SOLS Undergraduate Awards and Scholarships
Award Name / Student of the Year1 recipient awarded from each SOLS Major/Concentration:
- Biological Sciences (General)
- Animal Physiology & Behavior
- Biology and Society
- Conservation Biology & Ecology
- Genetics, Cell & Developmental Biology
- Microbiology
- Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology
Type / Award
Nominations Due / February 15, 2013
Awards Made / SOLS Scholarship and Awards Recognition Program, May 2013
Number of Awards / 7
Criteria for Award / 7 recipients to be selected;
1 recipient awarded from each SOLS Concentration, including: Biological Sciences
Animal Physiology & Behavior
Biology and Society
Conservation Biology & Ecology
Genetics, Cell & Developmental Biology
Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology
• Recipient may be a graduating senior or a continuing School of Life Sciences student (serving as a role model for other students)
Application Process / Faculty or Graduate Student Nomination
Award Purpose / Recognition of Excellence/Leadership in Scholarship, Research and/or Service
Recipients / Biological Sciences, Stacy Arnold and Gage Schaper
Animal Physiology & Behavior, Megan Best
Biology & Society, Inbar Maayan
Conservation Biology & Ecology, Sarah Bruemmer
Genetics, Cell & Development Biology, Minami Tokuyama
Microbiology, Andrea Loes
Molecular Biosciences & Biotechnology, Nisarg Patel
Award Name / Outstanding Graduate in SOLS
Type / Award
Nominations Due / February 15, 2013
Awards Made / SOLS Scholarship and Awards Recognition Program, May 2013
Number of Awards / 1
Criteria for Award / • Graduating senior in the School of Life Sciences
Application Process / Faculty Nomination only.
Award Purpose / Recognition of Excellence in Scholarship, Research and Service
Past Recipients / 2013: Easton White
2012: Michelle Schmoker
2011: Glenn Markov
2010: Ellen Dupont
2009: Amber Neitzel
2008: Erin Manton
2007: Carrie L. Lipka
2006: John Benedict
2005: Roxanne Rios
2004: Laura Simms
2003: Tracy Wagner
2002: Elizabeth Gosnell
2001: Courtney L. Libal
2000: Robin Schramm
1999: Jeremy L. Weiss
1998: Karen V. Morris
1997: Paula E. Matney
1996: Cherie K. Moritz
Award Name / School of Life Sciences Undergraduate Research Scholarship
Type / School of Life Sciences Scholarship
Application Deadline / February 15, 2013
Awards Made / SOLS Awards & Graduation Recognition Program, May 2013
Number of Awards / 1
Criteria for award /
- Current Arizona State University undergraduate student (freshman, sophomore, junior, or non-graduating senior).
- Have a declared major in Biological Sciences, Microbiology, or Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology at the Tempe campus.
- Full-time enrollment (12 semester hours; if you are awarded a scholarship and do not maintain full-time enrollment, your scholarship may be cancelled).
- Recipients must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA (high school, community college or ASU).
- Students must have research experience with a SoLS faculty member or a SoLS-approved internship and a proposed research project.
- Students must obtain the written support of a faculty member in the School of Life Sciences who will supervise the research experience.
- Students are encouraged to present their research results in a public forum.
- Financial need is not required.
Application Process / Students must submit SOLS scholarship application and supporting documentation as one electronic file. More details are listed on the application form.
Scholarship Purpose / To encourage and support undergraduate research in the School of Life Sciences the Director funds an annual scholarship.
Past Recipients / 2013 Award
Martin Vega
2012 Award
Inbar Maayan
Nicole Nevarez (Honorable Mention)
2011 Award
Kathryn Scheckel
Award Name / SOLS Outstanding Service Award
Type / Award
Nominations Due / February 15, 2013
Awards Made / SOLS Scholarship and Awards Recognition Program, May 2013
Number of Awards / 1
Criteria for Award / • The recipient must have a minimum GPA of 3.00.
• There is no class-level requirement
Application Process / Students must submit SOLS scholarship application and supporting documentation as one electronic file. More details are listed on the application form.
Award Summary / This award is for outstanding service to students, the School and/or the public. Service will have been completed outside of curricular requirements and will not have been done for academic credit.
Past Recipients / 2013: Katelyn Sainz
2012: Emilio Galan
2011: Michael Ammar
2010: Chidozie Odigwe
Savannah Christy
2009: Dhaval Gajjar
2007: Shujera Bhutta
2006: Taylor Jackson
2005: Ryan Childers
Brenda Flores
Sarah Lusk
Caitlin Schaninger
2004: Laura Simms
2003: Patricia Eck
2001: Jennifer Zachary
2000: Laura Wait and Shane Daley
1999: Brent Maddin
1998: Melanie Frazier and Lee McCoy
1997: Kirk J. Robertson
1996: Traci M. Main
Award Name / Jonathon Wade Psoras Award
Type / Award
Nominations Due / February 15, 2013
Awards Made / SOLS Scholarship and Awards Recognition Program, May 2013
Number of Awards / 1
Criteria for Award / • No GPA requirement
• No class level requirement
Application Process / Students must submit SOLS scholarship application and supporting documentation as one electronic file. More details are listed on the application form.
Award Summary / This award is for outstanding achievement in academic pursuits. It was established by the family of Jonathon Psoras, a Biology and Zoology student who died in 1987.
Past Recipients / 2013: Donna Evans
2012: Sarah Bruemmer
2011: Christy Ross
2010: Erica Heinrich
2009:Glenn Markov
Amber Neitzel
Hansa Thompson
2008: Bony Ahmed, Joshua Podlesvsky
2007: Christopher Altamirano
2006: Erin Gibbons, Olivia Knouff
2005: Benjamin Savitch
2004: Ryan Childers
2003: Kate Nuneau, Tricia Zubal
2001: Meghan Radtke
2000: Farshad Marvasti, Marsha Tallman (Honorable Mention)
1999: Matt Shindell; Alon Unger
1998: Jennifer Flood
1997: Erica Feuerbacher
1996: Tracy L. Skjerven
Scholarship Name / Ralph A. Fisher Jr. Scholarship Award
Type / Endowment
Nominations Due / February 15, 2013
Awards Made / SOLS Scholarship and Awards Recognition Program, May 2013
Number of Awards / 1
Criteria for Award / • The recipient must be an Arizona resident
• The recipient must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2
throughout the one year tenure of the award
• A junior level class standing is required at time of application
Application Process / Students must submit SOLS scholarship application and supporting documentation as one electronic file. More details are listed on the application form.
Scholarship Summary / The award is for demonstrated scholarship in Biology or Plant Biology. It was named in honor of the donor, Ralph A. Fisher, a 1951 graduate of the College of Education.
Past Recipients / 2013: Megan Best
Abeer Mousa
2012: Eris Lasku
2011: Nathalie Antonios
2010: Eric Moffet
Thomas Sanborn
2009: Lauren Imbornoni
2008: Amber Neitzel, Hang Pham
2007: Adrienne Azurdia; Brian Wojek
2006: Yevginiy Maruskenko
2005: Michelle Knight; Palak Patel
2004: Caitlin Schaninger
2003: Sandra Van Horn; Nancy Wu
2002: Laura Simms
2001: Elizabeth Gosnell
Scholarship Name / Danielle Aronson Memorial Scholarship
Type / Endowment
Nominations Due / February 15, 2013
Awards Made / SOLS Scholarship and Awards Recognition Program, May 2013
Number of Awards / 1
Criteria for Award / •Recipient must be a Junior of Senior
•Recipient should be majoring in Plant Biology or doing research using plant systems and plans to pursue advanced studies using plant systems. This might be plant-based research from any approach or scale, be it systematics, community or global ecology, physiology, development, biochemistry, molecular biology, etc.
Application Process / Students must submit SOLS scholarship application and supporting documentation as one electronic file. More details are listed on the application form.
Scholarship Summary / This award was created by a gift fund from Jerome Aronson and is presented to a meritorious, undergraduate student in Plant Biology or performing plant based research.
Past Recipients / 2013: Abraham Cadmus
2012: Sara Flubacher
2011: Dalia Larios
2010: Danika Setaro
2009: Tia Alquist
2008: Jacqueline Medrano
2007: Erin Manton
2006: Maura Yates
2005: Roxanne Rios
2004: Amy Novotny
2003: Ada Welsch
2002: Emily Marquardt
2001: Sarah Celestian
2000: Maria J. Wiehe
1999: Cyd E. Hamilton
1998: Karen V. Morris
Scholarship Name / Edward and Linda Birge Scholarship
Type / Endowment
Nominations Due / February 15, 2013
Awards Made / SOLS Scholarship and Awards Recognition Program, May 2013
Number of Awards / 2 undergraduates
Criteria for Award / •Preference will be given to Microbiology majors. If there are no qualified Microbiology applicants, then qualified applicants from any major in SoLS (main campus) will be considered
•Applicant must be a full-time student with sophomore status or higher at the time of application
- Preference is given first for microbiology students and then those SoLS students studying microbiology
- Preference is given for a first generation college student (please indicate if you are)
- Applicant must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0
Application Process / Students must submit SOLS scholarship application and supporting documentation as one electronic file. More details are listed on the application form.
Scholarship Purpose / The award was established by Dr. Edward Birge in the memory of his beloved mother, Linda Birge (1911-2002). Mrs. Birge was a first generation college student and was always supportive of educational pursuits.
Past Recipients / 2013: Indira Harahap
2012: Indira Harahap and Kashif Malik (Honorable Mention)
2011: Thomas Keller
2010: Sachin Nair
2009: Rene Tellez
2007: Terry Templeton
2006: Kyle Pacheoco
2005: Gabriela Coronado
2004: Rebin Kader
Award Name / John F. Schmidt Life Sciences Scholarship
Type / Endowment
Nominations Due / February 15, 2013
Awards Made / SOLS Scholarship and Awards Recognition Program, May 2013
Number of Awards / 1
Criteria for Award / •2.5 minimum GPA requirement
•Junior level class requirement
•Must be a full time student during the application and time of the award
Application Process / Students must submit SOLS scholarship application and supporting documentation as one electronic file. More details are listed on the application form.
Award Summary / This award is to recognize microbiology students. It was established by the Jean M. Schmidt, Professor in the School of Life Sciences and Associate Director of the Cancer Research Institute at ASU, in honor of her father John F. Schmidt. Jean remembers her father’s keen interest in science. It was his encouragement that led her to a career in science and higher education.
Past Recipients / 2013: Nisarg Patel
2012: William Bendall and Maria Lindseth (Honorable Mention)
School of Life Sciences Undergraduate Awards & Scholarships
Undergraduate Application Nomination Form
Application materials are to be submitted by February 15, 2013
Jonathan Wade Psoras Award
Ralph A. Fisher Jr. Scholarship Award
Danielle Aronson Memorial Scholarship
Edward and Linda Birge Scholarship
John F. Schmidt Life Sciences Scholarship
SOLS Outstanding Service Award
SOLS Undergraduate Research Scholarship
Outstanding Graduate, School of Life Sciences
Student of the Year in ______
(Please specify Biological Sciences, Animal Physiology, Genetics/Cell/Dev Biology, Conservation Biology & Ecology, Microbiology, MBB, or Biology & Society)
Please submit the following:
- This application form; (Please Type)
- An unofficial copy of your current transcript (NOT YOUR DARS);
- Resume and Cover Letter highlighting your achievements.
- A letter of recommendation from faculty.
For the SOLS Undergraduate Research Scholarship ONLY, please also include the following:
- A research proposal (5-6 pages in length) describing a plan of research for the following year, including a clear hypothesis and statement of the project significance
- A letter of recommendation from faculty who will supervise the research experience.
Please submit all application material in one file to:
You may need to scan your materials into one file if you cannot put these together in one file electronically. There are scanners in the computing commons at ASU. Failure to supply a complete application with all requested materials in electronic format may cause your scholarship to not be evaluated.
How scholarships and awards will be evaluated:
- Meeting criteria for each award
- Academic Achievements
- Extracurricular activities/interests/accomplishment
- Commitment to the Life Sciences
Student Name: ______Affiliate ID:______
Last Name, First Name (1000#)
Mailing Address:______
Street; City, State Zip code
Permanent email address: ______Telephone: ______
Major(s): ______
Circle Current Enrollment Status:
College Freshman / College Sophomore / College JuniorNon-Graduating Senior / Graduating Senior / Graduate Student
Total credit hours accumulated so far (include outside of ASU as well): ______
Credit hours planned to take for Fall 2013: ______Spring 2014: ______
Faculty recommendation: Below is the faculty member who has written a letter of recommendation for my application. The letter can be submitted with the student’s application or e-mailed directly to:
(Faculty’s Name & Academic Unit)
Applicant Signature: By signing below, I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. Further, I give the department/program permission to verify my academic record and share my academic record, application, and letters of recommendation with the scholarship committee. I understand the rules of the scholarships I’ve applied to and by not following them (such as not returning) I would be ineligible for the award. I also agree to allow the School of Life Sciences to publish my name and a photo of me if I was to be recognized as a scholarship or award winner.
Please Print Name Student applicant signature Date