Pub. 611 PUB. 611 REVISION SUMMARY (11/2011)

Publication 611 – Waste Management Guidance Manual

Original Issue Date: 06/2008, Rev. (0)

First Revision Date: 10/2009, Rev. (1)

Second Revision Date: 11/2011, Rev. (2)

The following summarizes revisions to Pub. 611. Non-substantive edits (grammatical and formatting) are not detailed in the provided list below:


·  Pollution Prevention Section (PPS) was changed to Strategic Environmental Management Program (SEMP) of the Bureau of Maintenance (BOM) due to recent Highway Administration Reorganization.

·  Removed Appendix B – PennDOT Source Reduction Strategy (2003) (SRS). SRS no longer required, as all PennDOT facilities are Conditionally-exempt Small Quantity Generators.

·  Revised Footer from Rev(1) 03/2010 to Rev(2) 11/2011

Section 4.0 Hazardous Waste Management

·  Added Attachment 4-1: EPA Form 8700-12 (referenced as Regulatory Waste Activity Form), in Section 4.2.4, pgs. 4-5, 4-6 for Episodic Generation and Subsequent Notification.

Section 5.0 Universal Waste NESHAP

Subsection 5.2.2 Lamps

·  Added sentence for used lamp collection: “Seal box ends with tape.”

·  Added Attachment 5-1: PennDOT Lamp Recycling Guidelines and Vendor List

Section 6.0 Residual Waste Management

·  Pg. 6-5, removed reference to Appendix B – Source Reduction Strategy, and clarified to contact SEMP for guidance, if necessary.

Section 7.0 Asbestos Bridge NESHAP

Subsection 7.1 – Background and Applicability

·  Pg. 7-1, Changed “our programmatic inspection” to “PennDOT’s NESHAP inspection program.”

Subsection 7.2 – Asbestos Management

·  Pg. 7-4, Changed “Programmatic Approach” to “Asbestos NESHAP Policy”

·  Added clarification for addressing contractor’s OSHA worker protection requirements (for List A Bridges).