Teacher Instructions:
As students enter the room, each student takes a slip of paper from the envelope and sits at his/her desk. Students must not share their slips with other students and will wait quietly until all students are seated and ready to begin. Explain to students that they will silently follow instructions for their type of test when prompted to begin. In this manner they will find other students who are the same type of “test” to form a group. (Prior to printing the activity, the teacher may change the items, actions, or number of slips to meet the needs for a given classroom)
1. / You are a MULTIPLE CHOICE test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will circle answers in the air to find your group.2. / You are a MULTIPLE CHOICE test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will circle answers in the air to find your group.
3. / You are a MULTIPLE CHOICE test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will circle answers in the air to find your group.
4. / You are a MULTIPLE CHOICE test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will circle answers in the air to find your group.
5. / You are an ESSAY test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will hop every few steps to find your group.
6. / You are an ESSAY test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will hop every few steps to find your group.
7. / You are an ESSAY test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will hop every few steps to find your group.
8. / You are an ESSAY test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will hop every few steps to find your group.
9. / You are a SHORT ANSWER test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will point toward the ceiling to identify others in your group.
10. / You are a SHORT ANSWER test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will point toward the ceiling to identify others in your group.
11. / You are a SHORT ANSWER test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will point toward the ceiling to identify others in your group.
12. / You are a SHORT ANSWER test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will point toward the ceiling to identify others in your group.
13. / You are a True/False test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will nod your head to identify others in your group.
14. / You are a True/False test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will nod your head to identify others in your group.
15. / You are a True/False test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will nod your head to identify others in your group.
16. / You are a True/False test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will nod your head to identify others in your group.
17. / You are an OPEN BOOK test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will wave at others to help you identify members of your group.
18. / You are an OPEN BOOK test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will wave at others to help you identify members of your group.
19. / You are an OPEN BOOK test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will wave at others to help you identify members of your group.
20. / You are an OPEN BOOK test. When prompted by the teacher to begin the activity, you will wave at others to help you identify members of your group.
Test Types – TR 2