PTA Agenda/Minutes – East Elementary October 6, 2016

Attendees: Jess Mastriana, Denise Robbins, Lindsay Osika, Gloria Acevedo, Wendy Scott, Tammy Aguilar, Bobbi Gravatt, Sarah Bedwell, Nancy Shields, Sarah Morriss

Welcome & Thanks for coming

Introductions – Everyone

Treasurer’s Report(s)–Lindsay Osika – Balance Aug. 31 $3449.44

Total Income $305 ($250 from Yearbook sponsor and $55 from membership dues)

Total Expenses - $410.52 ($290.52 Bounce house, $120 food for back to school picnic)

Current Balance - $3409.44

Proposed budget meeting– Lindsay and Jess. See attached

No Principal’s Report-Mr. D not present

Old/On-going/New Business- Jess

Fall fundraiser was distributed. All orders/money due on October 19 with delivery estimated around November 16. Includes a coloring contest that Mrs. Quinn was happy to help collect for us. No need to sell to participate. Picking a winner from each grade to winan art related prize. Fundraiser company to furnish a gift card to purchase prizes. Added a more personalized flyer with a donation option. Mrs. Quinn has already received a number of coloring pages and prizes will be given per grade level. Suggested by Nancy to send a reminder instead of participation. Jess will ask Mr. D for an all call.

Try to get a start on acquiring yearbook sponsors. See Jess for donation request letter. $100 donation to cover entre yearbook cost we need about 30 sponsors. Anyone can donate, not just businesses. Add should be business card size.

Fall ball is scheduled for October 21 from 6 pm to 8 pm. We will need help decorating. Collecting admission, snack tables, photo ops. Will need to purchase water and snacks. Will send requests for baked donations. Flyer will be sent home in Wed. folder, RSVP raffle, Mr.Kircher and Mr. Thomas will be the DJs. Ideas/thoughts/Volunteers? Jess will be here at 2 pm. People start arriving by 5:30, we need 3-4 people at the door, 2-3 at face painting, 1-2 at photo booth, 2-3 at water and snack table. Will ask members for baked goods. In past broke even, Hope to make a profit. DJ charged $400, Mr. T & Mr. K. $200. Nancy offered to assist with collection/food.

1st marking period PBS celebration, Oct. 28, popcorn and drinks so no allergy issues. Jess will order popcorn. Gloria available to help if needed.

Box Tops – Jess asked to consider giving an individual incentive for children who turn in a sheet of 25? Jess shared that Central gives Ice Cream Vouchers for full sheets, cost could be absorbed by Box Tops funds or PTA. Teachers suggested using Spartan Bucks. There’s no additional expense. To be discussed at PLC.

Mrs. Scott shared that Mr. D discussed how to handle the funds with thee Leadership Team would be further discussing with faculty and staff at meeting on Friday. For now, go ahead distribute flyers and collection sheets to collect and track for each class. Gloria will leave 25 per class in teacher mailboxes with extras below.

Teachers explained that most grades used the funds to supplement field trips. Commercial buses are used for the long trips such as Washington, DC and cost approximately $2000 each. Although supplemented still $22.50 per child. Nancy asked if PTA would be willing to supplement also. Other suggestions were the use of DART buses for State Parks and other local trips, such as end of the year bowling. Gloria to check on possible use of DART buses.

Jess recalled that in the past, Brie Gannon had written up something for grants and would touch base with her to see how this could be done.

Shoe drive? Big success in past years. Jess will have to check with Mrs. Argo for her assistance.

Spirit Wear? Selling hoodies, maybe Tervis?

Dinner for staff for November conferencesfor Monday before Thanksgiving. Teachers expressed that Capriotti’s was much appreciated. Jess will set up.

Glow Party – Lindsay explained how it was done at Star Hill and raised $20,000. Will find out all details. It was discussed possibly doing for Spring Fling.

East Night Out at Frederica Pizza coming soon.

Additional Ideas, Concerns, Questions

Meeting Adjourned