Public Health 150 – Contemporary Health Issues

Summer 2016, Session C

Course Information

Number of units: 4

Lecture: 3 hours/week, Discussion: 3 hours/week

Meeting Time: 1-4 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays

Location: PAB 1434A (Physics and Astronomy Building)

Course website: – check the website frequently for lecture slides, readings, assignments, and updates

Instructor: Haroutune Armenian, MD, DrPH,

Teaching Assistants (Office Hours held TR, 12PM-1PM, PAB 1749):

Evelyn Alvarez,

Dr. VaheKhachadourian,


By the end of the Course the student should be able to:

  1. Explain the scope of public health activities in human populations.
  2. List and describe various disciplines involved in problem solving in public health.
  3. Present a model of problem solving in public health.
  4. Identify and define public health problems in the community and within the health services.
  5. Search for sources of information about public health problems.
  6. Describe intervention strategies for addressing public health problems.



Session 1 Tuesday August 2

Introduction (Armenian)Problem Solving in PH (HKA)

- Scope of PH- Tobacco

- Invariables in PH

Assignment A: List PH problems of concern in your life.

Session 2 Thursday August 4

Data-Information (Brookmeyer)Surveillance (HKA)

Assignment B: Select a PH problem and define it.

Session 3 Tuesday August 9

Disasters in our lives (Armenian)Epi Investigation (HKA)

Assignment C:Sources of data and information about your selected problem.

Session 4 Thursday August 11

Evaluation of Health Services (Armenian)Systems (HKA)

Assignment D: Presenting the selected problem as a system.

Session 5 Tuesday August 16

Emerging Infections (Detels)Review Discussion

Assignment E: Preparedness for adverse outcomes for selected problem.

Session 6 Thursday August 18

MIDTERM: Questions based on the 5 previous sessions.

Dignity in Health Care (Armenian)

Assignment F: List options for interventions for selected problem.

Session 7 Tuesday August 23

General Environmental Health (Jackson)

The Built Environment and Health (Jackson)

Class discussion of Public Health problems selected by students.

Session 8 Thursday August 25

Services for the aged (Wallace)Decision process (HKA)

Assignment G: How to advocate for the selected PH problem?

Session 9 Tuesday August 30

Nutrition (McCarthy)Culture, Society, Politics and Health (HKA)

Assignment H: Evaluate a service for the selected problem.

Session 10 Thursday September 1

International Health (Dorian)Project development (HKA)

AssignmentI: Select an intervention and develop it as a project idea for selected problem.

Session 11 Tuesday September 6

The Age for Building Health (Armenian)


Session 12 Thursday September 8

FINAL EXAM: similar in approach to the mid-term

Required Text: Weekly readings will be posted online. Students are expected to read the material before class sessions.


Homework assignments A through I16% of final grade

Midterm Exam40% of final grade

Final Examination 44% of final grade

Total 100% of final grade

Students are expected to complete the required homework as assigned and turn in theoriginal copy of their homework at the beginning of the next class day.

Each evaluated assignment will be given a point value. Point values will be converted to percentages and summed at the end of the course to yield a final percent (maximum possible = 100%). Grades will be posted on MyUCLA.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: While students are encouraged to discuss class material to gain a better understanding of course topics, all submitted homework and exams must represent each student’s individual effort. Cheating, falsification, plagiarism, and facilitating academic dishonesty of others will be reported to the Dean of Students per University policy. For more information, see

STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If you wish to request an accommodation due to a suspected or documented disability, please inform your instructor and contact the Office for Students with Disabilities as soon as possible at A255 Murphy Hall.
Phone number: 310-825-1501 or 310 206-6083 (telephone device for the hearing impaired)