Please remember to respect all other users of this venue clean up after your dog and use the bins provided.

Dogs must be kept on leads at all times, unless competing.

Lune Valley Dog Training Club would like to thank FITdogsfor all their help without which this trial would not have been possible.

Proceeds from this trial are to be donated to the Lune Valley Dog Training Club chosen Charities

(Wolfwood and Animal Care)

Your dog is vulnerable and AT RISK if left in a vehicle in high temperatures and even on days considered as slightly warm. Please take care of your dog. If your dog is found to be at risk forcible entry to your vehicle may be necessary without liability for any damage caused.


From North and South leave M6 at Junction 36. Follow signs for A65 to next roundabout, turn left towards Kendal A65. When you enter Crooklands take the left turn for Milnthorpe B6385 opposite the Crooklands Hotel. Follow the B6385 for approximately ½ mile and he show ground is on your right.

Venue will be signposted.

Schedule and Entry Form Format confirmed with Kennel Club

Lune Valley Dog Training Club

(in conjunction with Fitdogs)

Schedule of

Open RallyCompetition

(held under Kennel Club Ltd Rally Rules & RegulationsS)


Westmorland County Show Ground,Lane Farm,

Crooklands,Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7NH

THURSDAY 4th July 2013

Show Opens – 8.30am

Walk Through – 9.30am

Judging Starts –10.00am

All competitors to be booked in before 11.00am

The show will close ½ hour after all judging has been completed.

Entry Fees: £5.00 per dog per class


Chairman Margaret Pennington 74 Coastal Road, Hest Bank, Lancaster, LA2 6HQ

Secretary Lesley Alsop 2 Fulwood Drive, Morecambe, LA4 6QU Tel No: 01524 423010

Treasurer Brenda.Sandham The Launds, Cockerham, Lancaster LA2 0DU

Sue Parry 48 Kings Drive, Carnforth, LA5 9AG

Pam Ellwood 20 Redmayne Drive, Carnforth, Lancs. LA5 9XA

ENTRIES CLOSE: Monday 24thJune 2013(1st class postmark)

Entries to Heather Hillson

Show Secretary:24 Honiton Way, Cottam, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 0LW

Tel: 0780 171 6976 or Email

Vet Support: Westmorland Veterinary Group, Riverside Business Park,

Natland Road, Kendal, LA9 7SX – 01539 722692


Class LevelJudge

1 1aAngela White

2 1bFlo Williams

3 2a Flo Williams

4 2bJulie Barrett


ALL Judges to be confirmed by the Kennel Club

Awards gained in Special Level 3 are not counted towards any level qualifications or awards in any level.

Other judges will be appointed where necessary.

Class Rosettes – 1st – 6th place

Certificates for qualifying scores in all classes


A classes are for teams who are working towards earning their Level titles.

B classes are for teams that have earned their Level title in the A class.

NB: Once a team has earned their Level title in the A class, they may continue to compete in each Level they have titled in, but must do so in the B class. I.e a team who has never competed or has not earned a title must enter level 1A. However a team that has titled in level 1A can carry on competing in level1in the B stream, they can also compete in level 2A.

A team with RL2 title may compete in level 1B until the end of 2014 to gain the necessary qualifying

awards to enable them to compete in 2B.


Level 1 – Class A – Open to dogs which have not achieved three qualifying scores of 170 or better in standard level 1 Class A under two or more different judges.

Level 1 – Class B – Open to all dogs which have achieved a Level 1 Title, except those that have achieved a Level 2 Title.

Level 2 – Class A – Open to dogs which have achieved a Level 1 Title but have not achieved three qualifying scores of 170 or better in standard. Level 2 class A under two or more different judges.

Level 2 – Class B – Open to all dogs which have achieved a level 2 title, and have achieved 10 scores of 170 or higher in class 1B. Dogs which have achieved a Level 3 Title are not eligible for this class.


These rules and regulations are to be read in conjunction with the Kennel Club Rally Regulations S under which this show is licensed. It is the responsibility of everyone entering this show to make themselves familiar with the Kennel Club Rally Regulations, available from the Kennel Club.

  1. A dog must at the time of entry for the competition, be registered as required by Kennel Club Rules and Regulations in the owner’s name (or registration or transfer applied for). In the case of joint registered owners the full name of every registered owner must be given.

Where an owner makes an entry on behalf of another joint registered owner(s)or where an agent enters on behalf of a single or joint registered owner(s) such person must have the authority and consent from the single or joint registered A dog must, at the time of entry for the competition, be owner(s) to sign the entry form on their behalf thereby binding them all to Kennel Club Rules and Regulations. In the event of any dispute, evidence of such authority and consent will be required..

A dog acquired subsequent to entry having been made at a completion may compete as the new owner’s property provided that and application for the transfer has been forwarded to the Kennel Club before the Competition, and the new owner has undertaken to abide by the Regulations and conditions of the original entry form (and in accordance with the conditions set out above.

  1. In the event that the competition is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, the organisers/society will refund fees, less reasonably incurred expenses. On receipt of a stamped addressed envelope submitted within one month of the competition date. Fees will be returned in the form of a cheque.
  2. Not for Competition entries will be accepted for dogs aged four calendar months and over. Details of each dog must be recorded on the entry form and must be KC registered.
  3. The committee reserves to itself the right to refuse entries
  4. Should a judge be unable to fulfil their appointment the organiser reserves the right to appoint alternative judge.
  5. Only dogs of six calendar months of age and over on the first day of the competition are eligible to take part in level 1 classes. Only dogs of 12 calendar months of age and over on the first day of the competition are eligible to take part in Level 2 or Level 3 classes or special classes which incorporate jumps or similar exercises.
  6. Should circumstances so dictate the organiser, in consultation with the judges, may alter arrangements as necessary. Such changes will be reported to the Kennel Club.
  7. No person shall carry out punitive correction or harsh handling of any dog at any time within the precincts of the competition
  8. No competitor shall impugn the decision of the judge or Judges
  9. Judges’ discretion prevails and Judges’ decisions are final.
  10. It is the competitor’s responsibility to be available for their class and running order
  11. No Bitch in season is allowed to compete
  12. Competitors to report to Show Secretary’s desk to collect competition ring numbers and book in at the Score Stewards Table.
  13. After a dog has commenced competing in a class no substitution of handler is permitted in that class.
  14. For the duration of the competition and including those in the exercise area, all dogs must be on a lead except when competing or practising prior to competition.
  15. Food or toys shall not be carried in the ring or given to a dog whilst under test.
  16. The attention of competitors is drawn specifically to the Kennel Club Rally Competition regulations paragraphs 8, 16 and 18
  17. A dog cannot be entered in the same class more than once.
  18. Once a dog has entered the ring to compete, no further practice may be carried out.
  19. Welfare of Dogs – An exhibitor (or competitor) whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take all reasonable steps to ensure the need of their dog(s) are met, and should not knowingly put their dogs’ health and welfare at risk by any action, default omission or otherwise. A breach of this Regulation may be referred to the General Committee for disciplinary action under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations
  20. The mating of bitches within the precincts of the competition is forbidden
  21. Animals allowed in Event – No animal other than one officially entered shall be brought into the precincts of the event during its continuance, except any dogs registered to assist the disabled or dogs required for educational or instructional purposes or by permission of the General Committee. – However, at the discretion of the Host organisation, a dog brought to the show by a spectator may be admitted into the precincts of the competition, with the proviso that those in charge of the dog sign a declaration confirming the dog is free from disease and that the dog will be kept under proper control at all times.
  22. A Running order will be sent by email to the relevant competitors.

24A dog shall be disqualified and removed from the show if it is:-

  1. A bitch which is in season.
  2. Suffering from any infectious of contagious disease,
  3. Interfering with the safety of chance of winning of an opponent.
  4. Of such temperament or so much out of hand as to be a danger to the safety of any person or other animal
  5. Likely to cause suffering to the dog if it continues competing.

25Dogs must be shown in a flat buckle or snap collar only.

26No prize money is on offer at this show.

27Adults are responsible for all children in their care and must ensure they are supervised at all times.

28No tents or camping stoves are allowed on the whole of the area known as Westmorland Courty Show Ground. Without permission from the show management

29.Move ups from ‘A’ to ‘B’ streams will be allowed on the day of the show