Public Dataset Nomination Form
/· This form is to be used to request that a specific dataset be considered for inclusion in the list of datasets for which neither IRB approval or a determination of Not Human Subjects Research is required.
· A list of approved public data sets that are not considered human subject research is available at
· Use of the data from the approved public data sets list is not considered human subject research as long as the following criteria are met:
o Research will NOT involve merging any of the data sets in such a way that individuals might be identified
o The Researcher will NOT enhance the public data set with identifiable, or potentially identifiable, data
· If the two criteria above are met and the research will involve data from the approved dataset list, no UAB IRB review or approval is needed.
· Please direct questions or comments to the Office of the IRB at 205-934-3789 or .
· The completed form should be submitted by email to . You will be notified within 5 business days about whether or not your dataset can be included in the public datasets list. You must receive a response from the OIRB before proceeding with your research.
· You may link answers to the questions below, but ensure that the link answers the specific question or refer to specific areas within the linked information.
· Only one dataset per form may be submitted; however, multiple releases of the same dataset (e.g., yearly releases) may be submitted on the same form.
· A Sample Public Dataset Nomination form can be seen at this link.
1. Submitted by: / Name / [ name ]
Department/Division / [ dept/div ]
E-mail Address / [ address ]
Telephone / [ telephone ] / BlazerID / [ blazer ID ]
2. Name of dataset (specific): / [ dataset ]
3. Brief description of the host archive or institution / [ description ]
4. URL for data set / [ URL ]
5. URL documenting public availability of the dataset / [ URL ]
6. Description of how the dataset may be obtained by researchers (include any conditions, stipulations, data use agreements, etc.) / [ description ]
7. Description of how the data were collected, from/about whom, who collected the data, and when it was collected. / [ description ]
8. Description of any conditions or restrictions about the use of the data. / [ description ]
Submit this form by email to
Phone 205-934-3789
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