Guarantee Against Loss - Category One

Guarantee Against Loss -Category One

Regional Arts Victoria administers the Guarantee Against Loss - Category One program on behalf

ofCreative Victoria.

Guarantee Against Loss - Category One aims to:

  • Provide aguarantee against unforseen boxoffice loss for regional Victorian arts groups who are planning a one-off performance event. (Guarantee Against Loss - Category One does not apply to touring shows.)
  • Support regional Victorian communities to participate in a diverse range of artistic and cultural experiences
  • Support the presentation of quality programming in outer-metropolitan, regional and rural communities
  • Develop new markets and audiences for Victorian producers, creators and companies by ensuring against unforseenloss at the box office


Applicants must be: [1]

  • the PRESENTER of the event (not the producer or creator)
  • a member of Regional Arts Victoria
  • a Registered Presenter


  • The performance must be the primary reason for the event, must be open to the general public and have an admission fee.
  • Artists participating in the performance must have a history of professional engagements and be from outside the region.
  • The level of any Guarantee Against Loss under this scheme is usually set at $1,500 or 50% of the total running costs of the performance, whichever is the lower. If the artist you are presenting is new to your community and is performing original work, you can apply for up to 60% of the total running costs.
  • Registered Presenters can only receive a total of up to $4,500 in any one year – subject to fund availability.
  • Creative Victoria and Regional Arts Victoria support must be acknowledged in all marketing and promotional material. Logos can be downloaded from (go to Funding, then Guarantee Against Loss)

How To Apply

As the Guarantee Against Loss - Category One program is devolved to Regional Arts Victoria, all enquiries, applications and claims should be directed to Regional Arts Victoria. Applications, guidelines and reports can be downloaded from You can email or phone us on (03) 9644 1800.

Refer also to Application Budget (attached)

Applications should be submitted to Regional Arts Victoria not less than twoweeks prior to the performance. Please keep a copy of your Application for your records.

Mail applications to:

Regional Arts Victoria

GPO Box 1799, Melbourne 3001

or via email to:

For phone enquiries: 03 9644 1800

What Happens Next?

You will be notified, by email, of the outcome of your application within two weeks of your submission being recorded by Regional Arts Victoria.

What Happens After The Event?

Recipients are required to submit a completed performance report and statement of actual income and expenditure within four weeks of the completion of the event. Regional Arts Victoria will calculate the amount to which the recipient is entitled. A performance report must be submitted even if a surplus is achieved. Refer Performance Report Budget (attached). Please keep a copy of your Performance Report Budget for your records.

Presenters Please Note

The Guarantee Against Loss – Category One scheme operates on a rolling basis and, as a result, funding may be exhaustedbefore the end of the financial year. It is advisable to check withRegional Arts Victoria staff before submitting an application. Never assume that funding will be available.

Please note that presenters are only eligible to claim a Guarantee Against Loss – Category Oneif the presentation actually takesplace. The scheme is intended as a guarantee against unforeseen box office loss, not insurance against cancellations.

We look forward to receiving your Guarantee Against Loss – Category One application.

Regional Arts Victoria

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Guarantee Against Loss - Category One

Performance Report

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Guarantee Against Loss - Category One


Presenting Organisation:

Principal contact:


State: Postcode:

Telephone: Mobile: Email:

Is the artist you are presenting new to your community and performing original work? Yes No

If “yes” you can apply for up to 60% of the total running costs.

Name of artists to be engaged:

(Attach bios, examples of marketing material etc.)

Genre (drama, music etc.): Artist/s’ postcode:

Performance date(s):


Venue Address:Venue Postcode:

Has any additional funding been sought for this event? Yes No

Funding Program or Organisation: Amount requested: $

Date of Result:

Brieflydescribe the performance/event and include what you are hoping to achieve?

How will the performance be promoted?

Do you require any assistance from Regional Arts Victoria staff?If yes, please tell us what assistance you would like:

Amount of subsidy requested:(please tick) $ 1,500

or $ 50%

or $ 60%

All financial assistance will be by the way of a Guarantee Against Loss.

Note: You must complete the APPLICATION BUDGET worksheet and supply it with this application form.

Guarantee Against Loss - Category One


Declaration:I hereby certify that the information contained in this application and any attached documentation is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.


Office Use Only

Guarantee Against Loss used to date: $Amount approved: $

Requested by:Approved by:

Guarantee Against Loss - Category One



Office Use Only

Guarantee Against Loss used to date: $Amount approved: $

Requested by:Approved by:

Guarantee Against Loss - Category One

Performance Report Page 2

Position: Date:

Office Use Only

Guarantee Against Loss used to date: $Amount approved: $

Requested by:Approved by:

[1]For information on becoming a member of Regional Arts Victoria and Registering as a Presenter refer