Publications de l’ONERA
Département DMMP – Unité MACC
Laboratoire de Microanalyses et MEB
BP 72 – 92322 Châtillon Cedex
-Roughness analysis of the crack surfaces in a face centered cubic alloy, S. Morel, T. Lubet, J.L. Pouchou, J.M. Olive, Physical Review Letters, 93, 065504-1 - 065504-4, (2004)
-Large-field EBSD mapping: applications to the microstructure of a Friction Stir Welding nugget, J.L. Pouchou, D. Boivin, Y. Renollet, C. Gallais, Microchimica Acta, 145, 171-176, (2004)
-Contribution of EBSD to the understanding of massive transformation in TiAl, J.L. Pouchou, A. Denquin, A. Ferrini, Microchimica Acta, 145, 177-182, (2004)
- 3D reconstruction of rough surfaces by SEM stereo imaging, J.L. Pouchou, D. Boivin, P. Beauchêne, G. Le Besnerais, F. Vignon, Microchimica Acta, 139, 135-144, (2002)
-X-ray microanalysis of thin surface films and coatings, J.L. Pouchou, Microchimica Acta, 138, 133-152, (2002)
-Use of soft X-rays in microanalysis, J.L. Pouchou, Mikrochimica Acta, Suppl. 13, 39-60, (1996)
-Procedures for X-ray microanalysis of layered structures, J.L. Pouchou, J.F. Thiot, Microscopy & Microanalysis, San Francisco Press, 486-487, (1996)
-EPMA quantitative X-ray mapping, J.F. Thiot, J.L. Pouchou, Microscopy & Microanalysis, San Francisco Press, 506-507, (1996)
-Standardless X-ray analysis of bulk specimens, J.L. Pouchou, Mikrochimica Acta, 114/115, 33-52, (1994)
-Simulation of individual interactions along the electron trajectory within the target, J. Hénoc, F. Maurice, F. Pichoir, J.L. Pouchou, Microbeam Analysis, VCH Publ., 211-212, (1994)
-X-ray microanalysis of stratified specimens, J.L. Pouchou, Analytica Chimica Acta, 283, 81-97, (1993)
-Electron probe X-ray microanalysis applied to thin surface films and stratified specimens, J.L. Pouchou, F. Pichoir, Scanning Microscopy, Suppl. 7, 167-189, (1993)
-Quantitative analysis of homogeneous or stratified microvolumes applying the model “PAP”, J.L. Pouchou, F. Pichoir, Electron Probe Quantitation, Eds. Heinrich & Newbury, Plenum Press N.Y., 31-75, (1991)
-The XPP procedure applied to quantitative EDS X-ray analysis in the SEM, J.L. Pouchou, F. Pichoir, D. Boivin, Microbeam Analysis, San Francisco Press, 120-126, (1990)
-Surface film X-ray microanalysis, J.L. Pouchou, F. Pichoir, Scanning, 12, 212-224, (1990)
-Further improvements in quantitative procedures for X-ray microanalysis, J.L. Pouchou, F. Pichoir, D. Boivin, Proc. ICXOM 12, Krakow, Publ.Acad. of Mining and Metallurgy Univ. Krakow, 1, 52, (1989),
-A simplified version of the “PAP” model for matrix corrections in EPMA, J.L. Pouchou, F. Pichoir, Microbeam Analysis, San Francisco Press, 315-318, (1988)
-Determination of mass absorption coefficients for soft X-rays by use of the electron microprobe, J.L. Pouchou, F. Pichoir, Microbeam Analysis, San Francisco Press, 319-324, (1988)
-Basic expressions of “PAP” computation for quantitative EPMA, Proc. ICXOM 11, Publ. Univ. Western Ontario, 249-253, (1986)
-Les éléments très légers en microanalyse X – Possibilités des modèles récents de quantification, J.L. Pouchou, F. Pichoir, , J. Microsc. Spectrosc. Electron., 11, 229-250, (1986)
-Anomalies d’émission et d’absorption du rayonnement Ni L, J.L. Pouchou, F. Pichoir, J. Microsc. Spectrosc. Electron., 10, 291-294, (1985)
-Possibilités d’analyse en profondeur à la microsonde électronique, J.L. Pouchou, F. Pichoir, J. Microsc. Spectrosc. Electron., 9, 99-100, (1984)
-Un nouveau modèle de calcul pour la microanalyse quantitative par spectrométrie de rayons X – Partie II: application à l’analyse d’échantillons hétérogènes en profondeur, J.L. Pouchou, F. Pichoir, La Recherche Aérospatiale, 5, 349-367, (1984)
-Un nouveau modèle de calcul pour la microanalyse quantitative par spectrométrie de rayons X – Partie I: application à l’analyse d’échantillons homogènes, J.L. Pouchou, F. Pichoir, La Recherche Aérospatiale, 3, 167-192, (1984)
-Application de la méthode de Monte-Carlo à l’analyse X de couches minces déposées sur substrat, J.L. Pouchou, F. Pichoir, F. Girard, J. Microsc. Spectrosc. Electron., 5, 425-441, (1980)