Public Hearing June 6, 2013, will begin at 7:00 p.m.

Public Hearing to Discuss Budget Amendments 2012-2013

Budget 2013-2014

Donations within 2012-2013 & 2013-2014 Budgets

Operating Transfers within 2012-2013 & 2013-2014 Budgets

Attending: Marie Bertelson, Doug Durfey, Pamela Anderson, Keith Coltharp, Robert Buckner, Joanie Dean, John Dean, Craig Paulsen, Eric Thompson, Gary Parnell, Paula Carter, and Gary Carter.

7:00 p.m.Roll Call

Mayor Eldon Barnes, Council members Scott Allred, Noel Bertelson, Neil Sorensen, Boyd Mickel and Ken Nunley. All of Council was present.

Mayor Barnes brought the meeting to order and requested Public Comments

7:01 p.m.Public Comments for Budget Amendments 2012-2013

Keith Coltharp stated that he had researched the data provided and felt that the information was concerning. Mr. Coltharp stated that the financial statements and budget figures were not concise. Mr. Coltharp stated that he was an accountant and he had spoken with Greg Ogden concerning the financial statements and believed that the city should go to Polorus so that the financial statements would be in a more readable format.

Mr. Coltharp stated that he believed that council was in the dark when it came to the finances of the city. Mr. Coltharp stated that being an elected official that they should know and understand the budgets. Mr. Coltharp stated that a financial statement should be given to council and that council understand the financial statements, so that the checks and balances system would be more accurate and concise.

Mayor Barnes stated that council would take into consideration Mr. Coltharp’s concerns.

7:05 p.m.Public Comments for Budget 2013-2014

Mayor Barnes stated that he had asked council for input on the next fiscal year’s budget and had taken into consideration all requests from council.

7:10 p.m.Public Comments for Donations within both Budgets

Mayor Barnes stated that there was a list of donations and contributions to the community that had been budgeted for. Mayor Barnes stated that they were traditionally given to the community if requested.

Pamela Anderson inquired if the city had made an exception for the Sanpete Food Bank. Mayor Barnes stated that it was not included in this year’s budget.

Marie Bertelson inquired about the Fireman’s Breakfast. Mayor Barnes stated that it had been included in the budget. Council member Bertelson stated that the event usually came out even.

John Dean inquired about the donations and where the funds came from. Mayor Barnes stated that it came from taxes the city collected.

Mayor Barnes stated that the citizens benefited from any of the donations.

7:15 p.m.Public Comments for Transfers within both Budgets

Noel Bertelson inquired how the amounts that are transferred varied. Mayor Barnes stated that during the budget process the employees, benefits, wages, upkeep of the buildings, etc. are split as per how different accounts varied throughout the year.

Keith Coltharp stated that the budget could not be exceeded and adjustment periods were needed. Mr. Coltharp stated that he would like the financial statements to change so that you could see the variances on a monthly basis. Council member Mickel stated that you could see the variances on the financial statements but when bond payments were paid it would look like the fund was running in the red until the revenue was built up.

Council member Noel Bertelson stated that at the bottom of the financial statements it would tell you a percentage of the year that had passed and look at the account percentage to see if they were within line. There were no further public comments.


Council member Neil Sorensen motioned to adjourn the public hearing. Council member Noel Bertelson seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. All present were in favor of adjourning the budget hearing.

Building Authority Meeting

June 6, 2013

Expression of Choice

Council member Scott Allred offered a prayer.

Roll Call

Mayor Eldon Barnes, Council members Scott Allred, Noel Bertelson, Neil Sorensen, Boyd Mickel and Ken Nunley. All of Council was present.

Action Items

Review and approval of Building Plans for the Old School

Council member Noel Bertelson stated that the architect had given the city drawings with detail for their review.

Council member Noel Bertelson stated that the interior finishing was still pending and on the July 11th meeting.The drawings would be complete and the building authority could approve the plans and the permit process could begin on July 15th.

The Building Authority discussed heat zones and cooling zones in the old school. Noel Bertelson stated that LED lighting would be implemented.

Mayor Barnes stated that he had been contacted by a citizen that would like to use a room in the old school to paint murals. Mayor Barnes stated that he would pay rent and possibly want to rent the room for a year. Noel Bertelson stated that the building could not be occupied. The building authority discussed heating, and fire protection. The Building Authority discussed construction, dust and the oil paints that would be used to paint the murals. The building authority did not want to rent the building.

Member Noel Bertelson motioned to approve the drawings and take out the wall. Member Scott Allred seconded the motion. Member Boyd Mickel stated that the final approval would rest with the completed drawings. There was no further discussion. All present were in favor.

Keith Coltharp inquired about the budget of $1,000,000 and how the funds would be distributed. Mayor Barnes stated that the Building Authority would control the contributions. Mr. Coltharp inquired if there would be tenants. Member Noel Bertelson stated that the city was hopeful to have tenants. Member Bertelson stated that no city funds would be used on the building.

Cutler Schofield monument for ball field to meet requirements for donation for Old School

Gary Parnell stated that the Friends of Historic Spring City would like permission to put the boulder in for the sign for the Cutler Scholfield Baseball Field. Member Allred stated that it had already been approved. Member Boyd Mickel stated that there should be no problems with trees, sprinklers or power lines. Mayor Eldon Barnes inquired of the date that this would be done. Mr. Parnell stated that it would be done on August 24, but he would get with city worker James Bennett and ensure the location. Mr. Parnell asked that council be present to recognize the monument, on Saturday, August 24th.

Pamela Anderson inquired if the bell would be working when the building was completed and if it could be rung certain hours of the day. Craig Paulsen stated that the mechanism that was currently used to ring the bell was older and would need to be replaced. Member Neil Sorensen stated that it was used in the past for an alert to fires. Mr. Parnell stated that with city approval they could get the bell in working order. Member Allred motioned to approve the possibility of a good donation to restore the bell and replace the mechanism. Member Boyd Mickel seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. All present were in favor.

Review of Naming Rights for rooms and areas of Old School

Member Noel Bertelson stated that there were twenty areas that would be named after those who made donations. Member Bertelson stated that there would be wall plaques stating who had donated the funds for the restoration or naming of the rooms. Mr. Parnell stated that these funds would be used to pay off the loan.

Member Scott Allred motioned to approve the proposal. Member Ken Nunley seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. All present were in favor.


Member Noel Bertelson motioned to adjourn.

Council Meeting

June 6, 2013

Mayor Barnes asked that council take a five minute break before proceeding with Council Meeting.

Roll Call

Mayor Eldon Barnes, Council members Scott Allred, Noel Bertelson, Neil Sorensen, Boyd Mickel and Ken Nunley. All of Council was present.

Council member Boyd Mickel motioned to amend the agenda to add the Bike Race Discussion and Approval of minutes. Council member Noel Bertelson seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. All present were in favor. The Agenda was amended to include Discussion of the Bike Race and Approval of the minutes.

Action Items

Approval of Minutes

Council member Noel Bertelson motioned to approve the minutes from April 4, April 18, May 2, May 16 Council Minutes and May 16th Building Authority minutes as amended. Council member Boyd Mickel seconded the motion. There was no discussion. All present were in favor of approving the minutes.

Bike Race Discussion, Eric Thompson

Eric Thompson presented a flyer to council concerning the Eighth Classic Bike Race. Mr. Thompson stated that there was a bond in place for any mishaps. Mayor Barnes stated he would like a copy of the document.

Eric Thompson stated that he would like permission to use the city road, the state and county had already been contacted and they had approved the use of state and county roads. Mr. Thompson stated that there were approximately 300 racers. Mr. Thompsonwill bring in portable restrooms and ensure safety. Mr. Thompson asked that the city help with barricades and road closures for the racers. Mr. Thompson stated that there would be volunteers to help with traffic.

Council discussed safety for the event. Mr. Thompson stated that the group would be willing to make a small donation to the city for their support.

Budget 2013-2014

Mayor Barnes inquired if council was willing to approve Budget 2013-2014. Council member Boyd Mickel motioned to approve Budget 2013-2014. Council member Noel Bertelson seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. All present were in favor.

Budget Amendments 2012-2013

Mayor Barnes stated that the changes in the Budget for 2012-2013 were needed to balance the funds. Council member Boyd Mickel motioned to accept the 2012-2013 Budget Amendments. Council member Noel Bertelson seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. All present were in favor.

Zoning Permit Approval/Denial Natalie Monson for a pergola located at 565 South 600 East

Council discussed Natalie Monson’s request for a pergola and decided that it would change the foot print of the property. Council member Neil Sorensen motioned to approve Natalie Monson’s zoning permit. Council member Noel Bertelson seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. All present were in favor of approving this permit.

Business License Regulation Review request from the State of Utah

Mayor Barnes stated that the Governor had sent him a letter asking if business regulations were in need of review. Council member Neil Sorensen stated that the process was in need of stream lining and promoting businesses in SpringCity. Council member Scott Allred stated that adjustments were needed so that commercial businesses could be easier to obtain. Council discussed utilities and the issue with landlords not wanting to be accountable for businesses r homes that had delinquent utility bills. Keith Coltharp stated that he believed that the city should increase the deposit for renters so that landlords were not responsible. Mayor Barnes stated that the Planning Commission was working on the home and commercial business regulations.

Discussion of Resolution 2013-08, Water Service Requirements

Council member Neil Sorensen stated that if someone outside city limits wanted to hook onto city water and sewer was available within 300 feet they should be required to hook onto the sewer before getting a water service. Council member Sorensen stated that it would help with future problems of contamination if they were required to hook onto the sewer.

Council member Boyd Mickel motioned to have this issue sent to Planning and Zoning and made into an ordinance. There was no second the motion died.

Mayor Barnes read Resolution 2013-08 in full. Council member Neil Sorensen motioned to accept the resolution as presented. Council member Noel Bertelson seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. All present were in favor of passing the Resolution.

Council member Sorensen stated that he had spoken with the Sanpete County Planning Commission and they would like someone from the city to go to the meetings and represent the city. Council member Bertelson stated that he would be able to go to the meetings.

Emergency Preparedness Class

Council member Ken Nunley stated that Jim Phillips would be conducting a bi-monthly class on Emergency Preparedness; this class would be a good opportunity for the citizens to obtain trainings and ideas on how to prepare for natural disasters.

Council discussed Mr. Phillips qualifications. Mayor Barnes would like information on Mr. Phillips qualifications.

Fire Department, Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief

Buffer Zone review and request

Council member Noel Bertelson stated that the volunteer fire department held a vote on a Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief. Council member Bertelson stated that Mark Mickel would be the Fire Chief and Bruce Van Der Riet would be the Assistant Fire Chief.

Council member Noel Bertelson motioned to accept Mark Mickel as the Fire Chief and Bruce Van Der Riet as Assistant Fire Chief. Council member Scott Allred seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

MotionSecondFor AgainstAbstain

Noel BertelsonXX

Scott AllredXX

Neil SorensenX

Ken NunleyX

Boyd MickelX

Council member Mickel abstained due to conflict of interest.

Xpress Bill Pay review of fees

Mayor Barnes stated that Xpress Bill Pay was up and running for the citizens. Mayor Barnes stated that the city would not get the discount amount if the city charged a fee.

Council member Noel Bertelson motioned to drop the service fee of $2.00 to be able to get the Xpress Discount. Council member Boyd Mickel seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. All present were in favor.

Poll Worker suggestions for the upcoming elections

Council was given the names of Alison Anderson, Attina Madsen, and Cynthia DeGrey. Council suggested that a request for Pollworkers be placed in the Newsletter. Council discussed early voting and it was determined that the city would not hold Early Voting, but absentee ballots would be accepted.

Council member Neil Sorensen motioned that there would be no Early Voting just absentee ballots due to costs. Council member Boyd Mickel seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. All present were in favor.

Drainage 100 North Main to 200 West

Mayor Barnes stated he would like a plan on the record and any changes for the drainage issue on 100 North.

Council member Neil Sorensen stated that he had contacted the property owners and they had agreed that the problem should be addressed and had agreed that the following would be acceptable and agreed upon. Council member Sorensen stated that some of the scrub trees would be removed as well as rose bushes, the ditch would have some fill in it to make it narrower and not as deep, the existing sidewalk would try to be saved, trees would be trimmed out of the power lines and saved if possible, and that the neighbors would help maintain the ditch. Council discussed trees along the problem area and the entire block would be addressed.

Council member Sorensen stated he would like to have this completed with volunteers before the twenty-fourth of July. Council was in agreement that the project should go forth and be completed.

Council, Committee and Department Report

Council member Scott Allred reported that the 24th of July planning was going well. Council member Bertelson stated that the Fireman’s Breakfast was planning the breakfast and that purchase orders had been signed and approved.

Council member Allred stated that he would like to purchase two portable sound systems to use in different locations instead of carrying the big system around. Council member Allred stated that the large system would be at the pavilion. Council agreed this would be good for the citizens and for future celebrations.

Council member Noel Bertelson reported that he was attending a meeting for the Colorado Storage Project operating system.

Council member Bertelson reported that he would attend a meeting for the IPP project and how the IPP plant would be converting to natural gas and the costs associated with the conversion and how it would affect the city.