Public Health & Clinical Governance

30th May 2012

RoseRoom, Avonmouth House,

6 Avonmouth Street, London, SE1 6NX

Tel: 020 7940 7370

For further information on this or other South East Region courses and study days please visit our website

Facilitator: Siobhan Burke-Adams & Marc Miell
Mobile: 07717 774975 & 07725 219547 / KSS Deanery Pharmacy Office
01444 448656

Contact Facilitator or KSS Deanery Pharmacy Office if you are unable to attend.
Failure to attend or notification of cancellation less than
24 hours before the event will incur a charge.

Target audience

This course is aimed at Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacists.

Learning Outcomes

Describe some of the factors that can assist or inhibit the process of interpersonal communication, in particular when dealing with patients with learning disabilities

Knowledge of main health improvement messages & evidence supporting them.

Knowledge of own health behaviours & how this might affect other people

Awareness of how PH policies are developed & translated into local action.

Awareness of major Government policies relevant to health & wellbeing & inequalities.

Awareness of relationships between own employers & partner organisations.

Knowledge of who does what in improving population health & wellbeing.

Awareness of the role of Clinical Governance in secondary care.

Describe common medication errors, the underlying causes and the role of the pharmacist.

Pre-course Work (Estimated time to complete – 2 hours)
Please ensure you have:
  1. Accessed the following two courses ‘Introducing Public Health’ and Factors that influence health’ via the website below (introduces you to the topic of Public Heath). To navigate to the sections that we have asked you to focus on use the contents menu at the left of the page. You do not need to undertake the activities in full, pay particular attention to the comments.
Introducing Public Health - Please look specifically at Sections 1-4, and watch the ten
minute video in Section 1.

Factors that influence health - Please specifically look at Section 1, ‘Exploring the factors that influence health’ and Section 3 ‘Individual lifestyle factors’.
2. Make yourself aware of the clinical governance structure within your own base hospital and how NPSA alerts are dealt with.

Programme – 30th May 2012

0930 / Arrival and coffee
0945 / Introductions / Siobhan Burke-Adams
0950 / Learning Disabilities / Dr. Elaine Hawkins
1120 / Coffee Break
1140 / Public Health / Dr. Viv Speller
1340 / *Lunch
1430 / Clinical Governance & Patient Safety / Andy Fox
1630 / CPD record and evaluation / All
1645 / Close

*Lunch will not be provided.

Participants are expected to attend the full day’s programme.


Dr. Elaine Hawkins
Assistant Dean, Education.
KSS Deanery. / Dr. Viv Speller
Independent Public Health Consultant
Mr. Andy Fox
Director – Southampton Pharmacy Research Centre (SPRC) & Principal Pharmacist, Medication Safety.
UniversityHospitalSouthampton NHS Foundation Trust