Application for wholesale markets
1. / Name of the Market / ------
2. / Ownership of Market
3 / Address / ------
4. / a) Whether the market is located in Tribal/ Hill area (Attach Document Proof) / ------
b) Whether the market has availed financial Assistance for development from central sector projects full details of assistance Received. / ------
c)Frequency at which the market is operating i.e. daily, be-Weekly, etc. If seasonal, then give number of days the market function during the season. / ------
d) Whether the market regulated.
i)if so, the name of the market committee under which it is functioning.
ii) if not regulated, the name of the local body managing it. / ------
f)whether the market is served by roads linking with the regulated market / ------
5. / Constitution (Date of incorporation and relevant law along with acopy of articles and memorandum of association, bylaws, partnership deed and registration certificate whichever is applicable. Documentary proof regarding authorized/ paid up capital and promoters contribution).
  1. public Ltd.Company
  2. Private Ltd. Company
  3. Registered Society
  4. Association
  5. Federation
  6. producer Company
  7. Proprietorship firm p
  8. partnership concern

6. / Management / ---
7. / Brief background of promoters
8. / Name of the sponsoring bank along with details of Techno-economical appraisal report, copy of sanction letter and Detailed Project Report (DPR) as submitted bank. / ------
9. / Present annual arrivals(Last financial year) / Sl. No / Name Of the Important Commodity / Quantity in metric tones / Mandals/village / Value in Rs / No fo farmers
10. / Anticipated total arrivals of Agricultural commodities in the market for the next ten years / Sl. No / Years / Anticipated annual arrivals in metric tones / Value Rs./lakhs / Projected Maximum daily arrivals(MT)
c. / Other
Note: / (The anticipated annual arrivals are to be estimated realistically)
11. / Present Land Position
12. / Detail of infrastructure facilities and amenities presently available in the market. / Sl. No / Name Of the Facilities / No./Area and capacity / whether constructed central assistance or not
13. / Details of the project proposed to be provided(Rs./ Lakhs) / Sl. No / Name Of the Facilities / No./Area and capacity / Cost/Unit / Total cost
14. / Details of indentified infrastructure facilities proposed to be provided with cental Assistance / Sl. No / Name Of the Facilities / No./Area and capacity / Cost/Unit / Total cost
Total cost of the project
15. / Sources of financing the Project. / ---
Cost of project (Rs in Lakhs)
  1. land (if purchased new along with documentary proof)
  2. Building
  3. Plant & Machinery
  4. Contingencies
  5. Miscellaneous fixed assets
  6. Working Capital margin
  7. Pre operative exp.
Total= / -
Means of finance
  • Promoter Share
  • Bank Term loan
  • Subsidy
  • Quasi equity
  • Unsecured loan
  • AMC Funds
  • Market Funds
  • Others Specify----
Total:----- / -
16. / Details of cost of plant & Machinery/ Equipment supported by quotations / -
17. / Details of the Building construction and the cost supported by PWD norms / -
18. / area of operation with special reference to NHM Districts to be covered / -
19. / Availability of raw material, name of the cluster and District along with the major crops / -
20. / Backward linkages with farmers. Details up hub and spoke model number and details of collection centers along with number of farmers of each collection center and crops / --
21. / Facilities to be provided at each collection / -
22. / No. of farmers/ Orchardist to be benefited / -
23. / Forward linkages- Analysis of domestic and export markets. / -
24. / Rate of market fee levied or proposed to be levied if any / -
25. / SWOT Analysis / -
26. / Financial Analysis- IRR, NPR, Cost benefit Ratio, Breakevenpoint, DER, DSER, Projected balance sheets etc. / ----
27. / Insurance of the fixed assets
28. / Certificate from Pollution Control Department
29. / Certificate regarding Non-availing of subsidy from any otherCentral/ State Govt. Departments.
30. / Social benefits with special reference to employment generation.
  1. Direct Employment
  2. Indirect employment
  3. women/S.T./S.C. employment
/ -
31. / Details of the sustainability of the project with special reference to its capacity Implementation schedule. / -
32. / Amount of subsidy sought / -
Date: Place:
Note: / a) A lay out plan of the market according to the scale indicating there in the facilities. Already available and proposed to be provided in the market may be enclosed.
b)Copy of the UC of the market which has already received central Assistance under the erstwhile scheme of CA for which UC has been furnished.