Praha, November 8th, 2005
Public Meeting in Praha, Czech Republic
Dear brothers and sisters, Sai Ram,
let me share the following joyful experience with you. We, members of Czech Sathya Sai Organization have decided to join the worldwide stream of public meetings. There is one SathyaSaiCenter in our country at the moment, which is in the capital, Praha. So we have chosen this ancient beautiful city in the heart of Europe for this purpose. Praha is due its location literally the cultural and spiritual crossroad since out of time.
The meeting was held on Sunday afternoon September 25th, 2005 in the hall with the capacity for 200 people, which is in property of the UnitarianChurch, located in the old city center nearby the famous Charles bridge. We have invited dear guest speakers, brother Dr. Thorbjörn Meyer from Denmark, chairman of World Zones 6 and 7 and sister Petra von Kalinowski from Germany, central coordinator of our Region 71. The third speaker was brother Jirka Blazek from SaiCenter in Praha.
The introduction of the meeting made sister Alice de Silva Lago, who was MC and Viktor Havlice, NCP of Czech Republic facing a the full auditorium. Than Swami’s letter about the role of man in the society has been read. First speaker Dr. Thorbjörn Meyer gave a splendid speech enriched by several stories. He explained the significance of the Sathy Sai Organization as the tool, which man can use to transform himself into a loving, caring, spiritual being, who realizes himself by working with himself and especially by rendering selfless and loving service to others. By comparing quotations of Jesus and Swami he showed that the essence of spirituality is the very same Love. Than followed the projection of the film His work dubbed into Czech language. During the breakwas enough time to offer Sai literature (books and monthly magazine of Czech SSO), CDs with bhajans and devotional songs and DVDsof the film “His work”. Our magazine was distributed free of charge. The second part of the public meeting has been started with the lecture by Petra von Kalinowski, who spoke about the spiritual meaning of selfless service. We have asked her to speak about this already in advance, because service as spiritual discipline is such an important part of Swami’s teaching. On the basis of some service projects inspired by Swami, Sister Petra clearly explained, that they have been accomplished not only out of compassion but out of pure Love which comes out of the revelation, that there is the same divine principle in every human being. Jiri Blazek, the third speaker talked about activities and achievements of the Czech Sai Organization. During the last part was questions and answers session. People were curious to know how our guest speakers came to know about Swami. Some people shared their sadhana experience and were seeking explanations of their actions.
As there was a really lovely and joyful atmosphere during the public meeting, therefore we decided to sing the devotional song “Advent of Avatar” in Czech language at the end and concluded the meeting this way.
Approximately 190 people have attended the public meeting in Praha, of which 86% were not members of the Sathya Sai Organization.
For this event we have prepared everything thoroughly in advance. Brochures with the life sketch of Bhagavan Baba and His work to the humanity as well as posters with the announcement of the public meeting were printed in order to spread information. We also used our website .Devotees consequently used to put the info at different places not only in the capital city of Praha, but also in other cities in CzechRepublic. Every detail of the program and logistic matters have been discussed in advance in order to do our best. It has proved true, that detailed preparation is very useful and the role of MC is a very essential one. The whole public meeting was recorded on film.
We got to know about some people who believed, that Swami would come to the public meeting in His sweet form… , however He was there in every being indeed! Thank you Swami for guiding us so lovingly! Jay Sai Ram!
Viktor Havlice
(in service of NCP)