Central Maricopa Regional Partnership Council

Public Health Insurance Outreach and Enrollment Assistance

Request for Grant Application

RFGA #FTF-RC010-11-0260-00

Fact Sheet

What is the First Things First Central Maricopa Regional Partnership Council Public Health Insurance Outreach and Enrollment Assistance Grant Program?

The Central Maricopa Regional Partnership Council (RPC) has identified the need for regional implementation of the following strategy:

  • Public Health Insurance Outreach and Enrollment Assistance to ensure eligible community families enroll in and retain health coverage and other public benefits for their young children

The intended target population of this funding opportunity is the population of families with children ages birth through five who are likely to qualify for public health insurance, yet are currently underserved. Additionally, the targeted population should include underserved populations or underserved geographic locations, focusing specifically on families up to 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. This strategy targets all families with children ages birth through five, as well as health professionals who serve families with children in this age range throughout the Central Maricopa region. Specifically, the strategy targets children ages birth through five in the Central Maricopa region who do not have public health insurance but who are eligible, or those who are currently enrolled in KidsCare and need to maintain public health insurance.

Applications submitted in response to the Request for Grant Application (RFGA) must serve the families within the geographic boundaries of the Central Maricopa Regional Partnership Council.

What is the Total Amount of Funding Available?

Approximately $280,000 is available in this Request for Grant Application. Contract renewal will be contingent upon satisfactory contract performance, evaluation and availability of funds.

The anticipated contract period for any resultant grant will be July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011.

Proposed Timeline for the Grant Making Process

March 3, 2010RFGA available on-line

March 18, 2010Pre-Application Conference

1:00 p.m. at Guadalupe Town Hall (Council Chambers)

9241 South Avenida del Yaqui, Guadalupe, Arizona 85283

April 15, 2010Applications due to the location listed in the RFGA by 2:00 p.m.

July 1, 2010Anticipated grant awards made

How to Get a Copy of the RFGA

Please visit the First Things First web site on or after March 3, 2010:


All questions must be submitted in writing and include RFGA # FTF-RC010-11-0260-00 in the subject line of the email or on the cover sheet of the fax.

Questions should be submitted to the Grants and Contracts Procurement Specialist via email at or via fax at (602) 265-0009.