PTO Meeting Minutes April 6, 2017

Call to order- The PTO Meeting was called to order at 6:47 pm by PTO President Abby Groff.

Present- Abby Groff, Alicia Ressler, Bonnie Martin, Shannon Brittain, Jennifer Roberts, Brandy Derr, Debbie Adams, Patty Angst, and Linda Kibodeaux.

  1. Approval of Minutes- Motion to approve the minutes by Jennifer Roberts, seconded by Shannon Brittain.
  2. Treasurer’s Report- Alicia Ressler- Income- $8169.75 Gertrude Hawk deposit. Expenses Field Trips, fundraising Gift Cards and PSSA supplies $712.88

Detailed Report available.

  1. Student/Family Activities-
  1. Yearbook- Orders were collected. Mrs. Williams is able to sell 5 yearbooks.
  2. Recess Running- Will run next week every Tuesday and Thursday. We need volunteers at Marticville Middle School. Sign Up at Sign Up Genius link
  1. Garden Committee- No update available.
  2. Teacher Appreciation Week- Abby spoke with both PTOs. Pequea will have a sign up genius to contribute food items to their luncheon. Both Martic and Pequea have a luncheon along with mail trinkets in the teachers’ mail boxes. Possibly traveling Barista and donuts at Pequea. We would need to cover 5th and 6th grade at Marticville. Discussions of a bag lunch or gift card for coffee due to classes throughout the school.
  3. Olympic Day at Martic May 8th/Marticville May 10th- Dr. Janssen will need to borrow water coolers due to our orange coolers are missing. Possibility of purchasing cups for the water coolers. Brandy Derr will look into discount cups at DART container.
  4. Track and Field for 6th Grade-Shirt forms were sent home. If a student did not return their form, an estimated size would be given. The shirts will either be blue or gold, depending on what team they are on.
  5. 6th Grade Graduation Update- No update available.
  1. Fundraising-
  1. Possibility of having another sub sale to help prevent a short fall for the year. Jennifer Roberts could help run it. Two weeks to sell subs, two weeks later to have them delivered.
  2. Jennifer Roberts suggested a Yard Sale next year as a fundraiser, selling tables for a fee or maybe a carwash for 6th graders for their pay it forward. Discussion of possibly combining it with a Garden work day to have more people.
  3. Discussion of a creating a cookbook as a fundraiser
  4. Jake’s Fundraiser- No check payment as of yet.
  5. Tropical Smoothie- Earned $200.07
  1. Teacher’s Report- No teachers present.
  2. Principal’s Report- Mrs. Baker not present due to a schedule conflict. If anyone has any questions please contact her. The 6th grade committee will have a bus shuttle the students from the middle school to their picnic at the Conestoga Community Pool May 31st. The 6th Grade Graduation was moved to the afternoon on May 31st.
  3. Miscellaneous-
  1. Superintendent Meeting
  1. Dedication Ceremony- We will be unable to have both the meet the teacher night and the Dedication ceremony on the same day. The School Dedication will be the end of September on a weekend.
  2. Possibility of selling bricks or t-shirts for the ceremony.
  3. Possibility of Meet the Teacher Night over the summer so the children can get familiar with the school.
  1. Check from Jake’s- No check payment as of yet.
  2. Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs needed for next year- Book Fair, End of Year Picnic, Family Fun Movie Night, Giant A+ Rewards/Darrenkamps/Stauffer’s, Penny Extravaganza, Recess Running Club, 6th Grade Graduation, and Talent Show are some of the committees to be filled.
  3. July 12th is our target date for the school to be complete.
  4. August 8th the school furniture will be delivered.
  5. Thank you from Abby for all the volunteers that helped with the Gertrude Hawk fundraiser!

Meeting was adjourned at 7:34 pm by PTO President Abby Groff.

Next PTO meeting Thursday, May 4th at 6:45 pm at Pequea Elementary School.

Respectfully submitted,

Bonnie Martin

Assistant Secretary