Public School 150Q Parent Guide 2015-2016
PS 150Q
Parent Handbook
Carmen Parache, Principal
Administrators/ Supervisors
Our principal is Ms.Parache. Her office is located in the main office. We have three assistant principals,Onalis Hernandez (Room 461),Ismael Perez (Annex main office) andMs. Tanzer room 331. All administrators schedule time in classrooms to work side-by-side with teachersto provide them with support and professional development.
AREA OF SUPERVISION / SUPERVISOROverall Supervision of Staff and Students / Ms. Parache
Annex: Pre-K through 2nd Grade / Ms. Tanzer
3rd Grade through 6thGrade / Ms. Hernandez
Specialty Teachers / Mr. Perez
Special Education Students / Ms. Tanzer
Academic Intervention Services / Ms. Hernandez
Testing and Assessments / Ms. Suarez
After School Programs
We have threewonderful community based organizations in our school:
- Sunnyside718-784-6173
- Virtual Y 718-392-7332
- Serious Fun 718-965-5945
These programs provide a wide range of services to our students. In addition to these programs, our school will provide the following programs (starting dates to be announced)
PS 150 provides the following Enrichment and Academic Intervention after school programs:
- After School Project Read – balanced literacy approach to strengthen literacy skills and mathematics skills.
- ELL After School - ESL approach to strengthen English proficient students
- ESL After School- Spanish for English proficient students.
- Saturday Academy- balanced literacy approach to strengthen literacy and mathematics skills.
Our Annex is located 41-42 44th Street, Sunnyside, NY 11104. It is our Early Childhood Center – our Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten classes are housed there.
arrival Procedures
School begins at 8:05 AM for all students. The doors and yard open at 7:30 AM.
Breakfast is served at 7:30 AM until 8:00 AM. Students should enter through the New Cafeteria for breakfast. Unless your child is going to eat breakfast he or she will not be permitted to enter the building before 7:50 AM.
Grade / Time / PlacePre-K AM / 8:05 AM / Classrooms:Come in the 44th Street entrance.
Pre – K PM / 12:10 PM / Classrooms:Come in the 44th Street entrance.
Kindergarten / 8:05 AM / Cafeteria:Come in the 43rd Street entrance.
1st Grade / 8:05 AM / School Yard line up 40th street side
2nd Grade / 8:05 AM / School Yard Line up 41st Street Side
3rd Grade / 8:05 AM / School Yard Line up by the Jungle Gym
4th Grade / 8:05 AM / School Yard Line up by the Staircase
5th& 6th Grade / 8:05 AM / Upper school Yard
Inclement Weather Alternate Arrival
Grade / Time / Place1st& 6th Grade / 8:05 AM / New Cafeteria: Enter through the upper yard.
2nd Grade / 8:05 AM / Old Cafeteria: Enter through themain entrance
3rd through 5th Grade / 8:05 AM / Auditorium: Enter through upper school yard
Art Program
Our art teacher, Ms. Wine, works with the upper and lower grade students.
Assessment / Grade / PurposePredictive: ELA and Math Assessment / 3-6 / It mirrors the State exam and assesses the student’s level in ELA and Math
Acuity-Instructional Assessment: ELA and Math / 3-6 / It assesses where the students are at relative to the instructional content coverage.
EL Sol / K-3 / Dual language classes only: Early literacy skills in Spanish: Phonics, vocabulary, and reading.
EnglishLanguageArtsState Test (ELA) / 3-6 / Assess reading and writing skills on each grade level.
Lab-R / K-6 / Non-English speakers: Assess English language proficiency level. It is done when student first enters school.
Fountas & Pinell / K-2 / Assess literacy, spelling and phonic skills
Math State Test / Assess math skills on each grade level.
Math End of Unit Assessments / 3-6 / Assess math skills on each grade level.
ScienceState Test / K-6 / At the end of each unit, the students take an assessment to see how well they acquired the skills for the unit covered.
Running Records / 5th grade / Assesses social studies skills related to US Government
Performance Task / K-2 / Beginning & end of year assessments to measure student’s reading & math growth
Performance Task / 3-6 / Beginning & end of year assessments to measure student’s reading & math growth
Attendance and Punctuality --Students
There is a clear link between attendance and academic success. All families must make every effort to have their children present everyday, and it is important that they arrive at school on time (8:05 AM). After 8:10 AM, the student will be considered late. He or she will have to enter through the front and must be signed in by a parent or guardian.Please be mindful that student attendance is monitored daily by the school and by the New York City Department of Education (DOE). Additionally, excessive absences or lateness will be noted in your child’s report card. Students are required to have a 90% attendance rate; therefore, anything below this percentage may impact their promotional status. We will continue to our attendance awards program as well as the monthly display of students with 100% attendance and punctuality.
Absences:When a child is absent, a written explanation for the absences, including religious absences, should accompany the student when returning to school. A note is also required whenever a child is to be excused from school early. Since attendance is so important, we ask that you please not schedule medical, dental, or other appointments for students during school hours. If such an appointment is absolutely unavoidable, it is advisable to make it near the beginning or end of the school day. Additionally, you must notify the school in advance of that you will be picking up your child early. Please note: Due to safety procedures, parents are not permitted to pick up their child after 2:00 PM. If you come in at this time, you will have to wait for your child to be dismissed by his or her teacher.
Students are encouraged to use the bathroom after eating breakfast and lunch, so as to avoid them missing any instructional time. If your child has a health condition that requires frequent use of the bathroom, please notify the school nurse and teacher with a note from your pediatrician.
Bed Bugs
We follow the Department of Education guidelines for bed bugs. Students who are found with bed bugs are taken an administrator or parent coordinator. The specimen is placed in a bag and sent to pest control for confirmation. The student’s parents are contacted. In order to avoid further infestation, every student’s belongings are placed in a plastic bag and sealed. A letter is sent home to the entire class, and it outlines procedures that you should follow to reduce the infestation. If youthere are siblings in other classes, we also send a letter home to that parents of that class. The best method of prevention starts in every child’s home. If you have or suspect that you may have bedbugs, please contact 311 for assistance. For more information go online at
We are often asked, “Can I celebrate my child’s birthday in his class?” The policies regarding birthday celebrations and treats vary by class. In general, however, when they occur, birthday celebrations are limited to the last 45 minutes of the school day. If you wish to have a classroom celebration for your child, you must check with your child’s teacher to determine how to best handle the party. She/He will alert you to any potential conflicts with the instructional program, and any food restrictions or allergies, if any exist. If you host a party for your child, we ask that you kindly keep it simple.
Each year, you receive three sets of Blue Cards or Emergency Contact Cards. We ask that you please fill them out with your current address and telephone numbers by the first week in September. Please make sure you fill these Blue Cards out completely and legibly. These cards are used to reach parents/guardians and emergency contacts in the event of an emergency. Therefore, it is important that the information be current and accurate. Since students will only be released to people who appear on the blue card, we ask that you please indicate the names of three emergency contacts other than the parents or anyone who will be responsible for picking up your child.
For both the Main building and the Annex, breakfast is served from 7:30 A. M. - 8:00 A.M. There is school staff to supervise students at these times only.Please do not leave your child in the cafeteria or unattended until 7:30 A.M. All students are expected to follow cafeteria rules at all times. If school staff observes a student regularly displaying disorderly conduct during breakfast the school will ask that the parent sit with their child until the classroom teacher arrives for pick up at 8:05 A.M.
The Department of Education (DOE) provides transportation for elementary students (grades K – 3) who live 1.0 miles or more from school and/or who must walk along a designated hazardous route. Designated hazardous walking routes have been identified by the DOE already. Bus stops are established for the common convenience and safety of the greatest number of students. Students who are eligible for a bus will be identified automatically by the Department of Education and the Office of Pupil Transportation. If your child is eligible for bus services, please leave your name, your child’s name their class and telephone number where you can most likely be reached with our bus coordinator, Toni Corrado. She will get back to you and let you know if your child qualifies. For more information call the DOE Office of Pupil Transportation at (718) 392-8855 or check the website:
Door to Door Bus Services – This will only be for students with medical impairments and will require medical documentation.
Chewing Gum AND CANDY
Students may not chew gum or eat candy or drink soda during school hours.
By law, we are mandated to report any suspicions or reports of child abuse or neglect. Therefore, if a child states that he is being hit by a parent or guardian, it is our responsibility to call the hotline. We are not required to investigate the allegations prior to calling.
Children and Families Safe Act of 2003, defines child abuse and neglect as, at minimum:
Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; orAn act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.
Many factors are taken into consideration when a child is placed with a teacher in a classroom. These include input from the teachers, assistant principal, principal, guidance counselor, and additional staff (art, music, the School Based Support Team, etc.). Every attempt is made to balance classes by considering criteria such as the number of male and female students, range of abilities, personalities, student relationships, special needs, learning styles, etc. Please understand that we always have all of our children’s best interest in mind.
Ms. Parache will hold meetings with parents every two months. She will share important information and updates. It is also an excellent opportunity to share with her any concerns or suggestions. Your input is valuable and ongoing collaboration is vital; therefore, your presence is required at these sessions.
Discipline Policy
One of the most important lessons that we should foster is self-discipline. It is the training that helps students develop self-control, character, orderliness, and efficiency. This is crucial to maintaining a safe and educationally productive building in which students consider the rightsand safety of others.
Proper discipline is a major part of the classroom teacher's responsibility. If your child has a minor discipline problem, expect that it will be handled by the teacher within the classroom framework. Whenever necessary, a teacher may contact you to discuss your child’s behavior. We ask that you please be open to helping the teacher create an appropriate plan of action. If the discipline issue persists or worsens, the student will be referred to the Guidance Office and/ Pupil Personnel Team. For more information, go to the Pupil Personnel Team.
In accordance with the values of the PS 150 community and the standards for behavior set forth by the New York City DOE in the Chancellor’s Discipline Code, (which can be accessed online: we expect pupils to treat each other and the adults in our building with civility and respect. It prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying of pupils by other pupils. An incidence of such behavior needs to be reported to your child’s teacher immediately. If the teacher is not available, you must speak to the Guidance Counselor, Parent Coordinator, and/or administrators – the principal or assistant principals.
The expectations for student behavior are clearly outlined in the PS 150 Student Behavior Handbook.At the beginning of the year, your child will receive a copy of this handbook along with a Student Disciplinary Contract. We ask that you review this with your child and send the signed contract to your child’s teacher. She will keep this in her file. In addition, the classroom teacher will review the Student Behavior Handbookwith the class as a way of reiterating proper behavior.
As a way of encouraging positive behavior, we will be providing students and classes with incentives and rewards, such as commendation cards, stickers, icecream parties, etc.
Grade / Time / PlacePre-K AM / 10:30 AM / Classrooms: Parents should use the 44th Street entrance.
Pre – K PM / 2:25 PM / Classrooms: Parents should use the 44th Street entrance.
Kindergarten / 2:25 PM / School Yard: Parents should remain outside the school yard until the gates are opened for parents
1st, 2nd, 3rd& 4thGrade / 2:25 PM / Exit 13 on the 40th Street students will line up in their designated areas along the building and yard. Parents must wait for their children outside the 40th & 41st street gates.
5th6th Grade / 2:25 PM / Students Exit on 43rd Avenue by the Gazebo
Inclement Weather Alternate Dismissal
Grade / Time / Place1stGrade / 2:25 PM / New Cafeteria: Parents can pick them up once doors open. Please use the backyard ramp entrance.
2nd Grade / 2:25 PM / Old Cafeteria Parents can enter through front door
3rd4thGrade / 2:25 PM / Auditorium Parents can enter through upper yard
5th 6th Grade / 2:25 PM / Leave from 43rd Avenue Exit
By the Gazeebo
*Bus Students dismissal time 2:25 PM
Half Day/ Early Dismissal:
On these days, the students will be dismissed at 11:30 AM.All children must be picked up on time after school. If you are unable to pick up your child at dismissal time, please call the school. Please note: For safety reasons, we will only release students to the person that you authorize to pick up him or her up, and the name must appear on the blue card. On Half Days all students are dismissed at 11:30 A.M. On such days, children will exit through the exits they would normally use for a 2:25 PM dismissal.
If you are late in picking up your child, you must report to security at the main entrance. Please be aware that any child left at the school for an extended period of time may be taken to the 108 Police Precinct located at 5-47 50th Ave, Sunnyside, New York, NY 11104. The precinct’s phone number is (718) 784-5411.
Drama Program
We have a fabulous drama program which is lead by our drama teacher,Mr. Pagano. He works with the upper and lower grades. Each year, Mr. Pagano along with the music teachers, Mr. Madden, Ms. Goodman, and the fifth grade teachers organize an incredible theatrical production.
Dual Language
The Dual Language program at P.S. 150 promotes bilingualism and bi-literacy for both English Proficient Students and Spanish Proficient Students. The students are exposed to both languages for all content areas. The goal of this program is to maintain, strengthen, and enrich mastery of a student’s native language while developing proficiency in a second language. We expect our students to become fluent in both English and Spanish. We follow the 50/50 Alternate Day Model from kindergarten through fifth grade. In other words, our students receive instruction one day in English and the next day in Spanish.
Our dress code for the 2015-2016 school year will continue from the previous year. The dress code consists of white or yellow top and blue or black bottom. Therefore, all students are expected to come to school properly dressed for school.Sneakers must be worn in the gym.Students should remember that their clothing choice should not distract attention from learning and should promote safety. Hats, coats, jackets, sunglasses, and other paraphernalia designed primarily for outdoor wear must be stored while at school. Clothing worn to school should be clean, neat, and in good taste. Abbreviated clothing or clothing which contains profane or inappropriate language with references to, for example, violence, or which is demeaning to specific groups, is unacceptable. The school reserves the right to inform parents of clothing that is not suitable or permissible for the school environment.
Double parking is illegal at any time, especially during dismissal and arrival. This is dangerous to children entering and exiting school buses and also makes it difficult for staff members to depart for other commitments. The 108th Precinct will issue summonses to drivers who double park.