● Psyhoanalytic Profile derived from HTP, DAP, DAF
Mindtality performs Psychological Profiling with Artificial Intelligence Technology.
Name : / UnSubHigh School ID No:
Age : / 8.0 years old
Gender : / male
Date Assessed : / Sept. 27, 2010
(This is a sample report & to show form; for confidentiality
the name of test-taker and substance have been altered )
Norm Group Combined-Gender
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"MINDTALITY Version Five Point Six" is a registered trademark
Identified Possible Challenges based from Global Impressions
The subject possibly feels small, inadequate or even rejected and may respond with feelings of insecurity. This may be a result of some negative state of the family affairs.;
There seems to be repression of instinctual energy and social isolation.;
There is extreme overemphasis of the head and several possible impressions come to fore:
- Depression and adoption of social isolation;
- Social and emotional maladjustment;
- Intellectualization may be adopted as a defense mechanism. This would mean that the subject would possibly become unemotional or withdrawn or minimize his reactions.;
Depersonalization seems to be most strongly emphasized as the overall and diffused psychologically issue and may be considered a medium problematic psychological disorder. This sometimes occurs,say due to a deteriorating of condition in the home or due to depression. Or, this also occurs after life threatening experiences such as accident, surgery, assault, injury, or trauma. ;
The subject child, UnSub, should be observed on whether he expressesan attitude that is cerebrally controlled, over rational and unemotional. In short, it is possible, if this case is indeed true, that UnSub would respond accordingly intellectual and dominantly non affective.;
In a condition of depersonalization, there will be a range of degrees of apparent effect in emotions and behavior. It is additionally characterized by change in how an affected individual perceives or experiences his sense of self. The usual sense of one's own reality is temporarily lost or changed. A feeling of detachment from, or being an outside observer of one's mental processes or body occurs such as the sensation of being in a dream. This phenomena involves:
- A lasting or recurring feeling of being detached from the patient's own body.;
- Throughout the experience, the patient knows this is not really the case. Reality experience is intact.;
- The phenomenon may cause distress or impairs schoolwork, social or personal functioning.;
- The experience doesn't occur solely in the course of another mental disorder such as Acute Stress Disorder, Panic Disorder or even rare Dissociative Disorders such as dissociative identity disorder (dual personality ) and dissociative amnesia disorder . ;
- Depersonalization seems to be strongly emphasized as the overall and diffused psychologically issue and may be considered a medium problematic psychological disorder. This sometimes occurs, say due to a deteriorating of condition in the home. Or, this also occurs after life threatening experiences such as accident, surgery, assault, injury, or trauma. ;
In stretching the realm of possibilities in order to be thorough and also because the foregoing emphasized possibility of depersonalization, UnSub, may possibly at times resortto temporary fantasy domination. The reason I stretch to this possibility is because UnSub’s drawings seem to point to certain fantasies such as “alien”-like or perhaps to certain temporary belief states. By alien-like may possibly mean the belief of possessing abilities of higher level communication.;
UnSub also seems to have strong anxieties over the self-belief that he may have intellectual or neural organic challenges. Whether such challenges make UnSub believe or sense consciously or unconsciously of having an intellectual disadvantage or the opposite – ( an enormous high intellectual advantage) or of having a brain organic problem may overall be true or be just a perception.;
Finally, please investigate if the subject child comes from a broken home or unhappy home where the relationship between mother and father is not totally warm. The drawings indicate that it may be possible that the child’s family is not well integrated or there is no warm relationship.
There seems to be multiple drawing constructs that simultaneously indicate withdrawal from reality, withdrawal from people, desire to hear as little, shunning criticism, and possibly refusal to hear.;
There also seems to be indication that possibly, UnSub, has some anger-aggression tendency. This anger-aggression may be overtly demonstrated or silently internalized. This may be a clue to the source of the possible depersonalization. The cause, therefore, may possible be an unpleasant event that has elicited an emotion of anger. A dysfunctional home or breakdown of the home for example is a kind of event that would cause an internalized form of anger in a child.;
There is possible indication of frustration within UnSub of the inability to solve his current difficulties.
There is possible anxiety or frustrations over the perceived financial conditions or career issues of the within the family environment.
Strengths or positive issues
UnSub is such an intellectualizer and would be capable of high intelligence.;
The subject may have a very strong identification and preferred subconscious love for the father. Such a preference may indicate an anxiety over the maternal parent and may even indicate a misplaced blame or a justified blame of sorts towards the maternal parent. It is possible that the father has dichotomy wishes or values with regards to mate relationships while the maternal partner may have decision challenges. The point is UnSub is deep inside capable of strong love for a parent even though not possibly manifested.
Structuredness and may even be intolerant of disorder. This would possibly imply that UnSub would be potentially conscientious with his schoolwork specially if he learns to resolve his sources of severe anxiety ; .
Although UnSub may not manifestly show all his emotions, internally, he is a normal emotion focused child. It is just that he may not wish to show his emotions for the moment.;
Similarly, although UnSub has the tendency not to express feelings, he is a normal child in terms of wanting attention and being idealistic about life.
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"MINDTALITY Version Five Point Six" is a registered trademark
Development Opportunities
The depersonalization issue is overall the most important possible challenge. It may seem that all the other psychological challenges are very possibly related to this root disorder for UnSub. Psychotherapy as well as behavioral therapy has been easily successful in treating those suffering even the most severe chronic type of Depersonalization Disorder. There is no single form of psychotherapy that is solely effective in treating the disorder, rather the therapist treats the symptoms as part of a greater issue involving either depression from a breakdown of the home, past trauma or stress of the patient. Often when a therapist works with the patient in dealing directly with those issues, symptoms of DPD begin to dissipate quite rapidly and eventually vanish forever. For this reason this disorder is considered only as a moderately severe condition.
There are various psychotherapies that are appropriate:
- Cognitive techniques can help block obsessive thinking about the unreal state of being.
- Behavioral techniques can help patients engage in tasks that distract them from the depersonalization.
- Grounding techniques use the 5 senses (eg, by playing loud music or placing a piece of ice in the hand) to help patients feel more connected to themselves and the world and more real in the moment.
- Psychodynamic therapy focuses on underlying conflicts that make certain affects intolerable to the self and thus dissociated.
- Moment-to-moment tracking and labeling of affect and dissociation in therapy sessions works well for some patients.
UnSub may not necessarily be considered as overtly different from other kids. He may considered as a potentially gifted intelligent child. Since he would be most possibly interested in intellectual activity, the parents ( if available ) are encouraged to be often present to provide attention and affection even if there are stresses between the parents. The parents could reach out to UnSub by means of providing intellectual related material provisions and engaging in activities and in exchange of ideas based on academic topics and life philosophical discussions. Here, UnSub would be encouraged best to finally and gradually improve.
Naturally, one of the best ways to bringing UnSub back to mainstream functionality would be to either concentrate in removing the stressor or sources of depression/anxiety and/or to guide UnSub to acceptance or understanding of the negative situation through cognitive therapy. Prognosis is excellent even for a severe chronic condition.
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"MINDTALITY Version Five Point Six" is a registered trademark