Student ID:
PsychologyTeachingRequirements(Grades 5-12)
University of Montana
For an endorsement in the major teaching field of Psychology, a student must complete the requirements for the B.A. degree with a major in Psychology, General option (see the Department of Psychology and below). Individuals holding a baccalaureate degree must meet these requirements by completing the courses listed below or demonstrate course equivalency. The Psychology Teaching major does not qualify as a single field endorsement.The demand for teaching in this field is limited. The required second endorsement (either a teaching major or a teaching minor) should be in a field in high demand.
Psychology Teaching MAJOR Requirements
Course Titles / Maj. / Term. / Grade / Approved Substitute / Institution / Credits / GradePSYX 100S (PSYC 100S) Introduction to Psychology / 4
PSYX 120 (PSYC 120) Introduction to Psychological Research / 3
PSYX 222 (PSYC 220) Psychological Statistics / 3
Choose two (2) of the following courses:
PSYX 270S (PSYC 260S) Fundamental Psychology of Learning / 3
PYSX 280S (PSYC 265S) Fund of Memory & Cognition / 3
PSYX 250N(PSYC 270N) Fund of Biological Psychology / 3
Choose four (4) of the following courses:
PSYX 230S (PSYC 240S) Developmental Psychology / 3
PSYX 233 (PSYC 245) Fund of Psychology of Aging / 3
PSYX 340S (PSYC 330S) Abnormal Psychology / 3
PSYX 360S (PSYC 350S) Social Psychology / 3
PSYX 385S (PSYC 351S) Psychology of Personality / 3
PSYX electives – a minimum of 12 credits of which at least 9 credits must be at the 200-level or higher
EDU 497 Methods: 5-12 Social Studies (coreq EDU 395) / 3
Choose one (1) of the following courses:
M 115 (Math 117) Probability & Linear Mathematics / 3
M 162 (Math 150) Applied Calculus / 4
M 171 (Math 152) Calculus I / 4
Total Credits / 46-47
Department Advisor Signature for Student TeachingDate Major GPA
Name:Student ID:
Psychology Teaching Requirements(Grades 5-12)
University of Montana
For an endorsement in the minor teaching field of Psychology, a student must complete the courses in the minor teaching field listed below or demonstrate course equivalency.NOTE: Teaching minors require completion of a teaching major in another field.
Psychology Teaching MINOR Requirements
Course Titles / Minor / Term / Grade / Approved Substitute / Institution / Credits / GradePSYX 100S (PSYC 100S) Introduction to Psychology / 4
PSYX 120 (PSYC 120) Introduction to Psychological Research / 3
PSYX elective credits / 3
Choose one (1) of the following:
PSYX 230S (PSYC 240S) Developmental Psychology / 3
PSYX 360S (PSYC 350S) Social Psychology / 3
PSYX 385S (PSYC 351S) Psychology of Personality / 3
Choose one (1) of the following:
PSYX 378S (PSYC 335S)Introductionto Clinical Psychology / 3
PSYX 340S (PSYC 330S) Abnormal Psychology / 3
PSYX 345 (PSYC 336) Child & Adolescent Psych Disorders / 3
PSYX 376 (PSYC 337) Prin of Cogn Behavior Modification / 3
Choose two (2) of the following:
PSYX 270S (PSYC 260S) Fund Psychology of Learning / 3
PSYX 280S (PSYC 265S) Fund of Memory & Cognition / 3
PSYX 250N (PSYC 270N) Fund of Biological Psychology / 3
PSYX 356 (PSYC 371) Human Neuropsychology / 3
PSYX 352 (PSYC 372) Comparative Psychology / 3
EDU 497 Methods: 5-12 Social Studies (coreq. EDU 395) / 3
Total Credits / 25
Department Advisor Signature for Student Teaching Date Minor GPA