
Woodland School PTO

April 15, 2009

President Caryn Mefford thanked participants for coming and called the meeting to order.

Secretary’s Report: Secretary Laura Dietzen distributed copies of the minutes from the last PTO meeting dated March 11, 2009. Diane Busch motioned to accept the minutes pending correction of a spelling error. Carol Sachtleben seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Jill Thompson presented the Treasurer’s report dated 4/1/2009. The statement balance as of that date was $18,659.77, with an available balance of $11,750.48. Cash inflow was negative (-$1.46) because a parent was reimbursed for a school shirt that was not received. Expenses were $7,489.01, primarily due to library improvement project expenditures.

Diane Busch made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. Tara Fox seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Principal’s Report: Principal Tara Fox reported:

·  Thanks to all who have helped the school social Jester Fest

·  Jordan Kranz is in remission and has started attending school on a limited basis.

·  Lifetouch will be doing school pictures next year and we will order school agendas through them at considerably cost savings (about $1 per agenda)

·  Thursday, April 16th is the District Awards Banquet. Caryn Mefford will receive an award for her volunteer efforts.

·  Progress reports go home on Friday, April 17th.

·  April 21st is the band concert

·  April 22nd is the drama performance for the 2nd graders

·  April 23rd is the AR luncheon

·  April 24th at 7:00 p.m. is the drama performance for family and friends

·  April 24th is the Student Council’s spirit day – 50’s day

·  May 1st is a Movie Night sponsored by Relay for Life

·  May 8th is Illinois Day

·  May 13th is the next PTO meeting

·  May 21st is the orchestra concert

·  May 27th the 5th graders visit their 6th-grade school

Committee Reports:

Box Tops – Tara Fox reported that an all-school cookout for Box Tops was probably not feasible.

Yearbook: Caryn Mefford reported that the yearbook order forms should be going out soon. Next year we will be using Lifetouch for our yearbook, due to problems encountered this year with Wagner.

School Kidz: Order forms should be going out soon.

Media Center Improvement Project: Caryn Mefford reported that the project is going well. Signs and a bulletin board will come next.

Nominating Committee: Caryn Mefford reported that most positions have been filled. A vote could not take place due to poor attendance at tonigtht’s meeting. We will vote on Committee Chairs at the next meeting.

Old Business:

By-Law Changes: Caryn Mefford reported having attended a PTO Forum meeting to discuss District-wide changes to the By-Laws and accounting procedures. These will be developed by the Forum and adopted by all PTOs to ensure consistency across schools. This group will also develop procedural manuals for Officers.

Children’s Hospital sent a note thanking the PTO for the donation of books to the cancer unit.

New Flag: No report

New Business:


Carol Sachtleben motioned to adjourn the meeting. Diane Busch seconded. Meeting was adjourned.