Schedule of Accreditation

Foodstuff Testing Laboratories

Central Department of Foodstuff Test Labs “ CDFTL”

General Organization for Export & Import Control “ GOEIC”- Cairo Airport Branch

Cairo Airport Branch , Cargo Village-Egypt

Valid to : October 18,2019 / Issue No. (3): October 19, 2015 / 1st accreditation date : October 2, 2007 / Schedule No.: 204009 B
Standard Specifications / Techniques Used / Types of Tests / Properties Measured / Range of Measurements / Materials / Products Tested /
Model EP 612C, S.N H2961122383256P
S.N 18252
pH Meter
Manufacturer Dakton , S.N 181089/0219
Hot Air Oven
Model 100/800 , S.N 9603/0730
Model 1-561-D ,S.N 0100203
Model 1-5611-D ,S.N 0801098
Model E703-0063,S.N E703-0063
Model 399200-15 , S.N 100502
CO2 Incubator
Manufacturer Nuaire ,S.N 53778
Model V95,S.N 0567&0 490
Model barnstead ,SN17109
Colony Counter
Manufacturer Stuart , S.N 5879
S.N 40548
S.N 1254040916556 / ISO 4833-1 : 2013 / Enumeration of microorganisms colony count at 30 0C / Food
ISO 4832 : 2015 / Enumeration of coliforms (Horizontal method)
ISO 6888-1:2003 / Enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus )
ISO 21528-2: 2004 / Detection and enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae
ISO 6579:2012 / Detection of Salmonella spp
ISO 21527-1: 2012
ISO 21527-2: 2012 / Enumeration of yeasts and moulds
ISO 7937: 2014 / Enumeration of Clostridium perfringens
ISO 21567: 2015 / Detection of Shigella spp (Horizontal method)
ISO 11290-1: 2004
ISO11290- 2:1998 / Detection and Enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes
ISO 16649-2: 2012 / Enumeration of β-glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli at 44 0C
ISO 7932 :2015 / Enumeration of presumptive Bacillus cereus at 30 0C
ISO 10272-1: 2006 / Detection of Campylobacter spp.
NMKL 68 : 2011 / Determination of Enterococcus
ISO 13559 :2013 / Enumeration of contaminating microorganisms at 30°C for Butter,fermenting milk and fresh cheese
NMKL 125:2005 / Enumeration of Thermotolerant Coliform & E.coli
ISO 15213:2015 / Enumeration of sulfite- reducing bacteria growing under anaerobic condition .
Standard Specifications / Techniques Used / Types of Tests / Properties Measured / Range of Measurements / Materials / Products Tested /
Membrane Filter Technique
Model labnet ,SN 0801098 / ISO 7899-2:2000 / Detecteion and enumeration of intestinal enterococci (membrane filtration ) / water
ISO 6222:1999 / Enumeration of culturable microorganisms
ISO 16266:2006 / (membrane filtration ) Detection and enumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Standard Specifications / Techniques Used / Types of Tests / Properties Measured / Range of Measurements / Materials / Products Tested
Gas Liquid Chromatography
Manufacturer Finngan
Model 9001, S.N 200222 / ISO 12966-2:2011
ISO 5508:2012 / LOQ / Determination of fatty acids / Vegetable oils
0.03% / C12
0.04% / C14
0.03% / C16
0.03% / C16:1
0.03% / C18
0.04% / C18:1
0.08% / C18:2
0. 1% / C18:3
0.04% / C20
Kjeldahl Apparatus
Model Vapodest 50
S.N VAP 002618 / AOAC 991.20:2005 / Determination of total nitrogen / Milk powder
AOAC 2001.14:2005 / Determination of protein / Cheese
Abbé Refractometer
Model NAR3T, S.N 0 11207 / AOAC 932.14:2005 / Determination of total soluble solids / Syrups
AtomicAbsorption Spectroscopy
Model: 280FSAA
S.N: AA1202M040 / ES 2060-1:2008
ES 2060-2:2007 / Determination of Cd 0.03 µg/gm / Table Ware
Standard Specifications / Techniques Used / Types of Tests / Properties Measured / Range of Measurements / Materials / Products Tested
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Model GBC 932AA
S.N 10542/01-00I9-00 / AOAC 999.10A:2005 / LOQ / Determination of elemental metals / Food
0.29µg/gm / Lead (Pb)
0.06 µg/gm / Cadmium (Cd)
0.07 µg/gm / Zinc (Zn)
0.07 µg/gm / Copper (Cu)
0.15 µg /gm / Iron (Fe)
UV Spectrophotometer
Manufacturer Perkin Elmer ,USA
Model Lambda 20 , S.N 101N9122222 / AOAC 995.11:2005 / 0.003 µg /gm / Determination of total phosphorous as P2O5
High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Manufacturer Perkin Elmer ,USA
Model series 200
S.N 293N4081805 / In-house method HD.WI.19AP.03 Ca
based on
Food control 13(2002)117-123
Journal of chromatography A,883(2000)299 / Determination of preservatives (sodium benzoate and potasssium sorbate)
Materials / Products Tested / Types of Tests / Properties Measured / Range of Measurements / Standard Specifications / Techniques Used
Food / Determination of Sweeteners
(Acesulfame K, Aspartam, Cyclamate and Saccharin) / In-house method HD.WI.19.SWT.01Ca
based on
Journal of food and drug analysis Feb.2014 / High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Model G1311e
S.N 4511497010
Honey / Determination of moisture content / ES 355-2: 2005 / Abbé Refractometer
Manufacturer Atago , Japan
Model NAR3T, S.N 0 11207
Determination of hydroxy methyl furfural / AOAC 980.23 :2005 / Spectrophotometer
Manufacturer Perkin Elmer ,USA
Model Lambda 20 , S.N 101N9122222
Materials / Products Tested / Types of Tests / Properties Measured / Range of Measurements / Standard Specifications / Techniques Used
Textile and Leather / Determination of formaldehyde / ISO 14184-1:2011 / Spectrophotometer
Model Lambada
S.N 101N9122222
Determination of certain aromatic amines derived from azo colorants / EN 14362-1:2012 / Gas Chromatography
Model K0730000000080
S.N 620100438
Determination of heavy metals / ASTM E1645-1:2007
ISO 17072-1:2011 / Atomic Absorbtion
Model 280FS-240ZAA
S.N AA1202M040
Element / LOQ mg/L
Pb / 0.05
Ni / 0.02
Cd / 0.006
Textile / Detection of carcinogenic dyes / DIN 54231:2005 / High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Model Series 200
S.N 293N4081805, 293N4081805
Model series 200
S.N 262G4072605-Rev A
High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Model G1311e
S.N 4511497010
Model G6420A
S.N US11497010