Foundation Stage Curriculum Letter
w/c Monday 16th January 2017
Night time theme - ‘Owls’
The children really enjoyed listening and responding to the story ‘Owl Babies’ last week. They already know a few facts about owls, so this week in literacy we are going to read a non-fiction (information) text about owls to find out more about them. We will be:
· Labelling the parts of an owls body and finding out what each part is used for
· Finding facts about their territory, food, babies and night time / day time habits
Activities on offer during continuous provision this week, relating to our ‘Owl’ theme include:
· Creating an image of an owl using a selection of collage materials
· Painting a night time / owl scene
· Exploring the app ‘Scratch Draw’ on the Kindle Fires
· Re-telling the story of ‘Owl Babies’ using puppets in the small world area
These activities are in addition to the continuous provision which is always on offer – sand, water, reading corner, writing area, maths area, laptops, construction, dough, home corner, stage, musical instruments, crates and planks, physical area, wheeled area and garden – there is so much to choose from!
In maths we are focusing on position, direction and movement. We will be:
· Describing the position of Teddy (under, on top, next to, behind, in front, on the left, on the right)
· Programming a Beebot to travel forwards, backwards, left and right
As a homework task could you please find a fun but safe place at home or in the garden and take a photo of your child in that place. This is to encourage them to recognise and use language such as under, on top, in between, next to, inside, behind, in front. For example ‘Sam is under the bed,’ or Tom is in between his teddy and his toy car. The photos can be sent in via the schools dojo app.
Next week (week commencing 23rd January) we will be visited by a representative from the hedgehog rescue centre in Appleby. He will teach us all about hedgehogs and how we can help if we find a hedgehog in our garden. He is also bringing in a hedgehog for us to meet! The talk costs £30 with all monies going towards the hedgehog rescue centre. We kindly ask each child to send in a voluntary contribution of 50p towards this.
Could we also remind parents to send in any contributions towards snack (50p per week) This does enable the children to try different foods and also make their own snack. Jam sandwiches were very popular last week!