5th Year Book List 2016/17

Subject / Book And Publisher / Workbooks and other Materials needed
* Literacy Initiative / As part of our Literacy Initiative all students must purchase & have in school 3 suitable reading books of their choice
Irish / To be decided in September following Junior Cert results
English / Higher level:Hamlet ( EDCO). This is Poetry 2017Ordinary Levelthis is to poetry 2017-Forum. Play: Plough and the Stars. Comparative texts set by individual teachers during the year. Expressions (L.C for paper 1 book)-Forum publications / 3 x Hardbacks.
Nothing on written list / Ordinary Level: Texts and Tests 3) Higher Level: Texts and tests 4. : Texts and Tests 5. : Texts and Tests 6. Texts and Tests7. (these four books can be purchased together / Casio natural display calculator, Formulae and Tables book, mathematical set, Hardback A4 project maths graph copy(size).Geogebra App(free)
History / 1 Politics &Society in Northern Ireland 1949 -1993 – M.E.Collins (Edco). Sovereignty and Partition 1912-1949- me Collins(Edco) / 3 x A4 Hard backs
Geography / Planet& People second edition Core book
– Sue Honan &Sue Mulholland – Mentor / Planet &People core workbook – Mentor
2 x Hardback copies
French / Higher level: Mosaique (EDCO)9Keep)
(Sean McDermott, Edco). Grammaire Applique.
Ordinary LevelKeep 5th yr. text book, Cle a La Grammaire (educatie.ie) Bien Dit! / Oxford French Dictionary. Large Plastic Folder for Handouts/additional material
Religion / €15 contribution to Senior Programme expenses
Biology / Leaving Cert Biology (plus) – Michael O’Callaghan Edco-New edition / 2 xA4 Hard back. €30 for Ecology field trip1 homework copy
Physics / Leaving Certificate Physics plus edco (book). Practical Physics experiment workbook. / 2 x Large Hard Back Copy.
Business / It’s the Business – Joe Stafford/Seamus McGowan-EDCO / 1 x A4 Mesh Ziploc folder. 2 x A$ Manuscript copies
Spanish / La Pluma – Folens. Mirador – Edco (workbook)Vamos a Escuchar 2 –FolensHard Copy / A4 Copy, A4 folder with plastic pockets. Dictionary-hardcopy
DCG / DCG Solutions work book-Kora King can be bought in Whelehans central stores, portarlington. / A3 folder, adjustable set square, drawing kit and USB key
Guidance / Reach +(careers portal .ie) / €20 for book to be paid to office
Ag Science / Breaking Ground –m EDCO / Essential Agricultural Science Workbook-Folens
Construction Studies / Get Constructive. Educate .i.e. Eva Corcoran Sean King / Drawing set Hardback copy
Chemistry / Leaving Cert Chemistry Live Declan Kennedy, Folens 2nd Edition / Leaving Cert Chemistry Live workbook. Leaving Cert Chemistry Live Laboratory Notebook
Art / Appreciating Art for Leaving Cert – AineniChartaigh G&M / €20 Art materials (paid to teacher in sept). A4 Hardback ruled x 2
Accounting / Accounting For Senior Cycle – 3rd edition only Christy Tyrell&Davin Kelly edco / Exam papers edco. Revise Wise accounting –Higher Level. Hard back copy
LCVP / Making ItHappen – Caroline McHale-Folens / Hardback copy USB Key
Engineering / New Engineering Technology – Lawrence Smith Liam Hennessy EDCO / A4 Hardback copy & folder
Home Economics / Lifelines (2nd Edition) + workbook by Enright &Flynn (Folens / 1 x hardback copy, I x homework copy, A4 folder with plastic pockets.

We will be changing from Online Payments to using VSware for Parental Access form July 1st. You will be informed by text in the next few weeks of your username and password. When you log on to portlaoisecbs.vsware.ie you will view the list of possible payments you canmake through this online system. You can pay off the balance as you wish in your own time. Alternatively cash/cheque payments should be made to the Teacher in an envelope with the name, purpose and correct amount enclosed. Receipts will be issued in the school journal. All of these payments must be paid by September 15th 2015

Maura Murphy


Religion / €15
Biology / €30
Guidance / €20
Art / €20
Locker and Journal / €20