Publication of Papers from the 29th Study Conference of the IASS “Literature and Law”;
Riga, University of Latvia / Daugavpils, DaugavpilsUniversity
August the 7th-11th2012
All participants wishing to have their papers published are requested to submit their written text in electronic form byFebruary the1st, 2013 (Word.doc file) to the following addresses:
* to Norwegian lecturer at the University of LatviaSiss-Heleen Aukan
(if Your paper is written in Danish or Norwegian),
* to Swedish lecturer at the University of LatviaCecilia Wargelius
and/or Ivars Orehovs
(if Your paper is written in Swedish or English).
The papers will be assessed and placed according to thematic aspects.
Papers should be written inDanish, Norwegian, Swedish or English.
All participants writing a paper in a language other than their native language are kindly
requested to have their text corrected by a native speaker.
It is planned that the publication will take place in the following format the end of 2013:
“Literatūra un likums”/ “Literature and Law”. Papers from the29th Study Conference of
the IASS (International Association for Scandinavian Studies);Riga, University of Latvia /
Daugavpils, DaugavpilsUniversity 2012.Riga : Academic Publishing House of the
University of Latvia, 2013.
Please follow these style guidelines for Your text:
- When naming your file use Your own surname; if Your surname is Socrates, the files should be namedSOCRATES.DOC.
- The main sections of the paper are as follows:
- Title (in the language of the paper and in English, 16 pt Bold)
- Name Surname (Center14 pt Bold)
- University, Department, E-mail (Center12 pt)
- Summary in the language of the paper: approx. 150-200 words (10 pt)
- Key words: 5 – 6 key words of the paper (10 pt)
- Text of the paper (12 pt) and bibliography (10 pt)
- Summary written in English (publishers will ensure also the Latvian translationof the summaries written in English): approx. 150-200 words (10 pt).
- The length of the paper should not exceed 10 pages A4.
- The settingsof the paper are:
12 pt Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, all margins: 3 cm.
- Use italics for foreign words, highlighting, and emphasis. Bold should be used onlyfor highlighting within italics and for headings. Please refrain from the use of FULLCAPS and underlining.
- Please mark the hierarchy of subheadings as follows:
- Heading A = bold italics, two lines space above and one line space below.
- Heading B = italics, one line space above and one line space below.
- Numbering should be in Arabic numerals; no italics; no dot after the last number.
- Text quotations in the main text should be given in double quotation marks followingthe respective language norms (“..”).For terms orexpressions (e.g., sub conditione) please use italics.
- References in the text:
Jānis Rozenbergs (Rozenbergs 2004:105) has argued that ...
“… till mitt största beröm” (Dahlbergh 1912: 285). of literature (Prelli 1955, Rutherford 1998)...
...(Gross, Harmon, Reidy 2002: 34-46; also Prelli 1955: 23-24)...
10.If a quotation is longer than 3 lines of Your text, then it in size of 10 ptTimes New Roman (Single line spacing) is to place as follows(example):
Alldenstund Hans Kungliga Majestät nådigst hade befallt, att akademien, som konung Gustav Adolf anno 1632 hade instaurerat i Dorpat, skulle för ortens obekvämlighets skull transporteras till Pernou och mig som cancellario pålagt att förrätta dess inauguration, dy reste jag den 18 augusti ifrån Riga till Zanikou, 3 ¼, och så till Byrings krog, 3 ½, 6 ¾ mil. Den 19 till Pernigell, 3 ¼, Freytags krog, 3 ¼, och till Salis krog, 3 ¼, 9 ¾ mil. [...] Den 28 augusti skedde inaugurationen av mig lyklig och väl, med behörig pomp och ceremonier. Gud ärat, till mitt största beröm. (Dahlbergh 1912: 285)
- When a historical person is mentioned in the text for the first time, the first name (s)
and dates of birth and death should always be given: Erik Dahlbergh (1625-1703).
- Examples of references in the bibliography section.
Litteratur [ Literature ]
a. Book (monograph)
Nussbaum, Martha. Aristotle's De Motu Animalium: Text with Translation, Commentary, and Interpretive Essays. Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press, 1978.
b. Book (edited volume)
Biologie, Logique, et Metaphysique chez Aristote. P. Pellegrin, D. Devereux, eds. Paris: Editions du C.N.R.S., 1990.
c. Articles in books
Payton, R. L., Rosso, H. A.and Tempel, E. R.Taking fund raising seriously: an agenda, in D. Burlingame and L. Hulse (eds.), Taking Fund raising Seriously : Advancing the Profession and Practice of Fund Raising. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1991, 3-17.
d. Articles in journals
Bolton, Robert. Essentialism and Semantic Theory in Aristotle: Posterior Analytics, II, 7-10. Philosophical Review, LXXXV,1976, 515-544.
e. Unpublished materials (dissertations, papers)
Kappagoda, Astika. 2004.Semiosis as the Sixth Sense: Theorising the Unperceived in Ancient Greek.Ph.D. Dissertation, MacquarieUniversity, Sydney.
f. Materials available electronically
The PULMAN Guidelines [online]. PULMANweb, 2003 [cited 9 February 2003]. Available: