April 28, 2009
The Board of Education of the Borough of Manasquan, MonmouthCounty, met for its Annual Reorganization Meeting on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the Manasquan High School Media Center.
The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Margaret M. Hom, Business Administrator/Board Secretary of the Manasquan Board of Education, in accordance with the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Law”, C. 231, P.L. 1975, and notices were forwarded to newspapers and board members, and were posted as required.
Mrs. Hom reported the results of theSchool Election of April 21, 2009as follows:
Public Question #1 -- General Fund Tax Levy:621 “yes” 565 “no”
Total Votes Cast at the Polls: 1163
Total Absentee Votes: 23
Board of Education Results: Thomas B. Bauer520 votes
(3) 3-year termsDonna Bossone327 votes
Peter J. Kenny504 votes
Trisha Kathleen. Brown444 votes
Donna Ruggiero 269 votes
Claudia Terry DePasquale395 votes
Kristy Shea381 votes
Elected to Board of Education for 3-year terms: Thomas B. Bauer
Trisha Kathleen Brown
Peter J. Kenny
Mrs. Hom administered the Oath of Office to the newly elected members of the Manasquan Board of Education
Present for Roll Call: Thomas B. Bauer, Christopher J. Brennan, Trisha K. Brown, Chris Haley, Peter J. Kenny, John F. McLaughlin, Chris Muly, Cynthia O’Connell, Manasquan Board of Education Elected Members (MEB) Mr. Abadrabo, Sending District Representative (SDR) and Louis Mitchell, Student Liaison. Absent: Linda DiPalma (MEB) and Jimmy Miller, Student Liaison.
Also Present: Geraldine Margin, Superintendent of Schools, Margaret M. Hom, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Wayne J. Oppito, Board Attorney, representatives of The Coast Star and members of the public.
Mrs. Hom asked for nominations for President of the Board of Education. Mrs. Mulynominated Mr. McLaughlin for the position of President, seconded by Mr. Brennan. There were no other nominations for President.
The ballot was cast unanimously and Mr. McLaughlin was elected to the position of President of the Manasquan Board of Education for the term beginning April 28, 2009 and ending at the next organization meeting of the Manasquan Board of Education. 4/28-01 (MEB/SDR)
Mrs. Hom turned the meeting over to Mr. McLaughlin.
Mr. McLaughlin asked for nominations for Vice President. Mrs. O’Connell nominated Mrs. Haley for the position of Vice President, seconded by Mr. Kenny. Mr. Brennan nominated Mrs. Muly for the position of Vice President, seconded by Mrs. Brown. There were no other nominations for Vice President. 04/28-02
Prior to the vote Mrs. Haley and Mrs. Muly provided information on their backgrounds and why they would like to be considered for the vice president position.
Roll Call vote for Chris Haley is as follows:
Mr. Abadrabo – yesMr. Kenny – no
Mr. Bauer – yesMr. McLaughlin – abstain
Mr. Brennan – noMrs. Muly – no
Mrs. Brown – noMrs. O’Connell – yes
Mrs. Haley – yes
On a motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by voice vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to table the vote for vice president as a result of the 4 / 4 vote.
On motion by Mr. Abadrabo, seconded by Mrs. Haley, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to authorize the days, times and place of Board meetings and advertisement thereof, pursuant to the Open Public Meeting Law, C.231, P.L. 1975, in accordance with Document A. 4/28-03 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to adopt Roberts Rules of Order as the official parliamentary procedure manual to be used to conduct meetings and appoint the board secretary and board attorney to act as the parliamentarian for the 2009-2010 school year. 04/28-04 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mr. Bauer, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to designate The Coast Star and the Asbury Park Press as official newspapers of the Manasquan Board of Education. 4/28-05 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mrs. O’Connell, seconded by Mrs. Haley, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to appoint the following persons to positions specified for the term beginning April 28, 2009 and ending at the next organization meeting of the Manasquan Board of Education: 4/28-06 (MEB/SDR)
Business Administrator/Board SecretaryMargaret M. Hom
Public Agency Compliance Officer (P.A.C.O.)Margaret M. Hom
Right to Know Contact OfficerMargaret M. Hom
District Purchasing Agent & State Contract
Purchasing Agent -Document D & D(1):Margaret M. Hom
Custodian of Government Records & Public
Access to RecordsMargaret M. Hom
Personnel Records:Geraldine Margin
AHERA Coordinator & Asbestos
Management Officers to work with
Environmental Connection Margaret M. Hom
& Bernard F. Bigley III
Indoor Air Quality designated district Margaret M. Hom
persons to work with Michael McGuiness- & Bernard F. Bigley III
RK Occupational & Environment Analysis Inc.. Bloodborne Pathogens designated persons: Cheryl Bontales
Laurie Cosgrove
Susan Tellone &
Bernard F. Bigley III
PEOSHA designated personMargaret M. Hom
Americans with Disabilities designatedMargaret M. Hom
Child Nutrition/Wellness designated Margaret M. Hom
district person
Treasurer of School MoniesJoanne S. Madden-$4500
Compliance Officer under P.L. 94-142Margaret Polak
Sec. 504 NJ Rehabilitation Act 1973:
Basic Skills Instruction Person andMargaret Polak
Affirmative Action Officer and GenderMillie Sollicito
Equality Officer/Title IX
Affirmative Action Officer for ContractsMargaret M. Hom
Chemical Hygiene OfficerRobert Lempa
Safety & Health designated district personsMargaret M. Hom
& Bernard F. Bigley III
IPM CoordinatorBernard F. Bigley III
SEMI CoordinatorMargaret Polak
IDEA coordinatorMargaret Polak
NCLB CoordinatorRichard Kirk
On a motion by Mrs. Haley, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to determined that there exists a need for the Professional Services of a Public School Accountant, a School Physician, Athletic Team Physicians, a School Dentist, an Architect, Attorneys, a Bond Council, a Financial Advisor, a Medical Waste Service, Insurance Agents, and Physical and Occupational Therapists;and WHEREAS funds are available for such purposes and these services are of such a nature that they cannot be bid and therefore, engage the following as specified for the 2009-2010 school year. 4/28-07 (MEB/SDR)
Robert A. Hulsart & Co. as Public School Accountant at $13,500
Jane Go, MD as School Physician
Patrick Buddle, MD and Michael Dambeck, D.O., as Athletic Team Physicians
Meridian Pediatric Associates, P.C. d/b/a/ JerseyShoreSports Medicine
Associates, P.C., as Athletic Team Physicians
Federic Paperth, DMD, as School Dentist
Thomas Associates, Architects of Record
Wayne J. Oppito, Attorney, at a rate of $110.00 per hour
Robert T. Clarke, Negotiations Attorney, at a rate of $170.00 per hour
McManimon & Scotland L.L.C., as Bond Council, as per fee schedule
Capital Financial Advisors, Inc., as Financial Advisors, as per fee schedule
Sterycycle, Inc., Medical Waste Transporter
Boynton & Boynton, Insurance Agent of Record
LDP Consulting Group, Insurance Agent of Record
T.L. Groseclose, Insurance Agent of Record
Michael O. Boyle, Physical Therapy Services, at a rate of $75.00 per hour
Pediatric Occupational Services, at a rate of $55.00 per hour and a summer rate
$60.00 per hour
Education Collaborations Inc., community based vocational services as per
contract (work coach)
Life Skills, community based vocational services as per contract (work coach)
Free Motion Rehabilitation, physical therapy services, at a rate of $120.00/hour
PowerPlayPediatricTherapyCenter, LLC, at a rate of $85.00 per hour for
occupational therapy services provided at Bayshore Jointure
Advance Inc., home programming and BCBA, rates based on services provided
On a motion by Mrs. Muly, seconded by Mr. Kenny, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to determine that there exists a need for Extraordinary Unspecifiable Professional Services of an Asbestos Consultant, an Indoor Air Quality Consultant, a Safety Inspector/Repair Consultant, a Budget Package Consultant and a Right to Know/Hazard Communications Programs Consultant and funds are available for such purposes and these services are of such a nature that they cannot be bid and therefore, engage the following as specified for the 2009-2010 school year. 4/28-08 (MEB/SDR)
Environmental Connection, as AHERA consultants at a cost for an AHERA Six
Month Inspection of the facilities at $600 per inspection and the cost of $60.00 per hour for monitoring and surveillance of asbestos. Rates for other services will be agreed upon before projects are undertaken.
RK Occupational & Environmental Analysis, Inc., Mr. Michael McGuinness, designated person, at a rate agreed upon before projects are undertaken for IAQ services.
Corby Associates, Inc., Mr. Michael J. Corby, C.P.S.I., designated person, at a rate agreed upon before projects are undertaken for inspection/repair of bleachers, gym and playground equipment.
Systems 3000 for budget and personnel packaging services, at a rate of $16,435.00..
HMC Inc., Mr. David Roach, designated person, at a rate of $2,400.00 for Worker and Community Right to Know Act and Hazard Communications Standard Services for the 2009-2010 school year and a rate of $450.00 (per scheduled class) for Right to Know Training.
Allison Pest Control, designated integrated Pest Management contractors, at a rate agreed upon before projects are undertaken for IPM.
On a motion by Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mr. Kenny, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the following Tax Shelter Annuity companies and brokers to provide Tax Shelter Annuity Salary Reduction Agreements – 403(b)’s for the 2009-2010 school year: AXA Equitable and The Hart Investment Group for The Hartford. 04/28-09 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mr. Kenny, seconded by Mrs. Haley, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve to adopt the Long-Range Facility Plan, Five-Year Maintenance Plan, Technology Plan, Emergency Management Plan, New Teacher Induction/Mentor Plan and Comprehensive Equity Plan on file in the Central Administration office. 04/28-10 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mr. Abadrabo, seconded by Mrs. Muly, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the Curriculum Adoption Schedule and Textbook Adoption Schedule on file in the Superintendent’s Office. 04/28-11 (MEB/SDR)
Mrs. Margin said she would make a copy of the schedules available to the Board.
On a motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education that Bank Depositories be designated, in accordance with Document B. 4/28-12 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mr. Bauer, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education that designated persons be authorized to sign checks, make transfers and make withdrawals as well as holders of petty cash funds in accordance with Document B. 4/28-13 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mrs. O’Connell, seconded by Mrs. Haley, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to re-adopt the existing By-Laws of the Board as previously adopted May 21, 1979 and Policies and Regulations of the Manasquan Policy Book adopted January 16, 1979 and all subsequent revisions to date. 4/28-14 (MEB/SDR)
Mr. McLaughlin asked that upon completion of the revisions to the policy a copy of the policy manual be made available to all members of the Board.
On a motion by Mrs. Haley, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the Child Study Team Handbook, the District Health Services Handbook, and the Athletic/Coaching Handbook for the 2009-2010 school year. 4/28-15 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mrs. Muly, seconded by Mr. Kenny, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor the Manasquan Board of Education to adopt the New Jersey School Board “Code of Ethics” for school board members, in accordance with Document C and conduct the required discussion and training of the ethics laws in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:30 and 6:3. 4/28-16 (MEB/SDR)
Mrs. Hom provided detailed information to the members of the Board on the Code of Ethics and the training that is required by New Jersey School Boards.
On a motion by Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to adopt the Doctrine of Necessity to ensure and preserve public confidence in school board members and school administrators, as specified in Document C(1). 04/28-17 (MEB/SDR)
Mr. Oppito provided an explanation of the Doctrine of Necessity.
On a motion by Mr. Kenny, seconded by Mrs. Haley, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to adopt the resolution to approve establishing bid threshold and authorizing certain action by the Business Administrator/Qualified Purchasing Agent, in accordance with Document D. 4/28-18 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mr. Abadrabo, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to procure goods and services through state agency (state contracts) for the 2009-2010 school year, as specified in Document D(1). 04-28-19 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Kenny, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to designate the Business Administrator/Board Secretary as the School Funds Investor. 04/28-20 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mr. Bauer, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to authorize the Superintendent and the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to implement the 2009-2010 budget pursuant to local and state policies. 04/28-21 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mrs. O’Connell, seconded by Mrs. Muly, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to pay bills prior to Board of Education approval. 04/28-22 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mrs. Haley, seconded by Mrs. Muly, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the Superintendent or designee to authorize line item transfers. 04/28-23 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mrs. Muly, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to appoint the Superintendent as the Board’s representative to the Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Commission Representative Assembly for the 2009-2010 school year. 04/28-24 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mr. Kenny, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to authorize the following persons to apply for state and federal funds: Geraldine Margin, Superintendent, for all available funds; Margaret M. Hom, Business Administrator, for all available funds; Richard Kirk, Elementary School Principal, for NCLB Grants; Margaret Polak, Supervisor of Special Services, for IDEA Grants; and Mark Van Horn, Technology Supervisor, for Carl D. Perkins Grant. 04/28-25 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mr. Kenny, seconded by Mrs. Brown, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to designate the Superintendent and School Business Administrator/Board Secretary as the primary contact person(s) to the Board appointed attorneys and to authorize the Superintendent and School Business Administrator as the person(s) solely responsible to give the authority to other district employees to contact the Board appointed attorneys with regard to warranted matters. 04/28-26 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mr. Bauer, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the fee schedule for Requests for Public Records be set as follows: A copy of record(s) may be purchased by any persons upon payment of the fee provided by law (1 to 10 pages $.75 per page; 11 to 20 pages $.50 per page; over 20 pages $.25 per page). 04/28-27 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mrs. O’Connell, seconded by Mrs. Haley, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the maximum expense for travel for the 2009-2010 school year for all staff and board members in the amount of $83,985, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A 23B-1.2(b). 04/28-28 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mrs. Muly, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to authorize the use of district vehicles by employees in accordance with the district vehicle use policy on file in the Central Administration office. 04/28-29 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Haley, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the 2009-2010 Manasquan School District Organization Chart, as specified in Document E. 04/28-30 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mr. Kenny, seconded by Mrs. Haley, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the 2009-2010 Manasquan School District Chart of Accounts, as specified in DocumentF. 04/28-31 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mr. Abadrabo, seconded by Mrs. Muly, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the 2009-2010 Manasquan School District Tax Levy Schedule, as specified in Document G. 04/28-32 (MEB/SDR)
Mr. McLaughlin opened the Public Forum. 04/28-33
There were no questions or comments from the public. Mr. McLaughlin closed the Public Forum.
The Board adjourned the Reorganization Meeting and opened the Regular Open Business Meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret M. Hom
Business Administrator/Board Secretary