner C, Leadley P, Loreau M, Minns A, Mulder C, O´Donovan G, Otway SJ, Pereira JS, Prinz A, Read DJ, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schulze E-D, Siamantziouras A, Spehn E, Terry A, Troumbis FI, Woodward FI, Yachi S, Lawton JH (1999). Plant diversity and productivity experiments in European grasslands. - Science286, 1123-1127.
Mulder CPH, Koricheva J, Huss-Danell K, Högberg P, Joshi J (1999). Insects affect relationships between plant species richness and ecosystem processes. - Ecology Letters 2, 237-246.
Gustavsson, A-M. (1995). Predictions of growth and nutritional value of forage leys with a dynamic model. Agricultural Systems 47, 93-105.
Gustavsson, A-M., Angus, J.F. and Torssell, B.W.R. (1995). An integrated model for growth and nutritional value of timothy. Agricultural Systems 47,73-92.
Gustavsson, A-M. (1988). A method for protein content predictions in leys. Swedish Journal of agricultural Research 18, 105-111.
B. Doctoral theses
Bylin, A. (2014). Endophytic fungi in meadow fescue and other forage grasses. Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå.
Lindvall, E. (2014). Nutrient Supply to Reed Canary Grass as a Bioenergy Crop. Intercropping with legumes and Fertilization Strategies for Phosphorous and Potassium. Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå.
Jämtgård, S. (2010). The occurrence of amino acids in agricultural soil and their uptake by plants. Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå.
Öhberg, H. (2008). Studies of the persistence of red clover cultivars in Sweden with particular reference to Sclerotina trifoliorum. Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå.
Hellkvist, S. (2001). Dasineura tetensi and black currant on a variable gall midge and itsvariable host. Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå.
Magnusson, M. (2000). Soil pH and nutrient uptake in cauliflower (Brassica oleracia L. var.Botrytis) and broccoli (Brassica oleracia L. var. italica) in Northern Sweden. Multielementstudies by means of plant and soil analyses. Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå.
Gustavsson, A-M. (1995). Adaptation of an integrated dynamic model for growth and changes in nutritional value of forage leys to specific sites, seasons and varieties. Department of Crop Production Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Uppsala.
Landström, S. (1992). Growth analysis of timothy, meadow fescue and red clover mixture in Northern Sweden. Department of Crop Production Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Uppsala.
Bång U. (1989). Cultivating measures for potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) and climatic factors affecting the gangrene pathogen Phoma foveata Foister. Department of Plant and Forest Protection, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Uppsala.
C: Conference papers2004-2013.
Huss-Danell K (2013). Baljväxter och kvävefixering. Grovfoderkonferensen 13 mars 2013, Umeå. - SLU Rapport 2:2013. Inst för norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap, Umeå. pp.6-7.
Bylin A, Huss-Danell K (2012). Endofytiska svampar, Neotyphodium, i vallgräs.Grovfoderkonferensen 2012. Umeå. Rapport. SLU, Institutionen för norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap pp.14-15
Palmborg, C. (2012). Effects of harvest time (early winter or spring) of reed canary grass on track depth, penetration resistace and plant groth and development. NJF seminar 448 Soil Compaction - effects on soil functions and strategies for prevention.(eds. L. Alakukku, H.-R. Kymäläinen & E. Pienmunne) Helsinki, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists. 448: pp 43-45.
Lindvall, E. & Palmborg, C. (2011). Alternativ gödsling till rörflen. 14:e Regionala Jordbrukskonferensen för Norra Sverige.(ed. G. Bernes) Umeå, Institutionen för norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap Rapport 1:2011 pp34-35.
Carlsson G, Huss-Danell K (2008). Kvävefixerande baljväxter för klimatsmart produktion. Hemmaproducerat foder för ökad lönsamhet och klimatsmartare produktion. Regional jordbrukskonferens för norra Sverige, Umeå 19-20 februari 2008. Röbäcksdalen meddelar nr. 1 p50.
Carlsson G, Huss-Danell K (2008). How to quantify biological nitrogen fixation in forage legumes in field. InBiological Nitrogen Fixation: Towards Poverty Alleviation through Sustainable Agriculture. (eds F.D. Dakora, S.B.M. Chimphango, A.J. Valentine, C. Elmerich, W.E. Newton) pp. 47-48. ISBN: 978-1-4020-8251-1.
Carlsson, C., Palmborg, C., Jumpponen, A., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Högberg, P., Huss-Danell, K. (2008). Nitrogen fixation in clover grasslands of varied plant species richness. In J. Bertilsson, E. Spörndly, A. M. Gustavssonet al. (eds.) Biodiversity and animal feed - future challenges for grassland production. 22nd General meeting of the European Grassland Federation. (Uppsala), Sweden. pp.
Duodu S, Carlsson G, Huss-Danell K,Svenning MM (2008). Genotypic and phenotypic variations among rhizobia nodulating red clover in soils of northern Scandinavia.InBiodiversity and Animal Feed. Future Challenges for Grassland Production (eds A. Hopkins, T. Gustafsson, J. Bertilsson, G. Dalin, N. Nilsdotter-Linde, E. Spörndly). Grassland Science in Europe 13:pp.239-241. ISBN 978-91-85911-47-9.
Huss-Danell K, Chaia E, Carlsson G (2008). Nitrogen fixation and nitrogen allocation in red clover-grasslands. InBiodiversity and Animal Feed. Future Challenges for Grassland Production (eds A. Hopkins, T. Gustafsson, J. Bertilsson, G. Dalin, N. Nilsdotter-Linde, E. Spörndly). Grassland Science in Europe 13:pp 468-470. ISBN 978-91-85911-47-9. (invited speaker)
Palmborg C, Huss-Danell K 2008. Recovery of fertilizer N in grassland communities of different diversity and composition. In Biodiversity and Animal Feed. Future Challenges for Grassland Production (eds A. Hopkins, T. Gustafsson, J. Bertilsson, G. Dalin, N. Nilsdotter-Linde, E. Spörndly). Grassland Science in Europe 13:296-298. ISBN 978-91-85911-47-9.
Palmborg, C., Carlsson, G. & Huss-Danell, K. (2004). Biomass production following N-fertilisation in experimental grassland communities differing in plant species richness and composition. In A. Lüscher, B. Jeangros, W. Kessleret al (ed.) Land Use Systems in Grassland Dominated Regions. (Luzern, Switzerland), vdf Hochschulverlag AG, Zürich, 183-185
D. Book chapters 2000-2015
Gustavsson, A-M. Halling, M. and Nilsdotter-Linde 2015., Vallar, beten och grönfoderväxter. In Fogelfors, H. (red). Odling av åker- och trädgårdsgrödor – Vår mat. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN: 978-91-44-09280-5. Pp. 353-386.
Carlsson G, Wiklund A, Huss-Danell K 2005. Diversity, infectivity and N2 fixation efficiency among Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii genotypes isolated from three clover species. In Adaptation and Management of Forage Legumes – Strategies for Improved Reliability in Mixed Swards (eds B.E. Frankow-Lindberg, R.P. Collins, A. Lüscher, M.T. Sébastia, A. Helgadóttir). - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, pp.133-136.
Huss-Danell K, Chaia E 2005. N2 fixation in field-grown red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) studied with 15N techniques. In Adaptation and Management of Forage Legumes – Strategies for Improved Reliability in Mixed Swards (eds B.E. Frankow-Lindberg, R.P. Collins, A. Lüscher, M.T. Sébastia, A. Helgadóttir). Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, pp. 121-124.
Ericson, L. & Mattsson, L. (2000). Soil and crop management impact on SOC and physical properties of soils in northern Sweden. In Global Climate Change and Cold Regions Ecosystems 123-135
E. Reports and popular science, in Swedish (examples) 1989-2014.
Bernes, G., Martinsson, K. 2014. Jämförelse av vallfröblandningar för fårbete. Vallkonferens 2014. Inst. för växtproduktionsekologi, SLU, Rapport nr 18, 63-66.
Bernes, G., Martinsson, K. 2014. Betesblandning för får – undvik rörsvingel. Nytt från institutionen för norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap, nr 1. 4 sid.
Gustavsson A-M, 2014 Varför är skördetiden så avgörande för vallens näringsvärde. Nytt frånnorrländsk jordbruksvetenskap nr 5, 8 sid.
Bernes, G., Martinsson, K., Viklund, E. 2013. Olika vallfröblandningar för fårbete. Grovfoderkonferensen 2013 - Sammanfattning av föredrag. Rapport, Institutionen för norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap, SLU, nr 2, sid 20-21.
Bernes, G., Martinsson, K. 2013. Rörsvingel inte fårens favorit. Fårskötsel 8, 16-19.
Bernes, G., Martinsson, K. 2013. Vallfröblandningar för fårbete. Svenska Vallbrev 6, 1-3.
Höjer, A. and Bernes, G. and Gustavsson, A.-M. 2013. Fytoöstrogener i foder och mjölk. Nytt från institutionen för norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap, nr 4: 4 sid.
Huss-Danell K, Carlsson G.2011. Kvävefixering och kvävets fördelning i skörd och skörderester hos baljväxter. - SLU Rapport 1:2011 Inst för norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap, Umeå. pp.16-17.
Nadeau E., Lindqvist H., Gustavsson A-M., Jensen S.K., Søegaard K., Nilsdotter-Linde N. 2011. Vitaminer i vallbaljväxter och gräs samt vitaminförsörjning till mjölkkor i ekologisk produktion. Slutredovisning av projekt H0630374 till Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning.
Nilsson, C. och Gustavsson, A-M. 2011. Rörsvingel jämförd med timotej och ängssvingel- en pilotstudie. Svenska vallbrev 6: 2-3Palmborg, C., Lindvall, E., Gustavsson, A-M. and Xiong, S. 2011. Odling av rörflen – Sortförsök, odlingsåtgärder och klimatpåverkan. Rapport, institutionen för norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap, SLU, Umeå.
Palmborg, C. E. L. (2011). Långtidseffekter av askgödsling vid rörflensodling. Värmeforsk rapporter 1176, VÄRMEFORSK Service AB
Wallsten, J. (2011) Vårvete som helsäd i norra Sverige Nytt från Institutionen för Norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap. Växtodling , nr 3: 4 sid.
Arvidsson, K. and Gustavsson, A-M. 2010. Fettsyrasammansättning i gräs - inverkan av säsong och gödsling. Nytt från institutionen för norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap. nr 2.
Ericson L. 2010. Åkerböna som insåningsgröda vid vallinsådd. Nytt från Institutionen för Norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap. Ekologisk odling nr. 2: 4 sid.
Gustavsson A-M, 2010. Utvecklingsstadium hos timotej och ängssvingel. Svenska vallbrev nr 2:2-3Palmborg, C., L., R. & Ericson, L. (2010). Sprid flytgödsel till vall tidigt på hösten – gräset tar upp näringen bra då också. Nytt från institutionen för norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap, växtodling. Umeå, Institutionen för norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap: 3:2010.
Palmborg, C. & Lindvall, E. (2010). Optimering av odlingsåtgärder i rörflen för ökad lönsamhet. Fältstudier av sorter, samodling med baljväxter och korn, gödsling samt markpackning Värmeforsk rapporter 1133, VÄRMEFORSK Service AB
Wallsten, J. (2009) Vårvete i odling till helsäd. Nytt från Institutionen för Norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap. Växtodling , nr 3: 4 sid.
Carlsson G, Huss-Danell, K (2008). Kvävefixering i rödklövervallar. Svenska Vallbrev Nr 2:1-2.
Gustavsson, A-M. 2000. Går det att styra klöverhalten i en slåttervall. Svenska vallbrev. Svenska vallföreningen.
Gustavsson, A-M. 1996. Nya sorter i norra Sverige. Svenska vallbrev nr. 1
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