Public Security UMC Agenda

June 16, 2016

Brownlee Building

10365 97 Street

Edmonton, AB

T5J 3W7


Lee Newton – Chief, Sheriffs Branch

Steve Callahan – Chief, Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Branch

Shannon Lawson – Manager, Employee Relations

John Ryter – Employee Relations ConsultantTim Jackson – Local 003 MSO

Bill West – local 003 Treasurer

Mark Hercina –Local 003 Chair

Mike Larson –Local 003 - OHS

Travor Jerome – Former Local 003 Secretary

Lisa Untergasser –Local 003 Secretary

0911 meeting commenced.

Amendments to Agenda

Remove fire arms follow up

Remove reference to grievances

Public Security Items of the Agenda:


Old Business


  1. Should retired members be hired back on a limited duration on a p/t basis to conduct thermal imaging at checks and to train new hires in understaffed offices?

Need to determine whether this is AUPE or employer driven.

Management believes it is not employer driven, HR believes this is against AUPE policy.

AUPE to review policy with regard to restrictions to this, HR policy also needs to review their policy to see what the restrictions are. HR will do same and review at next UMC. Information sharing to be completed by July 31, 2016.

CVE- There may be positions that could be utilized for retirees.

AUPE – Mr. Tim Jackson to bring it back with a letter of understanding and Mr. Bill West is to create a proposal to see if it fits within the letter of understanding. Mr. Guy Smith is to approve or disapprove. Specific to CVE retirees, to be civilian positions.

New Business

Mark thanked the management team for accepting the meeting with late agenda.

1. De-briefing after incidences

AUPE –With regards to Fort McMurray there was alack of debriefing after some issues were encountered (lack of direction/purpose). Chaotic work circumstances.

CVE – Mr. Steve Callahan – states they will absolutely debrief and expresses care for the staff who were required to attend and will provide support. Inspectors will commit to meeting with staff involved.

Sheriffs–Mr. Lee Newton- commits to conducting debriefing for Sheriffs branch for those involved.

2. Travel/Meal/Expense policy

AUPE - -Officers submitting claims over allowances which have been approved, but advised not to do the same again as CVE will not approve.

Referred to MSO – as this may be a miscommunication with regard to policy interpretation. Communication issue between supervisors and staff.

Inspectors are to have a discussion with Steve with regard to allowances to communicate clear direction on meal allowances. Steve is waiting for direction from HR.

Sheriffs -Shannon will try to obtain this interpretation/clarity however, is unable to provide a timeline as it is out of her control. She will share once obtained.

3. Duty Belt Equipment - CVE

AUPE – Requesting clarity around whether or not duty belts are required all the time.

Mr. Bill West suggests that a policy should outline that duty belts should be worn at all times.

CVE –Mr. Steve Callahanagrees duty belts should be worn at all times and will bring that back to the management team for discussion.

Agenda to be referred to the OHS Committee.

4. Office Closures and Future Closures - CVE

AUPE -Rumour of office closures in Lethbridge.

CVE – Mr. Steve Callahan -As of today, there is no intent to close any offices. AUPE would be involved if changes were being made. Even though there are nooffice closures or movements anticipatedthis does not preclude it from occurring in the future due to fiscal restraints.

There are plans of amalgamating offices with regard to Fish and Wildlife offices into one office to keep Division partners together however,there is no foreseeable loss of jobs. No plans for CVE at this time.

CVE – Mr. Steve Callahan encourages AUPE to quell any rumours of closures and movement in CVE.

5. Budget Restrictions

AUPE – states front lines are limited, Inspectors do not seem to be restricted.

CVE –. Budgets are being restricted in CVE and Sheriffs, Mr. Lee Newton and Mr. Steve Callahan are working on budgets right now. Lee is working with a budget cut of 4.4 million, which will have impacts on the Sheriffs branch. Details of which cannot be disclosed at this time. Should these cuts affect employees proper procedures will be followed.

AUPE – Mr. Tim Jackson states if AUPE can assist with obtaining funds or anything that may be helpful, the employer is welcome to approach AUPE with anything that may affect the membership. AUPE will assist as much as possible.

In 1994, employer and AUPE worked together in order to allot funds when they were cut in order to facilitate cuts being made in a reasonable way. Joint committee was effective in making these changes together.

CVE – Mr. Steve Callahanasked that if there were any ideas to be brought forward on how to generate more funds he is open to reviewing them.

AUPE – Mr. Mike Larson proposed Court Sheriffs being given the ability to issue TSA tickets.

Sheriffs -Mr. Lee Newton states this has been attempted ineffectively in the past. Further, in BC there are services that the sheriffs provide in which there’s fee charged. Perhaps Alberta could propose this moving forward?

6. Previous UMC Meeting Minutes

March 2016 UMC meetings have been agreed to.

AUPE – Mr. Mike Larson will track changes from October 2015 and will submit to Ms. Shannon Lawson.

Kerry sent minutes to AUPE. Mike believes some issues have not been addressed.

A new policy came out with regard to issuing medications to offenders.

AUPE – Mr. Tim Jackson proposes that minutes must be signed off on in a specific timeframe in order create more efficiency within meetings. 2 weeks after meeting agreed upon.

Sheriffs –Mr. Lee Newton proposes one set of minutes be kept, alternating between the employer and AUPE.

Agenda to be formatted as: Agenda item/Brief Description/Area it falls under – to provide context before meeting occurs. Agreement from both parties.

7.Update on Investigations

AUPE - looking for resolution to shorten timelines on investigations.

Sheriffs – Mr. Lee Newton states concerns need to be addressed with SIU, not CVE or Sheriffs.

Should SIU director attend UMC? Yes, if there are specific issues or updates on investigations.

AUPE – Mr. Mike Larsonis requesting to know who is signing off on extensions and why are they granted.

Ms. Shannon Lawson to request Director of SIU (Shelina Mohamed-Rawji) to attend next UMC if necessary and Ms. Shannon Lawson will email contact information for SIU to Mr. Tim Jackson in order to facilitate communication.

AUPE – Mr. Tim Jackson will follow up with Shelina (schedule a meeting) to try and obtain required information before bringing to next UMC.

8. Time off for UMC meetings

Employer requests for all future meetings, attendees are to request formal approval from their supervisors in order to attend.

Executives may have alternates should they be deemed necessary from the Chair, however, the same approval required for attendance.

Meeting ended at 1028

AUPE has committed to cancelling UMC meeting if no agenda is provided 7 days prior to scheduled meeting.

Next UMC dates:

Sept 07 2016 afternoon (Agenda to be provided by August 31, 2016)

Nov 23 2016 afternoon (Agenda to be provided by November 16, 2016)