Psychology SyllabusMrs. Lori oom 117

Course Description:

This course focuses on individual behavior and why an individual thinks, feels, and reacts to certain stimuli. Majoremphases will be placed on research methods, stages in childhood and adolescence development, how the brain works, altered statesof consciousness, psychological testing, and psychological disorders.

Note: This course requires supplemental reading and strong critical thinking skills.

Course Objectives:

Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

_ Identify major contributors to the field of Psychology.

_ Apply the scientific method to a variety of psychology topics including research strategies, assessment instructions and ethical issues in the context of Catholic Identity.

_ Apply major theories involving the stages of development (from infancy through adulthood) to their own lives as well asthose around them.

_ Outline the principles involved in sensation and perception.

_ Recall and explain the cognitive theorists’ approach to the study of emotions.

_ Identify ways of measuring test standardization, reliability, and validity.

_ Explain the various views of intelligence.

_ Describe and evaluate the major schools of personality theory.

_ Summarize the major causes, symptoms, treatment, and prognoses of various psychological disorders. _ _ Demonstrate a mastery of the various theories pertaining to Social Psychology.

Required Materials:

_ Notebook Paper_ Composition Notebook

Viewing and reading excerpts from:

_ Reviving Ophelia (Mary Pipher)-the made for TV movie


_ A Beautiful Mind-Ed Harris, (A Ron Howard Film)

Course Outline:

_ Approaches to Psychology (including Research Methods and Statistics)

_ The Life Span (Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood)

_ The Workings of the Mind and Body (Altered States of Consciousness, Sensation, and Perception)

_ Learning and Cognitive Processes

_ Personality and Individuality

_ Adjustment and Breakdown (Psychological Disorders and Therapy)

_ Social Psychology (Social Influence and Sports Psychology)

Major Assignments:

_ Videos of Life (outline your own life from infancy through adolescence via pictures and PP slides that are set to yourown music) (Chapters 3-4)

_ Dream Log & Analysis Paper (Chapter 7)

_ Traits Project (Chapter 14)

_Fractured Fairy Tales (Chapters 16)

_ Final Project: Research a famous person of your choice (actor, singer, pro-athlete, author, etc.) Researchincludes the reading of at least one biography or autobiography, and four other sources. Analyze the person’s lifeby applying ALL psychological concepts covered in class.