Approved by the Board of Directors – January 25, 2008 Revised & Approved by the Board of Directors June 18, 2010





Mission Statement 1

Code of Ethics 2

MAMSS Designated Regions 3

Duties & Responsibilities: Board of Directors 4

Duties & Responsibilities: Officers and Board Members 5

Election and Removal of Officers 7

Finance 11

MAMSS Dues 14

MAMSS Annual Conference Planning Procedure 15

Refunds for Annual Conference Cancellations 20

Annual Conference Program Honoraria Guidelines 21

Barbara Yates Educational Grant 22

Association Gifts, Memorials & Charitable Donations 25

Meeting Environment 26

Retention of Board Files 27

Privacy of Member Information 28

Fair Hearing and Disciplinary Actions 29

Orientation of New Board Members 30

Definitions 31


The mission of the Michigan Association Medical Staff Services is to provide continuing education and networking opportunities, and to advocate the expertise of the Medical Services Professional.

In support of the Mission, the following goals are identified:

·  Provide education opportunities and resources.

·  Educate members regarding changes in healthcare, and standards recommended by regulatory and accrediting bodies.

·  Promote professional relationships within the organization and with other organizations.

·  Provide opportunities to meet other like professionals for the purpose of relationship building and mentoring.


The Code of Ethics of the Michigan Association Medical Staff Services is as follows:

WE RESOLVE to promote quality within health care through the support of the medical staff and/or provider networks to assure public safety.

WE FURTHER RESOLVE to place service before material gain; and to exemplify professionalism.

WE FURTHER RESOLVE to be responsive to the needs of our customers, receptive to change, and to perform our duties in the most cost-effective manner.

WE FURTHER RESOLVE to share knowledge, foster educational opportunities and to encourage personal and professional growth through continued self-improvement and application of best practices in medical staff services and provider networks.

WE FURTHER RESOLVE that Members are to adhere to the Code of Ethics and refrain from conduct injurious to the association or its purpose. No individual shall be denied appointment on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or national origin.


The current five designated regions of the Michigan Association Medical Staff Services are as follows:

A. Central Michigan Region

B. Southeastern Michigan Region

C. Northern Michigan Region

D. Western Michigan Region

E. Mid-Michigan Region

Members may attend meetings of any chapter of MAMSS; however, Members may only exercise Membership prerogatives, i.e., voting rights, in one Chapter.


The membership of the Board of Directors is defined in the MAMSS Bylaws. The duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors of MAMSS shall be as follows:

A. Review and revise, on at least a biennial basis, the Bylaws, Policies and Procedures of the Association.

B.   Make policy decisions for the Michigan Association, with areas of exception as outlined in the MAMSS Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations.

C.   Approve the MAMSS annual budget.

D.   Adopt policies and procedures, as needed, for the Michigan Association and its Board of Directors.

E.   Review and approve Bylaws of Regional Chapters.

F.   Promote educational opportunities, and offer an educational activity for members at least annually.

G. Be responsive and act as a resource to the membership regarding all aspects of our Association and encourage MAMSS and NAMSS membership amongst all Medical Services Professionals.


All Board members shall support the mission and goals of the Association, and abide by the Code of Ethics. All members are expected to attend all meetings of the Board of Directors. Further, all members are expected to be responsible for maintaining all files pertinent to their assignment, in accordance with the MAMSS policy regarding the retention of Board files. In addition to the specific duties outlined below, all members are expected to perform such other duties commensurate with the office as may be reasonably requested of her/him by the President in order to coordinate and advance the mission of MAMSS.

A. President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of MAMSS and shall:

1. Serve as leader of the Association.

2. Maintain close liaison with the Board of Directors.

3. Promote the Michigan Association by regular communication with all MAMSS members, organized chapters, and NAMSS leadership.

4. Encourage and promote continuing education of medical services professionals.

5. Conduct Board meetings and preside at the MAMSS annual business meeting.

7. Represent MAMSS, when requested, to other individuals and health care associations.

8. Sign or authorize to sign all contracts for MAMSS, after consultation with President-elect and the treasurer.

9. Be responsible for contacting legal counsel, when necessary, or may authorize contact with legal counsel.

10. Sign all Bylaws for organized chapters, following Board approval.

11. Prepare annual report, to be presented at the annual conference, a copy of which shall be kept in the archives of MAMSS and published on the MAMSS website..

12. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.

B. President-Elect: The President-elect shall, in the absence of, or because of the incapacity of the President, perform the duties and assume the responsibilities of the President. In addition, the President-elect shall:

1.  Serve as Education Program Chair.

2.  Assume the role of President following completion of the current President’s term.

C. Immediate Past President: The immediate past president shall:

1. Act as consultant to the President and Board of Directors.

2. Serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee.

3.  Be responsible for orientation of new Board officers.

4.  Serve as a Member of the Conference Planning Committee.

D.   Secretary: The Secretary shall:

1. Record the proceedings at Board meetings and at the MAMSS annual business meeting.

2.   Send copies of the minutes to the President prior to the next Board meeting.

3.   At the request of the President, handle correspondence.

E.   Treasurer: The Treasurer shall:

1.   Submit a financial report at each Board meeting and an annual financial report at the MAMSS annual business meeting.

2.   Compile an annual budget for the Association, in conjunction with the President. By the end of the Fourth Quarter of the previous budget year, submit proposed budget to the Board for acceptance.

3.   Sign all checks for the disbursement of MAMSS funds.

4.   Ensure that all tax and banking forms are completed and submitted appropriately and timely to the respective federal agencies.

5.   Maintain close liaison with the Executive Board concerning MAMSS’ income and expenditures.

6.   Disburse annual Chapter dues, as outlined in MAMSS Bylaws Article VII.

F.   Representatives from each Chapter: Presidents from each of the designated regional chapters of the Association shall serve as chapter representatives on the MAMSS Board. Each regional representative shall:

1.   Act as liaison between the Board and their chapter membership.

2.   Report pertinent decisions of the MAMSS Board to their chapter membership.

3.   Designate the Chapter President-Elect to attend Board meetings in the absence of the Chapter Presidents, with proxy vote.

4.   At the completion of their term, be responsible for orienting and supporting the incoming Chapter President.

G.   Appointed Committee Chairs: Chairs of committees, as defined in the Bylaws, serving on the Board by appointment of the President, shall serve at the will of the President.

1.   The term for their appointment coincides with the term of the President who appointed them.

2.   They shall serve in accordance with the MAMSS Bylaws, with vote.

3.   They shall fulfill the responsibilities outlined by the President, and prepare a report to the Board at each meeting.


A. Nominating Committee Composition and Charge:

The Nominating Committee will be comprised of the Immediate Past-President, who shall serve as Chair, and the President-Elect from each Chapter. The Chair will review the duties and responsibilities of the committee and establish time lines for activities.

B. Identification and Selection of Potential Candidates:

Notification of the upcoming election will be posted on the MAMSS website (prior to the election) along with the position descriptions from the MAMSS Bylaws. Qualified candidates will submit to the Chair of the Nominating Committee a MAMSS Nomination Form, which is available on the MAMSS website. Each potential nominee will be sent a letter acknowledging receipt of their request, and will also be provided with the appropriate position description from the Bylaws and, if necessary, additional forms for completion. If any potential candidates are found to not meet minimum qualifications, they will be notified in writing.

The Nominating Committee will, whenever possible, select at least two qualified nominees for each office. If only one qualified candidate has been nominated for a position, the election process will proceed with only one candidate for that office.

C. Eligibility Criteria:

1.  A candidate for any Board positions must be an Active member of MAMSS.

2.  It is recommended, though not required, that candidates for the position of President and President-Elect be certified as a CPMSM and/or CPCS.

3.  Candidates for President-Elect must have completed at least one two-year term as a member of the MAMSS Board of Directors, or have comparable leadership experience through their local MAMSS chapter or with the State Association as determined by the Board of Trustees.

  1. Candidates may run for one office only.

5.  The Chair of the Nominating committee will contact the supervisor of each nominee (obtained from the Nomination Form) in writing. The supervisor will be provided with the position description from the Bylaws and a Supervisor Evaluation Form for completion that acknowledges their support of the individual’s candidacy and possible election.

D.   Lack of Qualified Candidates:

In the event there is a lack of qualified candidates for a position, the Board of Directors will be notified to assist with the process. If, even with the Board’s assistance, there are still no qualified candidates, the Board member currently holding that office may, if they are willing, be appointed to serve an additional two year term or the Board of Directors will appoint another Board member who is leaving the Board to fill that position and serve a two-year term. A Board member may not hold two positions at the same time.

E.   Nominee Verification Process:

The Nominating Committee will verify candidate information and eligibility for all potential candidates. Once information for all candidates is verified, the Nominating Committee will designate the nominees for each position.

F.   Nominating Process:

The slate of candidates will be submitted by the Chair of the Nominating Committee to the MAMSS Board of Directors for approval at the Board meeting prior to the election. Potential candidates will not be informed of their nomination until the Board of Directors approves the slate of candidates. Within two weeks following the Board’s action on the slate of nominees, the Nominating Committee Chair will contact all the nominees and inform each of the Board’s action.

G. Balloting Process:

Ballots will be distributed by mail to MAMSS Active members on a date specified by the Board.

As approved by the Board of Directors, a specified time period is allowed from the time the ballots are mailed to receipt of the ballots. Ballots are returned to the Chair of the Nominating Committee. Candidates for office cannot receive returning ballots or participate in tabulating the ballots.

H. Notification Process:

Within one week of the ballot deadline, the Chair of the Nominating Committee will tabulate the election results and will communicate the results as follows:

1.  The President of MAMSS will be notified, then

2.  The members of the Nominating Committee, then

3.  All candidates who ran for office.

Initial notification will be made by telephone. A letter will follow this notification to all the candidates within 10 days. In addition, written notification will be sent to the successful candidate’s supervisor. If the Chair is unable to reach a candidate by telephone, the candidate will receive a certified letter stating the election results. The results of the election will be posted on the MAMSS website.

If for any reason, the Chair of the Nominating Committee is unable to proceed with the election process or notification of election results, the President of MAMSS will assume those duties.

I. Removal of Officers:

If the Board wishes to remove an officer for cause, as described in Bylaws, the individual will be sent a certified written notice at least ten days prior to the date of when the Board’s vote will take place. A two-thirds vote of the Board is required to remove an officer, chair, Board or committee member. The individual shall be provided the opportunity to respond prior to the vote on such removal. The removal shall be effective when approved by the Board. An officer, Board or committee member who is found to no longer meet any of the qualifications for the position shall automatically relinquish his/her office.


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Any potential candidate for a MAMSS Board of Directors position must complete this form and forward to the Chairman of the MAMSS Nominating Committee.

Name ______Title______

Supervisor’s Name ______Telephone #______

Name of Institution______

Address ______



Telephone ______Fax ______E-mail______

I wish to be considered as a candidate for the following elected MAMSS position:

President-Elect _____

Secretary _____

Treasurer _____

By signing this application form, I hereby agree to pledge my time and commitment to the MAMSS office I am seeking. I also have the support of my immediate supervisor to apply for this position.


Applicant’s Signature Date


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