Psychosocial Aspects of Hearing Impairment and Counseling

Psychosocial Aspects of Hearing Impairment and Counseling

Chapter 2

Psychosocial Aspects of Hearing Impairment and Counseling

Test Bank

Instructions: Please have students select the best answer for each multiple choice problem.

1 Erikson’s (1968) theory of personality development states that ______.

A.Personality develops across the life span, requiring mastery of tasks during certain stages of life individual is predisposed to certain patterns of thought

C.personality results from primary, secondary, common, and cardinal traits

D.self-actualization is the highest achievement

E.none of the above

Correct answer: A

Answer found on page: 30

Level of difficulty: 3

2.According to Erikson (1968), what is the stage for adolescence (12 to 18 years)?

A.Industry vs. Inferiority

B.Identity vs. Role/Identity Confusion

C.Intimacy vs. Isolation

D.None of the above

Correct Answer: B

Answer found on page: 31 (Table 2.1)

Level of Difficulty: 3

3.Professional-centered approach is characterized by clinicians ______.

A.empathetically listening, giving unconditional positive regard, presenting counselor congruence, and listening with concern

B.asking the questions, being in control, and accepting responsibility for making all professional decisions regarding the needs of the patient and family

C.making decisions based upon the client’s affective statements

D.making recommendations based upon the client’s requests

E.None of the above

Correct answer: B

Answer found on page: 39

Level of difficulty: 3

4.Counselor congruence is the clinician ______.

A.sharing an opinion with the patient

B.making recommendations based upon the client’s needs

C.accepting the client’s values, regardless of the clinician’s opinion

D.matching his or her body language to his or her statements

E.none of the above

Correct answer: D

Answer found on page: 39

Level of difficulty: 3

5.Cross-professional competence is ______.

A.having some knowledge base of other professionals’ skills

B.referring to another professional when necessary

C.executing services within one’s scope of practice together with other professionals for positive patient outcomes

D.teaching other professionals how to insert/remove hearing aids

E.none of the above

Correct answer: C

Answer found on page: 41

Level of difficulty: 3

6.Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true?

A.Patients recall information that is presented first more readily than information presented last.

B.Patients retain more information when small amounts of information are given at a time.

C.Patients recall more information when it is presented in an unorganized fashion.

DPatients retain more information when it is presented in a complex manner.

E.A and B

Correct answer: E

Answer found on page: 43 (Table 2.3)

Level of difficulty: 3

7.Which of the following statements is false?

A.Patients retain more when receiving information in a moderately anxious state than in a calm or indifferent state.

B. Patients who are 65 years of age and older are generally able to recall more information than patients in their 40s.

C.Patients are more likely to remember information when they are in a mood similar to the one in which they initially were presented with the facts.

D.Patients who have some familiarity with hearing loss will retain more information than those without prior hearing loss experience.

E.None of the above

Correct answer: E

Answer found on page: 43 (Table 2.3)

Level of difficulty: 3

8.The explicit method of categorization involves presenting information in the following order: ______.

A. recommendations, diagnosis, test results, prognosis

B.test results, diagnosis, recommendations, prognosis

C.diagnosis, test results, recommendations, prognosis

D.prognosis, test results, diagnosis, recommendations

E.none of above

Correct answer: A

Answer found on page: 44

Level of difficulty: 3

9.Patients retain more information when it is presented ______. verbal and written form general, rather than specific a complex format

D.with little organization

E.none of the above

Correct answer: A

Answer found on page: 43 (Table 2.3)

Level of difficulty: 3

10.In Harvey’s explanation of the “wheel of change” model, the stage described as determination is when patients ______.

A.are still in denial about their problems

B.are more open to change than resistant to it

C.take steps to change

D.choose to not continue the effort to change

E.none of the above

Correct answer: C

Correct answer found on pages: 44–45

Level of difficulty: 3

11. A communication mismatch occurs when ______.

A.patients verbally express needs, usually emotional, that are not identified or met by clinicians

B.patients verbally express needs that are identified or met by clinicians

C.clinicians match their body language to what they saying

D.patients’ words match their feelings

E.none of the above

Correct answer: A

Answer found on page: 38

Level of difficulty: 3

12. Which is an example of personal adjustment counseling?

A.Dr. Trenoth providing a list of referral sources

B.Dr. Trenoth telling Debbie about prevalence of hearing loss in young children

C.Dr. Trenoth discussing amplification options while Debbie was in shock

D.Dr. Trenoth assuring Debbie that she did not cause her son’s hearing loss

E.None of the above

Correct answer: D

Answer found on page: 38

Level of difficulty: 3

13. Empathetic listening is ______.

A.accepting patients, their values, and their decisions regardless of your own background views

B.matching verbal statements to body language

C.hearing what patients are saying and relating to their feelings

D.providing information to patients that the patients need

E.none of the above

Correct answer: C

Answer found on page: 39

Level of difficulty: 3

14.Which of the following factors is not consistent with non-professional counseling?

A.Focus on the here and now

B.No searches for causes or etiologies

C.Discipline-specific to auditory rehabilitation

D.Focus on restructuring personality

E.None of the above

Correct answer: D

Answer found on page: 40

Level of difficulty: 3

15.The amount of information that patients are likely to remember is least likely to be affected by ______.

A.familiarity with hearing loss


C.age of anxiety

E.none of the above

Correct answer: B

Answer found on page: 43

Level of difficulty: 3

16. Which is an example of informational counseling?

A.Describing the audiogram

B.Showing parents how to take care of their child’s hearing aid

C.Explaining early intervention services

D.A and B

E.All of the above

Correct answer: E

Answer found on pages: 43–44

Level of difficulty: 3

17.The method of explicit categorization is presenting topics in the following order: ______.

A.recommendations, diagnosis, test results, and prognosis

B.diagnosis, test results, recommendations, and prognosis

C.test results, diagnosis, recommendations, and prognosis

D.diagnosis, test results, prognosis, and recommendations

E.none of the above

Correct answer: A

Answer found on page: 44

Level of difficulty: 3

18.In the “wheel of change” model, determination is the stage in which patients ______.

A.are still in denial about their problems

B.are more open to change than they are resistant to change

C.take steps to change

D.must sustain their efforts to change

E.none of the above

Correct answer: B

Answer found on page: 44

Level of difficulty: 3

19.Problem recognition ______.

A.demonstrates a desire to change

B.indicates uneasiness about a particular condition

C.acknowledges the existence of a significant issue

D.expresses a belief in one’s ability to accomplish a goal

E.none of the above

Correct answer: C

Answer found on page: 45

Level of difficulty: 3

20. Which is an example of a degree of self-efficacy motivational statement?

A.“I didn’t realize that I had that much of a hearing loss.”

B.“I believe hearing aids will help solve my problem.”

C.“I want to reduce the tension between me and my family.”

D.“I’m worried that my hearing loss will get worse over time.”

E.None of the above

Correct answer: B

Answer found on page: 45

Level of difficulty: 3

21.Which of the following is an example of an open-ended question?

A.How many years have you had a hearing loss?

B.What style of hearing aid do you prefer?

C.Can you tell me about your frustrations caused by your hearing loss?

D.All of the above

E.None of the above

Correct answer: C

Answer found on pages: 44–45

Level of difficulty: 3

22.Which technique do clinicians use to find out the roles played by significant others in the patient’s life?


B.Circular questioning

C.Reflective listening

D.Informational counseling

E.None of the above

Correct answer: B

Answer found on page: 46

Level of difficulty: 3

23.A chart that assists audiologists and patients to make a decision by writing down pros and cons of selecting different options is an example of using ______.

A.a motivational interviewing protocol

B.circular questioning

C.the method of explicit categorization

D.a decisional balance sheet

E.none of the above

Correct answer: D

Answer found on page: 48

Level of Difficulty: 3

True and False Questions

Instructions: Please have students put “T” for true or “F” for false for each of the statements below.

1._____ Maladaptive behaviors are destructive coping mechanisms that can interfere with parenting and auditory habilitation.

Correct answer: T

Answer found on page: 31

Level of difficulty 1

2.______Generativity versus stagnation is Erikson’s stage for persons over 60 years of age.

Correct answer: T

Answer found on page: 31

Level of difficulty: 1

3._____ The “Hearing Aid Effect” is the stigma of wearing hearing aids.

Correct answer: T

Answer found on page: 33

Level of difficulty: 1

4._____ Roughly 50% of persons with hearing loss seek help for their problem through use of hearing aids.

Correct answer: F

Answer found on page: 35

Level of difficulty: 1

5._____ “Listening with the third ear” means doing so with the heart.

Correct answer: T

Answer found on page: 38

Level of difficulty: 1

6._____ Unconditional positive regard is accepting patients and their families “warts and all.”

Correct answer: T

Answer found on page: 39

Level of difficulty: 1

7._____ Cross-professional competence is the ability to serve a diverse patient population and their family members in providing intervention that is both relevant to their culture yet functional in the mainstream of society.

Correct answer: F

Answer on found on page: 41

Level of difficulty: 1

8._____ Precontemplation is the stage on which patients are ambivalent in that they acknowledge a problem but are resistant to change.

Correct answer: F

Answer found on page: 44

Level of difficulty: 1

9._____ The statement, “I didn’t realize that I had that much of a hearing loss,” is an example of a motivational statement showing problem recognition.

Correct answer: T

Answer found on page: 45

Level of difficulty: 1

10._____ Maintenance is the stage in which patients choose not to continue the effort to change, and return to the original state.

Correct answer: F

Answer found on page: 45

Level of difficulty: 1

11._____ The order of stages in the “wheel of change” model are precontemplation, contemplation, action, determination, maintenance, and relapse.

Correct answer: F

Answer found on pages: 44–45

Level of difficulty: 1

12._____ Degree of self-efficacy expresses a belief in one’s ability to accomplish a goal.

Answer found on page: 45

Level of difficulty: 1

13._____“Let me see if I understand what you are saying” is an example of reflective listening.

Correct answer: T

Answer found on page: 46

Level of difficulty: 1

14._____ Affirmations include statements of appreciation, understanding, and compliments that validate patients.

Correct answer: T

Answer found on page: 46

Level of difficulty: 1

15._____ Loved ones may become codependent if they do things that “rescue” their loved ones with hearing loss by repeating missed information, filling in the gaps in a conversation, or avoiding social situations.

Correct answer: 1

Answer of page: 49

Level of difficulty: 1

Essay Questions

Instructions: Please answer the following questions as completely as you can.

1.Discuss the psychosocial effects of congenital and acquired hearing loss in relation to Erikson’s (1968) model of personality development.

Answer found on pages: 30–33

Level of difficulty: 7

2.Define the “Hearing Aid Effect” and summarize relevant research findings.

Answer found on pages: 33–37

Level of difficulty: 6

3.Compare and contrast the following:

A.Informational versus personal adjustment counseling

B.Professional-centered versus client-centered approaches

C.Professional versus non-professional counseling

Answer found on pages: 37–42

Level of difficulty: 6

4.Define and give examples for the following counseling techniques.

A.Method of explicit categorization

B.“Wheel of change model”

C.Motivational interviewing protocol

D.Circular questioning

E.Decisional balance sheet

Answer found on pages: 44–48

Level of difficulty: 6

5.Please discuss how patient characteristics, mode of presentation, and clinician factors affect patients’ retention of information.

Answer found on pages: 42–44

Level of difficulty: 5

6.Please discuss techniques for dealing with codependency and hearing loss.

Answer can be found on pages: 48–50

Level of difficulty: 6